

If it were a matter of bourgeois nothing but effective support for the reaction. Most of those bourgeois wome who act like lionesses in the struggle against "male prerogatives" would tro like docile lambs in the camp of conservative and clerical reaction if they had suffrage. Indeed, they would certainly be a good deal more reactionary than the male part of their class. Aside from the few who have jobs or professions, the women of the bourgeoisie do not take part in social production. They are nothing but co-consumers of the surplus value their men extort from the pro- letariat. They are parasites of the parasites of the social body. And co-con- sumers are usually even more rabid and cruel in defending their "right" to a parasite's life than the direct agents of class rule and exploitation. The history of all great revolutionary struggles confirms this in a horrible great French Revolution. After the fall of the Jacobins, when Robespierre was expect S women way. Take the




おしつけられた重荷をひきずって来てくれるものである。 それどころか、 かれらは、おなじし階級の男子の部分より








の死体のまわりで、あられもなく恥しらずの歓喜の舞踏を演じたという。 あるいは、また一八七一年、バリにおい











Rosa Luxemburg: Women's Suffrage and Class Struggle (1912)

Women’s Suffrage and Class Struggle

Rosa Luxemburg


Speech: May 12, 1912 (at the Second Social Democratic Women’s Rally, Stuttgart, Germany).
Source: Selected Political Writings, Rosa Luxemburg. Edited and introduced by Dick Howard. Monthly Review Press © 1971.
Translated: Rosmarie Waldrop (from the German Ausgewählte Reden und Schriften, 2 (Berlin: Dietz Verlag, 1951, pp.433-41).
Transcription/Markup: Brian Baggins.
Copyright: Monthly Review Press © 1971. Published here by the Marxists Internet Archive (marxists.org, 2003) with permission from Monthly Review Press.

“Why are there no organizations for working women in Germany? Why do we hear so little about the working women’s movement?” With these questions, Emma Ihrer, one of the founders of the proletarian women’s movement of Germany, introduced her 1898 essay, Working Women in the Class Struggle. Hardly fourteen years have passed since, but they have seen a great expansion of the proletarian women’s movement. More than a hundred fifty thousand women are organized in unions and are among the most active troops in the economic struggle of the proletariat. Many thousands of politically organized women have rallied to the banner of Social Democracy: the Social Democratic women’s paper [Die Gleichheit, edited by Clara Zetkin] has more than one hundred thousand subscribers; women’s suffrage is one of the vital issues on the platform of Social Democracy.

Exactly these facts might lead you to underrate the importance of the fight for women’s suffrage. You might think: even without equal political rights for women we have made enormous progress in educating and organizing women. Hence, women’s suffrage is not urgently necessary. If you think so, you are deceived. The political and syndical awakening of the masses of the female proletariat during the last fifteen years has been magnificent. But it has been possible only because working women took a lively interest in the political and parliamentary struggles of their class in spite of being deprived of their rights. So far, proletarian women are sustained by male suffrage, which they indeed take part in, though only indirectly. Large masses of both men and women of the working class already consider the election campaigns a cause they share in common. In all Social Democratic electoral meetings, women make up a large segment, sometimes the majority. They are always interested and passionately involved. In all districts where there is a firm Social Democratic organization, women help with the campaign. And it is women who have done invaluable work distributing leaflets and getting subscribers to the Social Democratic press, this most important weapon in the campaign.

The capitalist state has not been able to keep women from taking on all these duties and efforts of political life. Step by step, the state has indeed been forced to grant and guarantee them this possibility by allowing them union and assembly rights. Only the last political right is denied women: the right to vote, to decide directly on the people’s representatives in legislature and administration, to be an elected member of these bodies. But here, as in all other areas of society, the motto is: “Don’t let things get started!” But things have been started. The present state gave in to the women of the proletariat when it admitted them to public assemblies, to political associations. And the state did not grant this voluntarily, but out of necessity, under the irresistible pressure of the rising working class. It was not least the passionate pushing ahead of the proletarian women themselves which forced the Prusso-German police state to give up the famous “women’s section”[A] in gatherings of political associations and to open wide the doors of political organizations to women. This really set the ball rolling. The irresistible progress of the proletarian class struggle has swept working women right into the whirlpool of political life. Using their right of union and assembly, proletarian women have taken a most active part in parliamentary life and in election campaigns. It is only the inevitable’ consequence, only the logical result of the movement that today millions of proletarian women call defiantly and with self-confidence: Let us have suffrage!

Once upon a time, in the beautiful era of pre-1848 absolutism, the whole working class was said not to be “mature enough” to exercise political rights. This cannot be said about proletarian women today, because they have demonstrated their political maturity. Everybody knows that without them, without the enthusiastic help of proletarian women, the Social Democratic Party would not have won the glorious victory of January 12, [1912], would not have obtained four and a quarter million votes. At any rate, the working class has always had to prove its maturity for political freedom by a successful revolutionary uprising of the masses. Only when Divine Right on the throne and the best and noblest men of the nation actually felt the calloused fist of the proletariat on their eyes and its knee on their chests, only then did they feel confidence in the political “maturity” of the people, and felt it with the speed of lightning. Today, it is the proletarian woman’s turn to make the capitalist state conscious of her maturity. This is done through a constant, powerful mass movement which has to use all the means of proletarian struggle and pressure.

Women’s suffrage is the goal. But the mass movement to bring it about is not a job for women alone, but is a common class concern for women and men of the proletariat. Germany’s present lack of rights for women is only one link in the chain of the reaction that shackles the people’s lives. And it is closely connected with the other pillar of the reaction: the monarchy. In advanced capitalist, highly industrialized, twentieth-century Germany, in the age of electricity and airplanes, the absence of women’s political rights is as much a reactionary remnant of the ‘dead past as the reign by Divine Right on the throne. Both phenomena-the instrument of heaven as the leading political power, and woman, demure by the fireside, unconcerned with the storms of public life, with politics and class struggle-both phenomena have their roots in the rotten circumstances of the past, in the times of serfdom in the country and guilds in the towns. In those times, they were justifiable and necessary. But both monarchy and women’s lack of rights have been uprooted by the development of modern capitalism, have become ridiculous caricatures. They continue to exist in our modern society, not just because people forgot to abolish them, not just because of the persistence and inertia of circumstances. No, they still exist because both-monarchy as well as women without rights-have become powerful tools of interests inimical to the people. The worst and most brutal advocates of the exploitation and enslavement of the proletariat are entrenched behind throne and altar as well as behind the political enslavement of women. Monarchy and women’s lack of rights have become the most important tools of the ruling capitalist class.

In truth, our state is interested in keeping the vote from working women and from them alone. It rightly fears they will threaten the traditional institutions of class rule, for instance militarism (of which no thinking proletarian woman can help being a deadly enemy), monarchy, the systematic robbery of duties and taxes on groceries, etc. Women’s suffrage is a horror and abomination for the present capitalist state because behind it stand millions of women who would strengthen the enemy within, i.e., revolutionary Social Democracy. If it were a matter of bourgeois ladies voting, the capitalist state could expect nothing but effective support for the reaction. Most of those bourgeois women who act like lionesses in the struggle against “male prerogatives” would trot like docile lambs in the camp of conservative and clerical reaction if they had suffrage. Indeed, they would certainly be a good deal more reactionary than the male part of their class. Aside from the few who have jobs or professions, the women of the bourgeoisie do not take part in social production. They are nothing but co-consumers of the surplus value their men extort from the proletariat. They are parasites of the parasites of the social body. And consumers are usually even more rabid and cruel in defending their “right” to a parasite’s life than the direct agents of class rule and exploitation. The history of all great revolutionary struggles confirms this in a horrible way. Take the great French Revolution. After the fall of the Jacobins, when Robespierre was driven in chains to the place of execution the naked whores of the victory-drunk bourgeoisie danced in the streets, danced a shameless dance of joy around the fallen hero of the Revolution. And in 1871, in Paris, when the heroic workers’ Commune was defeated by machine guns, the raving bourgeois females surpassed even their bestial men in their bloody revenge against the suppressed proletariat. The women of the property-owning classes will always fanatically defend the exploitation and enslavement of the working people by which they indirectly receive the means for their socially useless existence.

Economically and socially, the women of the exploiting classes are not an independent segment of the population.. Their only social function is to be tools of the natural propagation of the ruling classes. By contrast, the women of the proletariat are economically independent. They are productive for society like the men. By this I do not mean their bringing up children or their housework which helps men support their families on scanty wages. This kind of work is not productive in the sense of the present capitalist economy no matter how enormous an achievement the sacrifices and energy spent, the thousand little efforts add up to. This is but the private affair of the worker, his happiness and blessing, and for this reason nonexistent for our present society. As long as capitalism and the wage system rule, only that kind of work is considered productive which produces surplus value, which creates capitalist profit. From this point of view, the music-hall dancer whose legs sweep profit into her employer’s pocket is a productive worker, whereas all the toil of the proletarian women and mothers in the four walls of their homes is considered unproductive. This sounds brutal and insane, but corresponds exactly to the brutality and insanity of our present capitalist economy. And seeing this brutal reality clearly and sharply is the proletarian woman’s first task.

For, exactly from this point of view, the proletarian women’s claim to equal political rights is anchored in firm economic ground. Today, millions of proletarian women create capitalist profit like men-in factories, workshops, on farms, in home industry, offices, stores. They are therefore productive in the strictest scientific sense of our present society. Every day enlarges the hosts of women exploited by capitalism. Every new progress in industry or technology creates new places for women in the machinery of capitalist profiteering. And thus, every day and every step of industrial progress adds a new stone to the firm foundation of women’s equal political rights. Female education and intelligence have become necessary for the economic mechanism itself. The narrow, secluded woman of the patriarchal “family circle” answers the needs of industry and commerce as little as those of politics. It is true, the capitalist state has neglected its duty even in this respect. So far, it is the unions and the Social Democratic organizations that have done most to awaken the minds and moral sense of women. Even decades ago, the Social Democrats were known as the most capable and intelligent German workers. Likewise, unions and Social Democracy have today lifted the women of the proletariat out of their stuffy, narrow existence, out of the miserable and petty mindlessness of household managing. The proletarian class struggle has widened their horizons, made their minds flexible, developed their thinking, shown them great goals for their efforts. Socialism has brought about the mental rebirth of the mass of proletarian women-and thereby has no doubt also made them capable productive workers for capital.

Considering all this, the proletarian woman’s lack of political rights is a vile injustice, and the more so for being by now at least half a lie. After all, masses of women take an active part in political life. However, Social Democracy does not use the argument of “injustice.” This is the basic difference between us and the earlier sentimental, utopian socialism. We do not depend on the justice of the ruling classes, but solely on the revolutionary power of the working masses and on the course of social development which prepares the ground for this power. Thus, injustice by itself is certainly not an argument with which to overthrow reactionary institutions. If, however, there is a feeling of injustice in large segments of society – says Friedrich Engels, the co-founder of scientific socialism – it is always a sure sign that the economic bases of the society have shifted considerably, that the present conditions contradict the march of development. The present forceful movement of millions of proletarian women who consider their lack of political rights a crying wrong is such an infallible sign, a sign that the social bases of the reigning system are rotten and that its days are numbered.

A hundred years ago, the Frenchman Charles Fourier, one of the first great prophets of socialist ideals, wrote these memorable words: In any society, the degree of female emancipation is the natural measure of the general emancipation.[B] This is completely true for our present society. The current mass struggle for women’s political rights is only an expression and a part of the proletariat’s general struggle for liberation. In this lies its strength and its future. Because of the female proletariat, general, equal, direct suffrage for women would immensely advance and intensify the proletarian class struggle. This is why bourgeois society abhors and fears women’s suffrage. And this is why we want and will achieve it. Fighting for women’s suffrage, we will also hasten the coming of the hour when the present society falls in ruins under the hammer strokes of the revolutionary proletariat.

[A] The “women’s section” had been instituted in 1902 by the Prussian Minister von Hammerstein. According to this disposition, a special section of the room was reserved for women at political meetings.

[B] Though Rosa Luxemburg could not have known it, Karl Marx cites these same words in the third of the Economic and Philosophical Manuscnpis of 1844 when he discusses the nature of communist society.

Rosa Luxemburg Internet Archive

Last updated on: 3.12.2008




ル・コルビジェ.Le Corbusier,M.230







ダニエル・ゲラン and 1 more

革命的自然発生―ゲランのローザ論 (1976)

G.ルカーチ and 1 more


“Spontaneität der Massen, Aktivität der Partei,” 1921 in Werke, Bd. 2.「 大 衆 の 自 然 発 生 性 、. 党 の 行 動 性 」、『ルカーチ 初 期 著 作 集 』 第 三 巻 所 収 。


ローザ・ルクセンブルク選集 3 1911‐1916 | ローザ・ルクセンブルク | 発売国: ... 三月のあらし/ 婦人選挙権と階級闘争/ 政治的大衆ストライキ―ベルリン第四選挙 ...



実のところ、私たちの州は、働く女性と女性だけからの投票を維持することに関心を持っています。軍国主義(プロレタリアの女性が致命的な敵になるのを助けることはできない)、君主制、組織的な義務の強盗、食料品への税金など、伝統的な階級支配の制度を脅かすのは当然のことです。女性の怒りは恐ろしいものです。そして現在の資本主義国家の忌まわしさ。なぜなら、その背後には、革命的な社会民主主義の中で敵を強化する何百万人もの女性が立っているからです。それがブルジョアの女性の投票の問題であるならば、資本主義国は反応に対する効果的な支援しか期待できませんでした。「男性の特権」との闘いでライオネスのように振る舞うブルジョアの女性のほとんど 彼らが参政権を持っていれば、保守的で聖職者の反応の陣営で従順な子羊のように速歩するでしょう。確かに、彼らは確かに彼らのクラスの男性の部分よりもかなり反動的です。仕事や職業を持っている少数の人を除いて、ブルジョアジーの女性は社会的生産に参加していません。彼らは、彼らの部下がプロレタリアートから強要した余剰価値の共同消費者に他ならない。それらは社会体の寄生虫の寄生虫です。そして、消費者は通常、クラスの支配と搾取の直接の代理人よりも、寄生虫の生活に対する彼らの「権利」を擁護することにおいて、さらに過激で残酷です。すべての偉大な革命的闘争の歴史は、これを恐ろしい方法で裏付けています。偉大なフランス革命を取りなさい。ジャコバン派の崩壊後、ロベスピエールが死刑執行の場所に鎖で追いやられたとき、勝利に酔ったブルジョアジーの裸の娼婦が通りで踊り、革命の倒れた英雄の周りで恥知らずな喜びの踊りを踊りました。そして1871年、パリで、英雄的な労働者のコミューンが機関銃で敗北したとき、猛威を振るうブルジョアの女性は、抑圧されたプロレタリアートに対する血なまぐさい復讐で彼らの獣の男性さえも上回りました。財産所有階級の女性は、社会的に役に立たない存在の手段を間接的に受け取る労働者の搾取と奴隷制を常に熱狂的に擁護します。猛威を振るうブルジョアの女性は、抑圧されたプロレタリアートに対する血なまぐさい復讐において、獣の男性さえも上回りました。財産所有階級の女性は、社会的に役に立たない存在の手段を間接的に受け取る労働者の搾取と奴隷制を常に熱狂的に擁護します。猛威を振るうブルジョアの女性は、抑圧されたプロレタリアートに対する血なまぐさい復讐において、獣の男性さえも上回りました。財産所有階級の女性は、社会的に役に立たない存在の手段を間接的に受け取る労働者の搾取と奴隷制を常に熱狂的に擁護します。経済的および社会的に、搾取階級の女性は人口の独立したセグメントではありません。彼らの唯一の社会的機能は支配階級の自然な伝播のツールになることです。対照的に、プロレタリア独裁の女性は経済的に独立しています。彼らは男性のような社会のために生産的です。これは、男性がわずかな賃金で家族を養うのに役立つ子供を育てたり、家事をしたりすることを意味するものではありません。この種の仕事は、犠牲とエネルギーがどれほど大きな成果を上げたとしても、現在の資本主義経済の意味では生産的ではありません。これは労働者の私事、彼の幸福と祝福に過ぎず、このため私たちの現在の社会には存在しません。資本主義と賃金制度が支配する限り、その種の仕事だけが生産的であると考えられ、余剰価値を生み出し、それが資本家の利益を生み出します。この観点から、足が雇用主のポケットに利益をもたらす音楽ホールのダンサーは生産的な労働者ですが、家の4つの壁でのプロレタリアの女性と母親のすべての労苦は非生産的であると考えられています。これは残忍で狂気に聞こえますが、現在の資本主義経済の残忍さと狂気に正確に対応しています。そして、この残忍な現実をはっきりとはっきりと見ることは、プロレタリア女性の最初の仕事です。一方、家の4つの壁にあるプロレタリアの女性と母親の苦労はすべて非生産的であると考えられています。これは残忍で狂気に聞こえますが、現在の資本主義経済の残忍さと狂気に正確に対応しています。そして、この残忍な現実をはっきりとはっきりと見ることは、プロレタリア女性の最初の仕事です。一方、家の4つの壁にあるプロレタリアの女性と母親の苦労はすべて非生産的であると考えられています。これは残忍で狂気に聞こえますが、現在の資本主義経済の残忍さと狂気に正確に対応しています。そして、この残忍な現実をはっきりとはっきりと見ることは、プロレタリア女性の最初の仕事です。



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SPR1' 「自由」 が私有財産になれば、その他きは失われるのだ。










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ル・コルビジェ.Le Corbusier,M.230







ダニエル・ゲラン and 1 more

革命的自然発生―ゲランのローザ論 (1976)

G.ルカーチ and 1 more






  • [注]冯·哈耶克把视社会整体是可透视且可进行设计的思想称为建筑主义,并认为其鼻祖是马克思与笛卡尔,但这种观点非常通俗且简单化(关于笛卡尔将在第三部第18节论述)。哈耶克针对建筑主义提出了spontaneous order(自发秩序),这与马克思所说的自然形成相类似。马克思正是针对黑格尔主义思想提出了自然形成性对立概念。
  •  需要注意的是,马克思特意避开具有神学意义的spontaneous词,而使用了Naturwüchsigkeit这个用语。这一差别在英译时被忽略了。前者具有各人的spontaneous意志通过神的恩宠而最终归于和谐秩序order的含义。更为明显的是,哈耶克所说的自发秩序spontaneous order中,蔓延着亚当·斯密所说的在市场经济中发挥作用的神之看不见的手。因此,哈耶克后来把spontaneous order换成了自组织系统。但自组织系统终究还是系统,它可从更高处俯瞰。马克思以及同时代的无政府主义者都重视spontaneous,但正如傅立叶、蒲鲁东那样,这与设计乌托邦社会并不矛盾。那里隐潜着与古典经济学或古典自由主义相通的神学desim。也就是说,表面上建筑主义与自发秩序似乎相互对立,其实二者立足于共同的前提。对此,马克思试图以自然形成性概念加以说明的,是存在于自发秩序以及建筑秩序这个二元对立基础里的分裂生成。这样的分裂生成无法通过计划性组织进行管理,但同时它又不断使自发秩序解体。马克思反对资本主义市场经济,但同时也反对对其进行国家式管理。对马克思而言,共产主义只有在必须依附市场同时又不可依附市场的二律背反中去探寻。









= 弁証法によって自己修正していくべきだと考えた。しかし、およそこうした組織論的観点によって

は、マルクスがいう自然成長性 Naturwüchsigkeit の意味はみおとされざるをえない。事実マルクス

が『資本論』にいたるまで一貫して Naturwüchsigkeit という語を用いているのに、ルクセンブルグ

は Spontaneitāt という語を用いている。後者が神学的な起源をもつ概念であるのに対して、前者は植一

物の繁茂増殖していくイメージをもっている。ドゥルーズ &ガタリのいうリゾーム,が植物的なイ








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