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Yearly CO2 Emission (Gigatones)
Emission Mitigation Pathways
1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100
-Current Emissions-2000 (-3.9%)
-2005 (-5.6%)
-2010 (-7.4%) -2015 (-10.7%)
-2020 (-17.4%)
-2025 (-45.5%)
It's getting harder and harder to limit ourselves to 2°C
NOTE: This web page is relatively old. The remaining carbon budget is highly uncertain. Check out my colleague Glen Peters' short thread on Twitter here.First published: 2016. Updated 13 November 2017, 23 April 2019, 15 January 2020.
"The carbon budget for 1.5°C depends on several factors, including:
- the likelihood with which warming will be be halted at 1.5°C
- the extent to which non-CO? greenhouse emissions such as methane are reduced
- uncertainties in how the climate responds these emissions."
Source: The 1.5°C global warming limit is not impossible - but without political action it soon will be
The road to 2°C is steep; the road to 1.5°C is a cliff.
Negative Emissions ★
- 1.5°Cで温暖化が停止する可能性
- どの非COまでですか?メタンなどの温室効果ガスが削減される
- 気候がこれらの排出量にどのように反応するかについての不確実性。
世界の累積CO2排出量予算は、1.5°Cに関するIPCC特別報告書(Rogelj et al 2018)からのものです。1.5°Cの66%で420 GtCO2、2°Cの66%で1170 GtCO2。緩和曲線は、クォータを超えないように、おおよそ指数関数的な崩壊経路を記述します(Raupach et al., 2014を参照)。しかし、これらは指数関数的な経路ではないことに注意してください。緩和率は毎年同じではありません。これは、石油タンカーがダイムをオンにできないという認識から来ています。私たちは一晩で変更できない巨大なインフラ(社会的、政治的、物理的)を持っています。したがって、これらの曲線は、緩和の初期にいくつかの慣性を可能にします。
デイブ・ロバーツ、Vox、2015年5月15日:誰も認めたくない気候変動についてのひどい真実Zeke Hausfather & Rosamund Pearce、CarbonBrief、2017年2月11日:分析:WRIデータは、49カ国で排出量がすでに「ピーク」していることを示唆している
Clayton Aldern, Grist, 14/5/20: 気候変動のために、曲線を平らにする時間がなくなってきている
Friedlingstein, P., Andrew, R.M., Rogelj, J., Peters, G.P., Canadell, J.G., Knutti, R., Luderer, G., Raupach, M.R., Schaeffer, M., van Vuuren, D.P., QuéCO2排出量の持続的な成長と気候目標達成への影響。自然地球科学7(709-715)。
Le Quéré、C.、Andrew、R.M.、その他71人の著者、2018年。2018年世界炭素予算。地球システム科学データ10(2141–2194)。[オープンアクセス]
Raupach MR、Davis SJ、Peters GP、Andrew RM、Canadell JG、Friedlingstein P、Jotzo F、Quéré CL 2014。累積炭素排出量のクォータを共有する。自然気候変動4(873-879)。
Rogelj, J., Shindell, D., Jiang, K., Fifita, S., Forster, P., Ginzburg, V., Handa, C., Kheshgi, H., Kobayashi, S., Kriegler, E., Mundaca, L., Séférian, R.,持続可能な開発の文脈で1.5°Cと互換性のある緩和経路: Masson-Delmotte, V., Zhai, P., Pörtner, H.-O., Roberts, D., Skea, J., Shukla, P.R., Pirani, A., Moufouma-Okia, W., Péan, C., Pidcock, R., Connors, S., Matthews, J.B.R., Chen, Y., Zhou, X., Gomis, M.I., Lonnoy, E., Maycock, T., Tignor, M., Waterfield, T.(編)、1.5°Cの地球温暖化。気候変動の脅威に対する世界的な対応を強化し、持続可能な開発し、貧困撲滅する取り組みの文脈で、産業革命前のレベルを上回る1.5°Cの地球温暖化の影響と関連する地球温室効果ガス排出経路に関するIPCC特別報告書。[オープンアクセス]

It's tempting with the mitigation curves to wonder about the simple counterfactual of 'what if we'd started mitigating in year X', but within this are hidden assumptions about what would have happened in developing countries. Most of the increase since 2000 is in China, so a global mitigation starting before that year effectively directly assumes that emissions in China did not increase anywhere near as much, and you have to ask yourself how that could have happened. Either they didn't develop economically, which normative hypothesis leads potentially to accusations of Western imperialism, or they used something other than coal to spur their development, which is difficult to imagine. The alternative is to assume that developed countries managed to reduce their emissions so much that they compensated for China's growth, which also is rather difficult to imagine. Curves on a graph are one thing, but what they mean is another.
A short history of these figures
The idea of constaining emissions to constrain warming is not new. In 1989, for example, Florentin Krause, Wilfrid Bach, and Jon Koomey presented a figure showing theoretical pathways to stabilise global warming in their book From Warming Fate to Warming Limit: Benchmarks for a Global Climate Convention. The authors clearly laid out the link between temperature limits and carbon budgets.
The concept of a carbon budget gained wider recognition with studies published in 2009 that showed that global temperature increase was approximately linearly related to the total cumulative emissions of carbon dioxide. Importantly, within certain bounds, it didn't matter what emissions were from year to year, only what their total over time was. These studies, by Meinshausen et al., Allen et al. and Matthews et al., changed the conversation about limiting emissions and staying under specified global temperature increases, such as 2°C.
For a summary of the history of the carbon budget, see this article by Lahn.
Later that same year, Allison et al. were perhaps the first to convert this idea of a limited carbon budget to specific, idealised mitigation pathways, dependent on when emissions peaked.
The Copenhagen Accord agreed in December 2009 was the first global agreement to explicitly include a temperature limit: 2°C.
In 2011, Raupach et al. published work closely studying the relationship between peak warming and cumulative emissions, developing mathematics to provide analytical solutions.
In September 2014 we published work in Nature Climate Change led by Mike Raupach on sharing the global carbon budget between nations, which included potential future emission pathways constrained by the shared budget. At the global level, the curves were shown in the supplementary information as Figure S4a (reproduced below). This functional form was new: rather than simply following an exponential decay, Mike's curve took into account the initial inertia associated with societal and infrastructural change.
At the same time we published parallel work in Nature Geosciencesummarising the carbon budgets and presenting a global emissions projection for the following six years based on forecast economic growth and continued trends in improvements in emissions intensity of the economy. At that time few thought there was anything odd about this projection.
In May of 2015 we combined the ideas from Raupach et al. and Friedlingstein et al. to produce a figure showing counterfactual historical and possible future emissions pathways to remain within the 2°C carbon budget (figure date 4 May 2015). These counterfactuals present the a (very) theoretical idea of what would have been required if we had started global mitigation earlier. This figure, tweeted by Glen Peters, was quickly picked up by David Roberts at Vox for a piece entitled "The awful truth about climate change no one wants to admit". This figure showed only fossil-fuel emissions, omitting land-use change emissions, although these were included in the calculations. It also makes no assumption about negative emissions: it shows always-positive net global emissions, which could be composed of both positive and negative emissions. That is, it presents what is required to stay within the budget, without overshoot, and therefore without requirement for net-negative emissions.
When discussion in Paris unexpectedly started to seriously include 1.5°C, we hurriedly calculated the remaining carbon budget, given budgets at the time, and found that almost nothing was left (figure date 9 December 2015):
In late 2017, following a request from Carbon Brief, we updated the mitigation curves figure. This update included a substantial modification of the emissions forecast, given the appearance of an apparent and unexpected plateau in global emissions. Now we simply introduced a scenario: constant emissions for the next ten years (figure date 8 November 2017).
Shortly afterwards we modified the figure to show the mitigation rates (figure date 13 November 2017).
In December 2018 we returned to these figures and updated them using the new carbon budgets provided in the IPCC's Special Report on 1.5°C. These figures were published alongside the Global Carbon Project's full 2018 Carbon Figure set. While previously we had focussed on the 2°C figure, there was high demand for a 1.5°C version (original figure dates 5 December 2018). The reason we had largely avoided the 1.5°C figure was that it was our opinion that 1.5°C was unachievable when anything more than geophysical constraints were introduced, but public discourse has since turned sharply to the 1.5°C target.
The mitigation rates originally shown on these figures are calculated as the average rates over the entire mitigation period to 2100. This is in fact not a particularly useful indicator of the effort involved, and it has generated some confusion, with some assuming these are exponential curves (thus having the same rate of decline each year), when they are not. At the end of the day, while the 18%/yr rate that appeared on the 1.5°C figure is 'accurate', it is too easy to misinterpret and not useful for policy. But the main conclusion of the figure remains unaffected: the mitigation rates required for 1.5°C are extremely high. Even another two or three years without global mitigation will only steepen these curves.
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