UNCLE BUCK Clip - "Who Are You?" (1989) John Candy
Miles : You have much more hair in your nose than my Dad. (ずっとたくさんの・・・比較級の強調)
Buck : How nice of you to notice.
Miles : I'm a kid - that's my job.
Daily Dialogue — February 21, 2019
Miles: Where do you live?
Buck: In the city.
Miles: You have a house?
Buck: Apartment.
Miles: Own or rent?
Buck: Rent.
Miles: What do you do for a living?
Buck: Lots of things.
Miles: Where’s your office?
Buck: I don’t have one.
Miles: How come?
Buck: I don’t need one.
Miles: Where’s your wife?
Buck: Don’t have one.
Miles: How come?
Buck: It’s a long story.
Miles: You have kids?
Buck: No I don’t.
Miles: How come?
Buck: It’s an even longer story.
Miles: Are you my dad’s brother?
Buck: What’s your record for consecutive questions asked?
Miles: 38.
Buck: I’m your dad’s brother, all right.
Miles : You have much more hair in your nose than my Dad.
Buck : How nice of you to notice.
Miles : I'm a kid - that's my job.
— Uncle Buck (1989), written by John Hughes

The Daily Dialogue theme for the week: Interrogation
Trivia: During Miles’ interrogation of Uncle Buck, John Candy wrote out the script’s dialogue, and wore it atop his head so Macaulay Culkin could read the lines more quickly, and keep the pace of the scene very fast.
Dialogue On Dialogue: A comedic variation on an interrogation scene.
< Memorable Quotes 編>Memorable Quotes その①
これは、 Tia (姉)と Maizy (妹)の会話です。 Tia は「テーブルでは、みんなが食事をするのよ。」と言っているのに、 Maizy は「人はお皿の上で食べるのよ。」というジョークではないけど、 Maizy がまじめに言っているところがかわいかったです。
crap: 愚かな考え、たわごと
swear: ののしり
Tia : Get your bag off the table. People eat there.
Maizy : They eat on plates.
Tia : Don't give me any crap, Maizy.
Maizy : I'm telling. You said "crap".
Tia : There's nothing wrong with crap. That's a swear.
Maizy : No. You're thinking of shit.
Memorable Quotes その②
これは、おじの Buck と甥の Miles のおもしろい会話です。気に入ったところは、 Miles が Buck に「お父さんより鼻毛がはえているね。」「君はそれに気づくとはすごいよ。」「僕は子供で、それが仕事なんだ。」というところです。
文法で気づいたところは、「どうして?」と言うのに "Why?" を使わず、 "How come?" を使っているところが口語英語なのかな?と思いました。
Miles : Where do you live?
Buck : In the city.
Miles : You have a house?
Buck : Apartment.
Miles : Own or rent? (持家か借家か?)
Buck : Rent.
Miles : What do you do for a living? (仕事は?)
Buck : Lots of things.
Miles : Where's your office?
Buck : I don't have one.
Miles : How come? (どうして?)
Buck : I don't need one.
Miles : Where's your wife?
Buck : Don't have one.
Miles : How come?
Buck : It's a long story. (長い話になる)
Miles : You have kids?
Buck : No I don't.
Miles : How come?
Buck : It's an even longer story. ( It's a long story. を受けて、さらに長い話になる・・・比較級の強調)
Miles : Are you my Dad's brother?
Buck : What's your record for consecutive questions asked? (このような連続した質問の記録はいくつ?)
Miles : 38.
Buck : I'm your Dad's brother alright.
Miles : You have much more hair in your nose than my Dad. (ずっとたくさんの・・・比較級の強調)
Buck : How nice of you to notice.
Miles : I'm a kid - that's my job.
Memorable Quotes その③
次に上げるのは少し難しいです。私も辞書で調べてやっと意味が分かりました。 Buck は Tia の彼氏 (Bug) のことをあまり気に入っていなくて、次のように(悪口 or 皮肉?)言ったところです。
Bug: 昆虫
Spray: スプレー、殺虫剤
Tia : His name is Bug. (彼の名前は Bug よ。)
Buck : Ha. First or last? (へー。名前それとも名字?)
Tia : First. (名前。)
Buck : What's his last name? Spray? (じゃー、名字は何? Spray かな?)
Memorable Quotes その④
これも< Memorable Quotes その③ >のように、単語の意味の関連があります。
Gnat: ブヨ
Buck: I've circumcised a gnat. You're not a gnat, are you? Wait a minute. Bug... Gnat. Is there a little similarity there?
(おまえはブヨではないよな?ん、待てよ。 Bug... ブヨ。少し似ていると思わないかい?)
Memorable Quotes その⑤
これは普段の意味と違う単語を使った表現です。 Maizy の学校の先生が、 Maizy のことをあまり出来のよくない子供だと Buck に言うときに "egg" を使っていた場面です。
Maizy's teacher: I've seen a lot of bad eggs. I say "eggs" because at the elementary level, we are not dealing with fully developed individuals. I see a bad egg when I look at your niece.
(私は、たくさんの悪いたまごを見てきました。私が "eggs" と言ったのは、小学生レベルでは十分に発達した人間として対処しないからです。私はあなたの姪は悪いたまご、つまり出来のよくない子供だと思います。)
* よく使われる just の表現・・・ Uncle Buck の中に出てくる just の総集編
ただ・・ only, simply とほぼ同じ意味で使う just
Cover your ears, just do it.
He could run a test to see if you actually brushed your teeth or just ran your toothbrush under the faucet.
I just don't feel right yet.
I just thought you'd like to join us.
I just used your Christmas present.
I just want you to know it makes me feel secure to know that you're there.
I just want to get you home.
It angers them, just the sight of it.
I'll just call the school and meet you here.
I'll just go home and wait for the federal express man.
It's just a little oil.
It's just the way he is.
Just an odd coloration out on the grass.
Just a second.
Just go your way and let him go his.
Just in case.
Just looking.
Just once.
Just relax.
Just to maim.
Let me just get you...
Let me just leave you the checks.
We'll get along just fine.
We're just going bowling.
自信のないときに(相手の機嫌を損ねないように考えながら)使う just
I just assumed.
I'm just calling to say, uh... I miss you. (状況によります。微妙なところ。)
I'm just kind of glad I got a chance to know you again.
I've just gathered this from my own observations.
Just a suggestion.
Just for you.
This is just a thought.
We're all just a little tired of the act.
Why don't you just shut up?
You just can't.
You're just supposed to open the door.
* 高校までには習う表現
Excuse me? (失礼ですが。すみません。)
Hang on a minute. (電話で・・ちょっと待って。)
Hard to say. (言いにくい。言うのは難しい。)
He's getting better. (彼は、だんだん病気などがよくなってきている。)
Hockey's been over for two weeks. (ホッケーは2週間前に終わったよ。)
他に・・ The party's over. (パーティーは終わりだ。)
How many times have they had you here? (あなたは、何回ここに招待されたことがあるの?)
I can't help myself. (どうしていいか分からない。)
I feel like a big mouse. (大きいねずみのようだよ。)
I'm kidding. (冗談だよ。)
It was nice meeting you. (あなたにお会いできてよかった。)・・少し話して、別れ際に言う表現。
Nice to meet you. とは違う・・出会って最初に言う表現。
I want to leave as soon as we can. (できるだけ早く、行きたい。)
She's the last person I'd ask for a favor. (彼女は、私がお願いしたい最後の人。・・彼女は、1番お願いしたくない人。)
That's it. (これでおしまい。)
Wait a minute. (待てよ。)
What's the matter? (何か問題でも?)
* その他の表現
A little for you, a little for me.
Come on.
とにかくよく使います。そのまま「来い」という意味だけではなく、洗濯機が開かないときに "Come on. Open up." という感じで使ったり、 "Come on! Wake up!" など命令文といっしょに使うことが多いと思います。意味としては「さあ、ほら」。
Don't mention it.
= You're welcome.
Go ahead.
Got a minute?
Here I come.
(洗濯機の開け方が分からなくて奮闘中)「ほら、開け」という感じ。 "Get ready. Here I come. Come on."
Here we go.
Honey, Hon, Sweetie, Sweetheart, chickie
How's that pie?
-Not bad.
この映画では上にあげた通りですが、答え方として他に"Great!" "Good." "So so"などがあります。
How you doing?
= How are you?
I love you.
I mean it.
意味は、「本当に。マジで。」例えば、 "Stop it. I mean it." といった場合、「マジで、やめろ。」 「本当に、やめてよ。」
I'm working on history.
historyは歴史という意味だけでなく、「終わった、昔のこと」というような意味もあります。(たぶん・・・)この場合、「昔は働いていた。」かな?でも、どうして am working なのかが分かりません。他に、この映画で出てきたのは "You're history!" です。
例文: He is history. (彼とは終わった。別れた。)
失望。日本語で言うと「あーあ」のような語。 Jesus と同じ意味です。 Jeez は辞書に載っていませんでした。載っているのもあるかも・・・。
Let me guess.
Guess. は反対に「当てて。考えろ。想像しろ。」
Move it! Get out of here.
Nice guy.
「かっこいい男、やつ」 guy はとにかくよく聞きます。複数の相手に話しかけるときに you guys と使ったりします。女の子にも使います。
= No
⇔ Yep
Oh, boy. Boy!
Oh, god. Oh, my god.
Rain check?
Shut up. Shut up yourself.
There we go.
(洗濯機の開け方が分からなくて奮闘中、開くかな?と思ってやさしく)「いいぞ、その調子」というような意味。 "There we go. Nice and easy."
There you go.
They're here!
Trust me.
この映画の場合、恋人に言った言葉。意味はそのまま、「私を信じて」。あの Titanic でも使われた表現。(関係ないけど・・)
* 汚い言葉(悪口)の表現・・・使ってはダメ。あえて訳しません。
Chicken shit!
Damn kids.
God damn kids.
I'm freezing my ass off.
Moley Russell's wart.
Shut your face.
The hell I am!
Their dog's a ball sniffer.
You bastard!
You'd stop being such an asshole.
You moron. (まぬけ)
You're wasted!
You son of a bitch.
you but you can't
where do you live
what do you do for a living
how come
where do you live
city we have a house a park
rent what do you do for a living lots of
things where's your office i don't have
one how come i don't need one where's
your wife don't have one how come it's a
long story do you have kids no i don't
how come it's an even longer story are
you my dad's brother i'm your dad's
brother all right
buck russell had always been the black
sheep of the family
i'm stunned that i'm related to you
oh until one night but we have a problem
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