
久保有政氏とマルゴット・クロッシング氏明治神宮を訪れ、神道とユダヤ教との繋がりについて語る. Arimasa Kubo & Margot Cr...

久保有政氏とマルゴット・クロッシング氏明治神宮を訪れ、神道とユダヤ教との繋がりについて語る.  2023

Arimasa Kubo & Margot Cr... 

Lost Tribe of Israel?by MICHAEL FATHERS Aizawl


七章  1 キルヤテ・エアリムの人々は来て、主の箱を運び上げ、それを丘の上のアビナダブの家に運び、彼の子エルアザルを聖別して、主の箱を守らせた。 2 その箱がキルヤテ・エアリムにとどまった日から長い年月がたって、二十年になった。イスラエルの全家は主を慕い求めていた。


12 あなたは民のために、周囲に境を設けて言え。  山に登ったり、その境界に触れたりしないように注意しなさい。山に触れる者は、だれでも必ず殺されなければならない。


The people make no representation carved or hewn of Deity. But they have two emblems of His Holiness. One is a sheet of pure white paper; the other is a natural piece, conical in shape, of white glistening rock. 
The White Stone at least throws much needed light on the ancient use of sacred stones in religion. It is not worshipped. First and last it is a mere symbol. The Chiang do not worship it any more than they worship the sheet of white paper.



 The people make no representation carved or hewn of Deity. But they have two emblems of His Holiness. One is a sheet of pure white paper; the other is a natural piece, conical in shape, of white glistening rock. For simplicity, plainness of meaning and illustrative import, these could not be surpassed. Both are unambiguous. Neither can be misinterpreted. The paper has no mark or writing on it; the stone no carving or chiselled shaping. The one answers to the other. Together they typify the intrinsic and imperishable element of absolute purity in the nature of God. 


The Chinese love of jade lends confirmation to the supposition. Likewise does their white marble altar of heaven. And the white stone mirrors of ancient Shuh seem withal to support the notion. Primeval man clothed his thoughts in visible forms. Striving to give expression to the idea of heavenly purity or holiness, he chose whiteness as most expressive of this religious conception. The concrete for him gave expression to the abstract. So he spoke of the Rock that begat him, of divine strength as "the arm of the Lord," of retribution as the "arrows of the Almighty," of salvation as the horns of the altar, of life itself as water. The white Rock of the Chiang following the same mode of ancient expression, speaks to us of Him who begat man as infinite in purity of His holiness and truth. 

The White Stone at least throws much needed light on the ancient use of sacred stones in religion. It is not worshipped. First and last it is a mere symbol. The Chiang do not worship it any more than they worship the sheet of white paper. No one can imagine that God dwells in the paper or in the stone, for the place of His abode is in heaven. 
 In the first place it is regarded as sacred only because of its colour. That represents goodness in contrast to blackness, which is evil. 



Intro to Margot Crossing's work with the Descendants of Manasseh in NE I...

MIZORAM Lost Tribe of Israel by  Margot CROSSING
19 Pages 

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