
“Time Is What Keeps Everything From Happening At Once”


Monetary Economies of Production: Banking and Financial Circuits and the ...

Louis-Philippe Rochon、 Mario Seccareccia 編集


Bergson , H Creative Evolution ?

Time is a device to keep everything from happening at once




Ray Cummings1919だ



The earliest match known to QI appeared in March 1919 within a story titled “The Girl in the Golden Atom” by Ray Cummings in the magazine “All-Story Weekly”. Boldface added to excerpts by QI:[2]

“How would you describe time?”
The Big Business Man smiled. “Time,” he said, “is what keeps everything from happening at once.”
“Very clever,” laughed the Chemist.

QI が知っている最古の一致は、1919 年 3 月、雑誌「All-Story Weekly」のレイ・カミングスの「The Girl in the Golden Atom」と題する物語に登場したものである。QIによる抜粋に太字を追加:[2]。




1919 March 15, All-Story Weekly, Volume 95, Number 1, The Girl in the Golden Atom by Ray Cummings, Start Page 1, Quote Page 20, Column 1, The Frank A. Munsey Company, New York. (Verified with scans from University of Louisville Archives and Special Collections Repository)

In 1960 "The Observer" of London published an inquiry about the saying:[8]

Sir,–Could anyone tell me the origin of the saying "Time is a device to prevent everything from happening at once."?
Cambridge. Joan Robinson.

1960年、ロンドンの「The Observer」は、この言葉に関する調査を掲載した[8]。



81960 November 20, The Observer, Letters to the Editor, Quote Page 22, Column 6, London, England. (Newspapers_com)

レイ・カミングスRay Cummings1887年8月30日 - 1957年1月23日)は、アメリカ合衆国SF作家。本名はレイモンド・キング・カミングス(Raymond King Cummings)。カミングズの表記もある。ニューヨーク生まれ。


A・メリットマレイ・ラインスターO・A・クラインらとともにパルプ・マガジンアーゴシー(ARGOSY)」の常連として多くのSF作品を発表した。「SFパルプ小説の父」のひとりと賞され、生涯に約750編の小説、短編小説を残した。他のペンネームに、レイ・キング(Ray King)、ガブリエル・カミングズ(Gabrielle Cummings)、ガブリエル・ウィルソン(Gabriel Wilson)などがある。


  • 『時の塔』 The Shadow Girl (1929) ハヤカワSFシリーズ
    • 『時間ちょう特急』、『時間けいさつ官』、『ぬすまれたタイムマシン』の邦題で岩崎書店からジュブナイル化されている
  • 『宇宙の果てを越えて』 Beyond the Stars (1928) ハヤカワ文庫
  • 『時間を征服した男』 The Man Who Mastered Time (1929) ハヤカワ文庫
    • 『タイムマシン28000年』の邦題であかね書房からジュブナイル化されている
  • 『月面の盗賊』 Brigands of the Moon (1931) ハヤカワ文庫


  • 『燃えつきた水星人』 Tama of the Light Country (1930)久保書店QTブックス
  • 『水星征服計画』 Tama, Princess of Mercury (1931) 久保書店QTブックス

「時間か」とジョージはいった。「お望みとあらば、ぼくが時間の定義をしてあげよう。 時間と



「まったく、そのとおりだ」と、 化学者は同意した。 「それに、諸君、これは話に聞くほど荒唐







 ロジャースは手をあげた。「ちょっと待ってくれたまえ、諸君。 まず最初に、きみたちに心の


The Man Who Mastered Time (English Edition) Kindle版 



Now, while we agree with the basic criticism directed by Robinson and others against the timeless time of neoclassical theory, we argue that it is insufficient to merely incorporate historical time as a necessary variable in economic theory. One must construct a concept of time that, while certainly of an historical nature, is consistent with and limited by the characteristics of the economy under examination. That is, we need a concept of economic time . When Robinson (citing Bergson) jokes, for example, that time "is a device invented to keep everything from happening at once" (Robinson, 1964, title page), she is referring to historical or sequential time–the notion that there is a past, present, and future. In contrast, when Davidson says that "...economic decisions are made by human beings facing an uncertain and unpredictable future while they are moving away from a fixed and irreversible past " (Davidson, 1991, p. 32), we have moved beyond mere historic or sequential time to an economic conception of time, which is appropriate only to certain forms of economic organization. Keynes clearly recognized the relationship between time and the pecularities of a monetary economy in his argument regarding time, uncertainty, and the "peculiar properties of money as link between the present and the future" which gives "rise to the characteristic problems of a monetary economy" (Keynes, [1936] 1987, pp. 233-4).

Economic Time by John F. Henry Department of Economics California State University, Sacramento L. Randall Wray The Jerome Levy Economics Institute The authors thank Jan Kregel and Stephanie Bell for most helpful comments. 


さて、新古典派理論の時間を超越した時間に対するRobinsonらの基本的な批判には同意するが、経済理論に歴史的時間を必要変数として取り入れるだけでは不十分であると主張する。歴史的な時間であることは確かだが、対象とする経済の特徴と整合的であり、かつ限定的な時間概念を構築する必要がある。つまり、経済的時間の概念が必要なのである。例えば、ベルクソン(Bergson)を引用して、時間は「すべてが一度に起こらないようにするために発明された装置である」(Robinson, 1964, title page)と冗談を言っているが、これは歴史的時間、つまり、過去、現在、未来があるという概念に言及しているのである。これに対して、デビッドソンが「...経済的決定は、固定され不可逆的な過去から遠ざかりつつ、不確実で予測不可能な未来に直面する人間によってなされる」(デビッドソン、1991、32頁)と言うとき、我々は単なる歴史的時間や順序的時間を超えて、特定の経済組織の形態にのみふさわしい時間の経済概念に移行したのである。ケインズは、時間、不確実性、「現在と未来の間のリンクとしての貨幣の特殊性」に関する議論において、時間と貨幣経済の特殊性の関係を明確に認識し、それが「貨幣経済の特徴的問題を生じさせる」(Keynes, [1936] 1987, pp.233-4 )と述べている。

Robinson, J.  (1964)  Essays in the Theory of Economic Growth . London: Macmillan.

–––. (1974) 1980. History vs. Equilibrium. In  Collected Economic Papers , vol. 5. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press. Pp. 45-58.–––. (1980) 1981. Time in Economic Theory. In  What are the Questions . Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. Pp. 86-95.





 Spending equals Income

We are now starting to think like a macroeconomist.

In 1964, Cambridge economist, Joan Robinson quoted the French philosopher Henri Bergson: "Time is a device to keep everything from happening at once".




Bergson Le temps est un dispositif qui permet d'éviter que tout se passe en même temps".

Evolutionary Concepts in Contemporary Economics - 61 ページ

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次の書籍のコンテンツと一致: – 61 ページ
Epigraph from Joan Robinson ( 1962 , epigraph ) , who attributes this quote to Henri Bergson ( 1944 ) created by economists who wrote at a time when formal 61 Evolutionary Economics and System Dynamics.

Bergson , H. 1944. Creative Evolution . New York : Random House . Bertrand , J. 1883. “ Théorie mathématique de la richesse sociale , par L. Walras . " Journal des savants , 499-508 . B





Monetary Economies of Production: Banking and Financial ... - 36 ページ

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Louis-Philippe Rochon, ‎Mario Seccareccia · 2013

次の書籍のコンテンツと一致: – 36 ページ
Time is a device invented to keep everything from happening at once. (Joan Robinson1964; attributed to Henri Bergson) Space is a device to stop everything happening in Cambridge. (Geoffrey Harcourt 1969; attributed to Dharma Kumar) ...





第二次ボーア戦争で戦う前に、ジョーンの父フレデリック・モーリスは、ハノーバー広場セントジョージフレデリック・ハワード・マーシュの娘でエドワード・マーシュの妹であるマーガレット・ヘレン・マーシュと結婚しました。[1] ジョーン・モーリスは、父親がアフリカから帰国した1年後の1903年に生まれました。


ロビンソンは、インドのティルヴァナンタプラムにある開発研究センター(CDS)に頻繁に訪れました。彼女は1970年代半ばにセンターの客員研究員でした。[2] 彼女はセンターでの公開講義を支援するための寄付基金を設立しました。彼女は1982年1月までセンターに頻繁に訪れ、センターのすべての活動、特に学生セミナーに参加しました。ロビンソン教授は、彼女の2冊の本(選択された経済著作、ボンベイ:オックスフォード大学出版局、1974年、現代経済学入門(ジョン・イートウェルと共同)、デリー;タタ・マグロウヒル、1974年)のロイヤリティをCDSに寄付しました。

ロビンソンはまた、中国への観察と分析を報告し、中国へのいくつかの旅行をしました:経済の視点(1958年)、中国の文化革命(1969年)、中国の経済管理(1975年、第3版、1976年)、文化革命を称賛しました。1964年10月、ロビンソンはまた、事実上一党共産主義国家であった北朝鮮を訪問し、彼女のレポート「韓国の奇跡」に、国の成功は「独裁者ではなく救世主」であるキム・イルソンの下で「国家の誇りに韓国人の集中」によるものだと書いた。[3] 彼女はまた、韓国の分裂に関して、「明らかに、遅かれ早かれ、国は南を社会主義に吸収することによって再統一されなければならない」と述べた。4] 過去10年間で、彼女はエッセイ「春の大掃除」など、経済理論を改革する可能性についてますます悲観的になりました。[5]


彼女はケンブリッジガートン大学で経済学を学び、1925年の卒業直後に経済学者のオースティン・ロビンソンと結婚した。[6] 1937年、彼女はケンブリッジ大学で経済学の講師になりました。[7] 彼女は1958年に英国アカデミーに入学し、1962年にニューナム大学のフェローに選出されました。1965年、彼女はガートン大学の正教授兼フェローに就任した。彼女が亡くなるわずか4年前の1979年、彼女はキングス・カレッジの最初の女性名誉フェローになりました。[8]












2019年6月、米国最高裁判所は、Apple v.の決定でロビンソンのモノプソニー理論を使用した。ペッパー[13]Brett Kavanaugh判事は、Appleが「モノプソニー理論で」アプリケーション開発者によって訴えられる可能性があると述べ、過半数の意見を述べた。13]






彼女の下で学んだ少なくとも2人の学生は、アルフレッド・ノーベル記念して経済科学におけるスヴェリゲス・リクスバンク賞を受賞しました。彼らはアマルティア・セン[16]ジョセフ・スティグリッツです。[17]ノーベル財団の自伝的ノートで、スティグリッツは彼らの関係を「激動」と表現し、ロビンソンは「生意気なアメリカ人学生の一種の疑問のスタンス」に未使用であると説明しました。その後、スティグリッツは「フランク・ハーンに切り替えた」[18] 彼自身の自伝ノートで、センはロビンソンを「完全に華麗だが、激しく不寛容」と表現した。[19]












  1. 聖ジョージの結婚登録、ハノーバー広場、1899年1月〜3月、第1巻a、p。618です。
  2. 「開発研究センター」。2019年10月16日閲覧。
  3. Heonik Kwon; Byung-Ho Chung (2012年3月12日)。北朝鮮:カリスマ政治を超えて。ローマン&リトルフィールド出版社。pp。151-152。ISBN 978-1-4422-1577-1
  4. ハーコート、ジェフリー・コリン(2006)。ポストケインズ経済学の構造ケンブリッジ大学出版局 p.92です。ISBN 97807656370172010年12月31日取得。
  5. ハーコート、p。169です。
  6. アレンソン、カレン・W。(1983年8月11日)。「教授。ジョーン・ロビンソンは79歳で死去。カンブルディジェ大学エコノミスト。ニューヨークタイムズISSN 0362-4331。2019年10月16日閲覧。
  7. 管理者(2018年4月30日)。「学部の歴史から」www.econ.cam.ac.uk.2019年5月19日にオリジナルからアーカイブされました。2019年10月16日閲覧。
  8. サイス、アシュワニ(2008年11月1日)。「ジョアン・ロビンソンとインドの計画:厄介な関係」。開発と変化39 (6): 1115–1134. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7660.2008.00531.x.ISSN 1467-7660
  9. ジョセフ・パースキーとハーバート・ツァン(1974年2月)。「ピグーヴィアの労働搾取」。経済学と統計のレビュー56 (1): 52–57. doi:10.2307/1927526.JSTOR 1927526
  10. 「ジェンダー賃金格差のモノプソニモデルに関する注意」(PDF)。2014年2月3日にオリジナルからアーカイブ(PDF)。2014年2月1日取得。
  11. 「メンバーの本、1780-2010年:第R章」(PDF)。アメリカ芸術科学アカデミー。2011年6月13日にオリジナルからアーカイブ(PDF)。2014年7月22日取得。
  12. 「APSメンバー履歴」。search.amphilsoc.org。2022年5月25日取得
  13. ジャンプアップ:ロザルスキー、グレッグ(2019年6月18日)。「アップルの恐ろしい購買力とそれに名前を付けた女性」。NPR.org。2019年7月2日閲覧。
  14. 「建築研究諮問委員会」。自然155 (3941): 570。1945年5月12日。ビブコード:1945Natur.155S.570..doi:10.1038/155570c0S2CID 4140121
  15. スティーブン・ウィルクス、公共の利益のために:競争政策と独占と合併委員会、p.93。
  16. ナサール、シルビア(1998年10月15日)。「インドはノーベル経済学賞を受賞」。ニューヨークタイムズISSN 0362-43312019年10月16日取得。
  17. V、ロカナサン(2018)。経済思想史、第10版。S。チャンド出版。ISBN 9789352533374
  18. スティグリッツ、ジョセフ・E。「自伝」アーカイブ2013年5月31日、ウェイバックマシンノーベル財団、ストックホルム、2002年12月。2012年5月8日に回収されました。
  19. セン、アマティア「自伝」アーカイブ2013年6月16日、ウェイバックマシンノーベル財団、ストックホルム、1998年。2012年5月8日に回収されました。
  20. Jump up to:Who's who 1958。ロンドン:アダム&チャールズ・ブラック限定。1958年。
  21. 管理者(2015年1月29日)。「ストリートネーミング」。www.nwcambridge.co.uk。2017年3月9日にオリジナルからアーカイブされました。2017年3月8日取得。


  • エマニ、ゾーレ、2000年、ロバート・Wの「ジョアン・ロビンソン」Dimand et al. (eds), A Biographical Dictionary of Women Economists, Edward Elgar.
  • ハーコート、G。C.、1995、死亡記事:ジョーン・ロビンソン1903-1983、経済ジャーナル、巻。105、いいえ。432です。(1995年9月)、pp.1228-1243。
  • ハーコート、G。C.とカー、P.(2009)。ジョーン・ロビンソン。パルグレイブ・マクミラン。
  • パシネッティ、ルイージ・L。(1987)、「ロビンソン、ジョーン・ヴァイオレット」、ニューパルグレイブ:経済学辞典、v.4、pp.212-17、マクミラン。
  • ヴィアネッロ、F。[1996], "Joan Robinson on Normal Prices (and the Normal rate of Profits), in: Marcuzzo, M.C. and Pasinetti, L. and Roncaglia, A. (eds.), The Economics of Joan Robinson, New York: Routledge, ISBN 978-0415136167.




Joan Robinson

For the British author and illustrator of children's books, see Joan G. Robinson. For the American socialite and equestrian, see Joan Robinson Hill.
Joan Robinson
Joan Robinson (1973).jpg
Robinson in 1973
Joan Violet Maurice

31 October 1903
Surrey, England
Died5 August 1983 (aged 79)
Cambridge, England
FieldMonetary economics
School or
Post-Keynesian economics
InfluencesAdam SmithKarl MarxJohn Maynard KeynesPiero SraffaMichał Kalecki
ContributionsJoan Robinson's growth model
Amoroso–Robinson relation
Monopsony theory

Joan Violet Robinson FBA (née Maurice; 31 October 1903 – 5 August 1983) was a British economist well known for her wide-ranging contributions to economic theory. She was a central figure in what became known as post-Keynesian economics


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Education
    • 1.2 Works
  • 2 Achievements
  • 3 Family
  • 4 Recognition
  • 5 Major works
    • 5.1 Texts for the lay reader
  • 6 See also
  • 7 References
  • 8 Further reading
  • 9 External links


Before leaving to fight in the Second Boer War, Joan's father, Frederick Maurice, married Margaret Helen Marsh, the daughter of Frederick Howard Marsh, and the sister of Edward Marsh, at St George's, Hanover Square.[1] Joan Maurice was born in 1903, a year after her father's return from Africa. 

During World War II, Robinson worked on a few different Committees for the wartime national government. During this time, she visited the Soviet Union as well as China, gaining an interest in underdeveloped and developing nations

Robinson was a frequent visitor to Centre for Development Studies (CDS), Thiruvananthapuram, India. She was a visiting fellow at the Centre in the mid-1970s.[2] She instituted an endowment fund to support public lectures at the Centre. She was a frequent visitor to the Centre until January 1982 and participated in all activities of the Centre and especially student seminars. Professor Robinson donated royalties of two of her books (Selected Economic Writings, Bombay: Oxford University Press, 1974, Introduction to Modern Economics (jointly with John Eatwell), Delhi; Tata McGraw Hill, 1974) to CDS. 

Robinson also made several trips to China, reporting her observations and analyses in China: An Economic Perspective (1958), The Cultural Revolution in China (1969), and Economic Management in China (1975; 3rd edn, 1976), in which she praised the Cultural Revolution. In October 1964, Robinson also visited North Korea, which was effectively a single-party Communist state, and wrote in her report "Korean Miracle" that the country's success was due to "the intense concentration of the Koreans on national pride" under Kim Il-sung, "a messiah rather than a dictator."[3] She also stated in reference to the division of Korea that "[o]bviously, sooner or later the country must be reunited by absorbing the South into socialism."[4] During her last decade, she became more and more pessimistic about the possibilities of reforming economic theory, as expressed, for example, in her essay "Spring Cleaning."[5]


She studied economics at Girton CollegeCambridge, and immediately after graduation in 1925, she married the economist Austin Robinson.[6] In 1937, she became a lecturer in economics at the University of Cambridge.[7] She joined the British Academy in 1958 and was elected a fellow of Newnham College in 1962. In 1965 she assumed the position of full professor and fellow of Girton College. In 1979, just four years before she died, she became the first female honorary fellow of King's College.[8]

As a member of "the Cambridge School" of economics, Robinson contributed to the support and exposition of Keynes' General Theory, writing especially on its employment implications in 1936 and 1937 (it attempted to explain employment dynamics in the midst of the Great Depression). 


Joan Robinson in the 1920s

In 1933, her book The Economics of Imperfect Competition, Robinson coined the term "monopsony," which is used to describe the buyer converse of a seller monopoly. Monopsony is commonly applied to buyers of labour, where the employer has wage setting power that allows it to exercise Pigouvian exploitation[9] and pay workers less than their marginal productivity. Robinson used monopsony to describe the wage gap between women and men workers of equal productivity.[10]

In 1942, Robinson's An Essay on Marxian Economics famously concentrated on Karl Marx as an economist, helping to revive the debate on this aspect of his legacy. 

In 1956, Robinson published her magnum opusThe Accumulation of Capital, which extended Keynesianism into the long run

In 1962, she published Essays in the Theory of Economic Growth, another book on growth theory, which discussed Golden Age growth paths. Afterwards, she developed the Cambridge growth theory with Nicholas Kaldor. She was elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1964.[11]

In 1984, Robinson was elected to the American Philosophical Society.[12]

Near the end of her life, she studied and concentrated on methodological problems in economics and tried to recover the original message of Keynes' General Theory. Between 1962 and 1980, she wrote many economics books for the general public. Robinson suggested developing an alternative to the revival of classical economics

The Cultural Revolution in China is written from the perspective of trying to understand the thinking that lay behind the revolution, particularly Mao Zedong's preoccupations. Mao is seen as aiming to recapture a revolutionary sense in a population that had known only, or had grown used to, stable Communism, so that it could "re-educate the Party" (pp. 20, 27); to instill a realisation that the people needed the guidance of the Party and much as the other way round (p. 20); to re-educate intellectuals who failed to see that their role in society, like that of all other groups, was to 'Serve the People' (pp. 33, 43); and finally to secure a succession, not stage-managed by the Party hierarchy or even by Mao himself but the product of interaction between a revitalised people and a revitalised Party (p. 26). 

On the whole, the book emphasises the positive aspects of Mao's "moderate and humane" intentions (p. 19) rather than the "violence and disorder" that broke out, we are told, "from time to time", occurrences "strongly opposed" (ibid.) to Mao's wishes. Robinson recognises and appears to endorse a revision to classical Marxism in Mao's view of the relation of base to superstructure: "On the classical view, there is one-way determination between base and superstructure but Mao shows how the superstructure may react upon the base: Ideas may become a material force" (p. 12). She acknowledges that "Old-fashioned Marxists might regard this as a heresy, but that is scarcely reasonable" (ibid.). 

In June 2019, the United States Supreme Court used Robinson's monopsony theory in its decision for Apple v. Pepper.[13] Justice Brett Kavanaugh delivered the majority opinion, stating Apple can be sued by application developers, "on a monopsony theory."[13]


In 1945, she was appointed to the Ministry of Works' Advisory Committee on Building Research, the only economist and the only female member of that committee.[14]

In 1948, she was appointed the first economist member of the Monopolies and Mergers Commission.[15]

In 1949, she was invited by Ragnar Frisch to become the Vice-President of the Econometric Society but declined by saying she that could not be part of the editorial committee of a journal that she could not read. 

During the 1960s, she was a major participant in the Cambridge capital controversy alongside Piero Sraffa

At least two students who studied under her have won the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel; they are Amartya Sen[16] and Joseph Stiglitz.[17] In his autobiographical notes for the Nobel FoundationStiglitz described their relationship as "tumultuous" and Robinson as unused to "the kind of questioning stance of a brash American student"; after a term, Stiglitz therefore "switched to Frank Hahn".[18] In his own autobiography notes, Sen described Robinson as "totally brilliant but vigorously intolerant."[19]

She also influenced Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh which altered his approach towards economic policies. 


Joan's father was Frederick Maurice, her mother was Margaret Helen Marsh. 

Joan Maurice married fellow economist Austin Robinson in 1926.[20] They had two daughters.[20]

The distinguished London surgeon and Cambridge academic Howard Marsh was Joan Robinson's maternal grandfather. 


In 2016, the Council of the University of Cambridge approved the use of Robinson's name to mark a physical feature within the North West Cambridge Development.[21]

Major works

Texts for the lay reader

  • Economics is a serious subject: The apologia of an economist to the mathematician, the scientist and the plain man (1932), W. Heffer & Sons
  • Introduction to the Theory of Employment (1937)
  • The Cultural Revolution in China, Harmondsworth: Pelican Original (1969)
  • An Introduction to Modern Economics (1973) with John Eatwell
  • The Arms Race (1981), Tanner Lectures on Human Values

See also


  1.  Register of Marriages for St George's, Hanover Square, January–March 1899, volume 1a, p. 618.
  2.  "Centre For Development Studies". Retrieved 16 October 2019.none
  3.  Heonik Kwon; Byung-Ho Chung (12 March 2012). North Korea: Beyond Charismatic Politics. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 151–152. ISBN 978-1-4422-1577-1.none
  4.  Harcourt, Geoffrey Colin (2006). The Structure of Post-Keynesian EconomicsCambridge University Press. p. 92. ISBN 9780765637017. Retrieved 31 December 2010.none
  5.  Harcourt, p. 169.
  6.  Arenson, Karen W. (11 August 1983). "Prof. Joan Robinson Dies at 79; Cambrdige University Economist"The New York TimesISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 16 October 2019.none
  7.  Administrator (30 April 2018). "From the History of the Faculty"www.econ.cam.ac.uk. Archived from the original on 19 May 2019. Retrieved 16 October 2019.none
  8.  Saith, Ashwani (1 November 2008). "Joan Robinson and Indian Planning: An Awkward Relationship"Development and Change39 (6): 1115–1134. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7660.2008.00531.xISSN 1467-7660.none
  9.  Joseph Persky and Herbert Tsang (February 1974). "Pigouvian Exploitation of Labor". The Review of Economics and Statistics56 (1): 52–57. doi:10.2307/1927526JSTOR 1927526.none
  10.  "Notes on Monopsony Model of Gender Wage Gaps" (PDF)Archived (PDF) from the original on 3 February 2014. Retrieved 1 February 2014.none
  11.  "Book of Members, 1780–2010: Chapter R" (PDF). American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Archived (PDF) from the original on 13 June 2011. Retrieved 22 July 2014.none
  12.  "APS Member History"search.amphilsoc.org. Retrieved 25 May 2022.none
  13. a b Rosalsky, Greg (18 June 2019). "Apple's Scary Buying Power And The Woman Who Named It"NPR.org. Retrieved 2 July 2019.none
  14.  "Advisory Committee on Building Research"Nature155 (3941): 570. 12 May 1945. Bibcode:1945Natur.155S.570.doi:10.1038/155570c0S2CID 4140121.none
  15.  Stephen Wilks, In the Public Interest: Competition Policy and the Monopolies and Mergers Commission, p. 93.
  16.  Nasar, Sylvia (15 October 1998). "Indian Wins Nobel Award In Economics"The New York TimesISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 16 October 2019.none
  17.  V, Lokanathan (2018). A History of Economic Thought, 10th Edition. S. Chand Publishing. ISBN 9789352533374.none
  18.  Stiglitz, Joseph E. "Autobiography" Archived 31 May 2013 at the Wayback MachineNobel Foundation, Stockholm, December 2002. Retrieved on 8 May 2012.
  19.  Sen, Amartya "Autobiography" Archived 16 June 2013 at the Wayback MachineNobel Foundation, Stockholm, 1998. Retrieved on 8 May 2012.
  20. a b Who's who 1958. London: Adam & Charles Black limited. 1958.none
  21.  Administrator (29 January 2015). "Street Naming"www.nwcambridge.co.ukArchived from the original on 9 March 2017. Retrieved 8 March 2017.none

Further reading

  • Emani, Zohreh, 2000, "Joan Robinson" in Robert W. Dimand et al. (eds), A Biographical Dictionary of Women Economists, Edward Elgar.
  • Harcourt, G. C., 1995, Obituary: Joan Robinson 1903–1983, Economic Journal, Vol. 105, No. 432. (September 1995), pp. 1228–1243.
  • Harcourt, G. C. and Kerr, P. (2009). Joan Robinson. Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Pasinetti, Luigi L. (1987), "Robinson, Joan Violet," The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, v. 4, pp. 212–17, Macmillan.
  • Vianello, F. [1996], "Joan Robinson on Normal Prices (and the Normal rate of Profits)", in: Marcuzzo, M.C. and Pasinetti, L. and Roncaglia, A. (eds.), The Economics of Joan Robinson, New York: Routledge, ISBN 978-0415136167.

External links

Wikiquote has quotations related to Joan Robinson.

Time Is What Keeps Everything From Happening At Once – Quote Investigator

https://www.jpedia.wiki>blog>Ray_Cummings レイ・カミングス (Ray Cummings) 2021 - jpedia.wiki 彼の最も高く評価されている架空の作品は、1922年に出版された小説The Girl in the Golden Atomでした。これは、1919年に出版された同名の短編小説を統合したもの ...

The Girl in the Golden Atom (English Edition) Kindle版 

Time Is What Keeps Everything From Happening At Once – Quote Investigator










1921年、同じ著者レイ・カミングスは、「Argosy All-Story Weekly」のストーリー「The Time Professor」にキップを含めました。[3]

「何時か知っています」とタビーは宣言した。彼は立ち止まった。「時間はすべてが一度に起こるのを防ぐものですと彼はゆっくりと付け加えました。私はそれを知っています - 私もそれを印刷物で見ました。


































31921年1月8日、Argosy All-Story Weekly、Ray CummingsによるThe Time Professor、Start Page 371、Quote Page 371、Column 2、The Frank A.マンジー・カンパニー、ニューヨーク。(Google Booksのフルビュー)リンク
141990年、複雑さエントロピーと情報の物理学:複雑さ、エントロピー、情報の物理学に関する1988年ワークショップの議事録、1989年5月から6月、ニューメキシコ州サンタフェで開催、Wojciech Hによって編集Zurek (Los Alamos National Laboratory and Santa Fe Institute), Volume 8, Article: Information, Physics, Quantum: The Search for Links by John Archibald Wheeler (Physics Department, Princeton University) Start Page 3, Quote Page 10, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Redwood City, California.(archive.orgのインターネットアーカイブ)


Time Is What Keeps Everything From Happening At Once

Albert Einstein? Ray Cummings? Mark Twain? Arthur C. Clarke? John Archibald Wheeler? Arthur Power Dudden? Susan Sontag?

Dear Quote Investigator: Albert Einstein has received credit for a humorous remark about time:

The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.

Would you please explore the provenance of this quip?

Quote Investigator: There is no substantive evidence that Einstein wrote or spoke the statement above. It is listed within a section called "Probably Not By Einstein" in the comprehensive reference "The Ultimate Quotable Einstein" from Princeton University Press.[1]

The earliest match known to QI appeared in March 1919 within a story titled "The Girl in the Golden Atom" by Ray Cummings in the magazine "All-Story Weekly". Boldface added to excerpts by QI:[2]

"How would you describe time?"
The Big Business Man smiled. "Time," he said, "is what keeps everything from happening at once."
"Very clever," laughed the Chemist.

Below are additional selected citations in chronological order.

In 1921 the same author, Ray Cummings, included the quip in the story "The Time Professor" in "Argosy All-Story Weekly":[3]

"I do know what time is," Tubby declared. He paused. "Time," he added slowly—"time is what keeps everything from happening at once. I know that—I seen it in print, too."

In 1922 Cummings combined two stories and expanded "The Girl in the Golden Atom" into a novel:[4]

"How would you describe time?"
The Big Business Man smiled. "Time," he said, "is what keeps everything from happening at once."
"Very clever," laughed the Chemist.

In 1926 "The Norton Nugget" of Norton, Kansas printed the statement as an anonymous filler item.[5]

In 1939 "The Arizona Daily Star" of Tucson, Arizona printed a note from a reader that included an instance. The word "one" was misspelled as "on".[6]

Silver Belle: Time is what keeps everything from happening at once, some bright on said. When I'm with you there's no such thing as time.

In 1945 "The Dayton Daily News" of Ohio printed a letter to the editor containing the quip. The writer implausibly credited the famous humorist Mark Twain:[7]

We Americans are too impatient to wait for events to shape themselves but must force the issue. Mark Twain said, "Time is what keeps everything from happening at once."

In 1960 "The Observer" of London published an inquiry about the saying:[8]

Sir,–Could anyone tell me the origin of the saying "Time is a device to prevent everything from happening at once."?
Cambridge. Joan Robinson.

In 1962 prominent science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke printed a variant joke about space instead of time in his non-fiction book "Profiles of the Future". Clarke specified an anonymous attribution:[9]

Space, someone once remarked with great acuteness, is what stops everything from being in the same place. But suppose we want two things to be in the same place—or, better still, two places to be in the same place?

The idea that space is fixed, invariant, and absolute has taken a beating during the last fifty years, thanks largely to Einstein.

In 1970 the 1919 story was reprinted in the collection "Under the Moons of Mars: A History and Anthology of 'The Scientific Romance'". The reprinted text was slightly altered. For example, the last line in the following excerpt was a bit different:[10]

"How would you describe time?"
The Big Business Man smiled. "Time," he said, "is what keeps everything from happening at once."
"Very clever," said the Chemist, laughing.

In 1973 syndicated columnist Herb Caen reported that an instance had appeared as a graffito in California:[11]

Just as I was about to ask pertly, "Whatever happened to graffiti?", attorney Lawrence Duga checks in with this, inscribed on a wall of Berkeley's Yangtze River restaurant: "Time is Nature's way of preventing everything from happening at once."

In 1979 "1,001 Logical Laws, Accurate Axioms, Profound Principles" compiled by John Peers included the following entry:[12]

Hufstader's Insight:
Time is nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once.

In 1984 a theological purpose was suggested by an instance printed by a columnist in a Waterloo, Iowa newspaper:[13]

"Time is God's way of not letting everything happen all at once."

In 1989 the acclaimed physicist John Archibald Wheeler participated in a "Workshop on Complexity, Entropy, and The Physics Of Information". Wheeler's article included an instance of the saying with a footnote explaining that he had seen the statement as a graffito in Texas:[14]

No space, no time. Heaven did not hand down the word "time." Man invented it, perhaps positing hopefully as he did that "Time is nature's way to keep everything from happening all at once." [6]

[6] Discovered among the graffiti in the men's room of the Pecan Street Cafe, Austin, Texas.

Also in 1987 an article about humor by history professor Arthur Power Dudden in the "East-West Film Journal" presented an instance that referred to space and time:[15]

A graffito expresses the matter admirably, on the wall in the men's room I frequent (that one which regularly displays the most reliable telephone numbers) thus:

Time exists so that everything
doesn't happen at once.
Space exists so that it doesn't
all happen to you.

Influential essayist Susan Sontag employed a very similar instance within an essay that was collected and published posthumously in 2007:[16]

There is an old riff I've always imagined to have been invented by some graduate student of philosophy (as I was once myself), late one night, who had been struggling through Kant's abstruse account in his Critique of Pure Reason of the barely comprehensible categories of time and space, and decided that all of this could he put much more simply.

It goes as follows:
"Time exists in order that everything doesn't happen all at once . . . and space exists so that it doesn't all happen to you."

In conclusion, Ray Cummings should receive credit for the quip he wrote in 1919, 1921, and 1922. The attributions to Albert Einstein and Mark Twain are unsupported. John Archibald Wheeler, Arthur Power Dudden, and Susan Sontag employed instances, but each of them disclaimed credit. A similar remark about space was used by Arthur C. Clarke in 1962, but he also disclaimed credit.

(Thanks to kind librarians at the University of Louisville Archives and Special Collections Repository who verified the March 15, 1919 citation. Great thanks to Brian M. Sutin whose inquiry led QI to formulate this question and perform this exploration. Special thanks to previous researchers. Fred R. Shapiro included the 1921 citation in "The Yale Book of Quotations". He also posted a mailing list message in 2006 pointing to the possible 1919 citation. Thanks to the volunteer editors of Wikiquote who discussed this topic in the "Misattributed" section of the webpage for Albert Einstein. Wikiquote pointed to the 1921 citation and noted that the 1922 novel "The Girl in the Golden Atom" was constructed from two earlier short stories. Thanks to discussant Jonathan Lighter who mentioned that he heard a theological instance circa 1980.)

Update History: On August 25, 2022 a directly verified citation for the March 15, 1919 excerpt was added to the article. The 1970 reprint citation was moved to a later section of the article.

12010, The Ultimate Quotable Einstein, Edited by Alice Calaprice, Section: Probably Not by Einstein, Quote Page 481, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. (Verified on paper) 
21919 March 15, All-Story Weekly, Volume 95, Number 1, The Girl in the Golden Atom by Ray Cummings, Start Page 1, Quote Page 20, Column 1, The Frank A. Munsey Company, New York. (Verified with scans from University of Louisville Archives and Special Collections Repository) 
31921 January 8, Argosy All-Story Weekly, The Time Professor by Ray Cummings, Start Page 371, Quote Page 371, Column 2, The Frank A. Munsey Company, New York. (Google Books Full View) link
41922, The Girl in the Golden Atom by Ray Cummings, Chapter 5: The World in the Ring, Quote Page 34, Methuen & Company, London. (HathiTrust Full View) link
51926 April 6, The Norton Nugget, (Filler item), Quote Page 4, Column 5, Norton, Kansas. (Newspapers_com) 
61939 May 04, The Arizona Daily Star, Happy In Old Pueblo Days Be Seein' You, Quote Page 8, Column 3, Tucson, Arizona. (Newspapers_com) 
71945 February 10, The Dayton Daily News, (Letter to the Editor titled "A Long-Term Task" from W.P.), Quote Page 4, Column 7, Dayton, Ohio. (Newspapers_com) 
81960 November 20, The Observer, Letters to the Editor, Quote Page 22, Column 6, London, England. (Newspapers_com) 
91967 (First publication 1962), Profiles of the Future by Arthur C. Clarke, Chapter 7: World without Distance, Quote Page 77, Bantam Books, New York. (Verified with scans) 
101970, Under the Moons of Mars: A History and Anthology of "The Scientific Romance" in the Munsey Magazines: 1912-1920, Edited by Sam Moskowitz, The Girl in the Golden Atom by Ray Cummings (All-Story Weekly, March 15, 1919), Start Page 175, Quote Page 205, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York. (Verified with scans) 
111973 January 11, The Honolulu Advertiser, San Francisco by Herb Caen, Quote Page E5, Column 5, Honolulu, Hawaii. (Newspapers_com) 
121979, 1,001 Logical Laws, Accurate Axioms, Profound Principles, Compiled by John Peers, Edited by Gordon Bennett, Quote Page 83, Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, New York. (Verified on paper) 
131984 December 27, The Courier, On the Outside: Seasons have their flaws by Scott Cawelti, Quote Page 4A, Column 2, Waterloo, Iowa. (Newspapers_com) 
141990, Complexity Entropy And The Physics Of Information: The Proceedings of the 1988 Workshop on Complexity, Entropy, and The Physics Of Information, Held May-June, 1989 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Edited by Wojciech H. Zurek (Los Alamos National Laboratory and Santa Fe Institute), Volume 8, Article: Information, Physics, Quantum: The Search for Links by John Archibald Wheeler (Physics Department, Princeton University) Start Page 3, Quote Page 10, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Redwood City, California. (Internet Archive at archive.org) 
151987 December, East-West Film Journal, Volume 2, Number 1, Special Issue on Humor in Cinema, The Dimensions of American Humor by Arthur Power Dudden, Start Page 3, Quote Page 9, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. (Verified with scans) 
162007, At the Same Time: Essays and Speeches by Susan Sontag, Edited by Paolo Dilonardo and Anne Jump, At the Same Time: The Novelist and Moral Reasoning, Start Page 210, Quote Page 214, Farrar Straus Giroux, New York. (Google Books Preview) 

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