NAMs出版プロジェクト: バンコール(経済学)1940~2
Chen Huan-Chang 陳煥章 1881~1933(康有為の弟子らしい)
当陈焕章博士叙述后来的哲学家和经济史时,我们发现他的方法更像现代经济学家的。他对井田制的记述十分详细而有趣,这种土地所有制被认为以某种形式存在于公元前约2600年至公元前350年间。这一记述值得所有研究村社土地所有制的学生关注。关于货币的那部分记录了中国确实先于其它国家早就采用的许多做法(在这方面,现在的中国是所有国家中最欠发达的)。据说中国从公元前2900年起就已经使用货币了,现在仍以铜钱为基础的三金属体制早自最遥远的古代起就一直延用至今(不过金币越来越少用了)。在应用纸币方面他们远远先于其他民族。卒于公元83年的郑众这样说到“里布”:“布,参(叁)印书,广二寸,长二尺,以为币贸易物。” 中国于九世纪时开创了一种介于纸币和汇票之间的票据,当时的情景值得引述:
“唐朝中期,钱很少,因此,有些地方钱不让带出当地。唐宪宗时(孔子纪元1357~1371年),商人到京城,他们将钱存在诸道驻京的机构(进奏院——译者注),换成证券放在身边。这样,无论到哪儿,他们都很容易凭证券提款。这被称为‘飞钱’。然而这一做法为中央政府所禁,因为政府认为这些机构将使钱币退出流通,令商品价格降低。但禁用飞钱的结果更糟。因此,在孔子纪元1363年(812 A.D.),中央政府自己开办了作飞钱生意的衙门,即由政府向存款人发放证券,存款人可以在不同省份的大城市将证券换成现金。。。真正的政府银行建立于宋初(1521 A.K.或970 A.D.),那是为了飞钱经营体系的运作,它被称为 ‘便钱务’。”相传“标会”制度,即中国的合作银行,是由生活于公元220年左右的一个名叫庞公的隐士发明的。
在陈焕章博士这本博学而令人愉悦的书中,有大量的内容人们将会引述,比如孔子的优生原则,关于劳工流动的规定,或是写得极好的中国税制史。还值得一提的最后一点是中国的人口问题。人口统计在极早的年代就存在了,见之于“(孔子)式负版者”;不过是十分不准确的,主要是因为有些时候存在着“户税”和“口税”,使得人们为了利益而隐瞒他们的人数。不过,即使考虑到这一点误差,即使还考虑到从土地所有制度推定的情况,似乎很显然,目前中国庞大的人口是近代的增长造成的,人口的高稠密度是近期的事,与英国的情况一样。公元后的最初十七个世纪(或者从孔子纪元五世纪至二十二世纪)人口似乎在50,000,000上下波动,在十八世纪初以前从未有可能达到100,000,000。从那以后人口才开始跳跃式增长。按照最近相对比较准确的人口普查,1749年的人口是177,000,000;1783年284,000,000;1842年413,000,000。据说太平天国起义期间(1850~1856)人口减损在10,000,000至20,000,000之间(陈焕章博士将因此导致的人口减损确定为150,000,000,那一定是因为印刷错误或修辞式夸张)。较近期的洪灾和饥荒造成的人口减损也许比以前的更严重。据官方估计,在1868至1885年间人口在378,000,000和405,000,000之间。1910年(据《中国年鉴》)有过两次分开的估算(西藏和满洲除外):《海关估算》(Custom's Estimate)是421,000,000,民政部基于户数的人口普查(Minchengpu Census Return),结果是316,000,000。四川的人口数字让人们对上述数字起疑:民政部调查结果为23,000,000,海关的数字却为79,000,000,而A.Hoise爵士在1904年的估算是45,000,000。无论如何,实际的情况可能是这样:1700年以前中国本土人口不超过100,000,000,而只是从上个世纪到现在,大约在300,000,000到400,000,000之间。
然而陈焕章博士从其他方面寻找中国衰弱的主要原因,他在科举考试对八股文的要求中找到了—— 八股文不实用,而精通掌握它却需要长时期的训练;八股文开创于1370年,于1902年废除。
注[1] 在中文中“息”代表利息,意为“子”。在中国,利息的正当性从没有受到过质疑。
另,本文原载于《经济学杂志》(Economics Journal),1912年月12月号。翻译来源于互联网。
The Economics Principles of Confucius and His School (Volume One) Paperback – March 12, 2003
by Chen Huan-Chang (Author) [Chen Huanzhang 陳煥章]
Liu An ( -1331)
constantly normal granary
by Chen Huan-Chang (Author) [Chen Huanzhang 陳煥章]
Liu An ( -1331)
constantly normal granary
先生が衛の国へ行かれたとき、冉有が御者であった。先生が「[衛の人口は]多いね。」と言われたので、冉有は「多くなったら、さらに何をしたものでしょ う。」と言うと、「富ませよう。」と言われた。「富ましたら、さらに何をしたものでしょう」と言うと、「教育しよう。」と言われた。
(すべて天下や国や家をうまく治めてゆくのには 、九経つまり九つの原則というものがある 。君主がその身を修めること 、賢人を賢人として尊重すること 、親しい肉親を親愛すること 、大臣を尊敬すること 、群臣をその身になって思いやること 、庶民をいつくしむこと 、もろもろの工人をねぎらうこと 、遠い異国の人びとをやわらげること 、諸侯たちをなつけること 〔の九つ 〕である 。君主がその身を修めれば 、 〔万人の従うべき 〕正しい道が確立する 。賢人を尊重すると 、ものごとの道理をとり違えることがない 。肉親を親愛すると 、父と同列のおじたちや自分と同輩の兄弟たちも不満を持つことがない 。大臣を尊敬すると 、事にあたって迷うことがない 。群臣をその身になって思いやると 、士分のものたちの恩返しが厚くな 〔ってよく仕事をす 〕る 。庶民をいつくしむと 、万民すべてが君のためによく働く 。もろもろの工人を温かくねぎらうと 、財物や日用器物が 〔たくさん作られて 〕満ち足りる 。遠い異国の人びとをやわらげると 、四方の国ぐにが帰服する 。諸侯たちをなつけると 、世界じゅうがその威光になびく 。 〔九経を実行すれば 、このような効果があるのだ 。 〕
〔では 、九経をそれぞれに全うするにはどうすればよいか 。 〕潔斎して身を清めりっぱな礼服を身につけ 、何事も礼の定めにかなうように行動すると 、それがわが身を修めるということになる 。讒言をしりぞけ女色を遠ざけ 、貨財を軽くみて人の徳を尊重してゆくと 、それが賢人をはげますことになる 。その位を高くし俸禄を多くして 、好むこと憎むことを共にわかちあうようにすると 、それが肉親をはげますことになる 。
官職が備わってそれぞれに権威を持ち 、それを大臣が自由に任命して働かせるようにすると 、それが大臣をはげますことになる 。まごころから対応してその俸禄を重くしてゆくと 、それが士人たちをはげますことになる 。公務の使役は 〔農事を妨げない 〕農閑期だけにし 、 〔国の費用を節約して 〕納税を少なくすると 、それが万民をはげますことになる 。日ごと月ごとにその工作を点検し 、仕事ぶりに応じた扶持米を与えるようにすると 、それがもろもろの工人たちをはげますことになる 。遠い国へ帰ってゆくときは重に送り出し 、やって来たときは重に迎え入れ 、 〔中国の文化を身につけた 〕りっぱな人物はほめたたえ 、だめな人物には思いやってやさしくすると 、それが遠い異国の人びとをやわらげることになる 。世継ぎの絶えた国は後継ぎを立ててやり 、滅びた国はまた興してやり 、乱れた国は治まるように 、傾いた国はたち直るようにして 、諸侯が自分で朝廷に出向く朝の礼と 、重臣を派遣する聘の礼とを 〔混乱のないように 〕一定の時に行なわせ 、こちらからの 〔賜わり物や宴会 〕の施しは手厚くし 、向こうからの貢ぎ物は軽くさせるということにすると 、それが諸侯たちをなつけ従えることになる 。すべて天下や国や家をうまく治めてゆくのには 、 〔このように 〕九経つまり九つの原則というものがある 。しかし 、それらを実践するための根本はといえば 、ただ一つ*である 。)
*一なり-朱子は 「誠 」 、玄は次の 「予 」をさすとみるが 、九経の実践も根本は一つだということ 。後文の 「誠 」に連なるが 、ここで特定する必要は必ずしもない 。
日省月試 、既稟*称事 、所以勧百工也 、
日省月試 、既稟称事 、所以勧(二)百工(一)也 。
日に省み月に試みて 、既稟事に称うは 、百工を勧むる所以なり 。
日に省み月に試み 、既稟事に称うは 、百工を勧むる所以なり 。
日ごと月ごとにその工作を点検し 、仕事ぶりに応じた扶持米を与えるようにすると 、それがもろもろの工人たちをはげますことになる 。(岩波文庫)
日々その仕事ぶりを観察し月々に仕事の出来を試験して 、月給が仕事と釣り合うようにするのが 、技術者を励ます方法である 。(角川文庫)
*既稟 -「既 」は餼の借字 。贈り物の食料 。 「稟 」は俸給として賜わる米のこと 。あわせて扶持米 。
〔では 、九経をそれぞれに全うするにはどうすればよいか 。 〕潔斎して身を清めりっぱな礼服を身につけ 、何事も礼の定めにかなうように行動すると 、それがわが身を修めるということになる 。讒言をしりぞけ女色を遠ざけ 、貨財を軽くみて人の徳を尊重してゆくと 、それが賢人をはげますことになる 。その位を高くし俸禄を多くして 、好むこと憎むことを共にわかちあうようにすると 、それが肉親をはげますことになる 。
官職が備わってそれぞれに権威を持ち 、それを大臣が自由に任命して働かせるようにすると 、それが大臣をはげますことになる 。まごころから対応してその俸禄を重くしてゆくと 、それが士人たちをはげますことになる 。公務の使役は 〔農事を妨げない 〕農閑期だけにし 、 〔国の費用を節約して 〕納税を少なくすると 、それが万民をはげますことになる 。日ごと月ごとにその工作を点検し 、仕事ぶりに応じた扶持米を与えるようにすると 、それがもろもろの工人たちをはげますことになる 。遠い国へ帰ってゆくときは重に送り出し 、やって来たときは重に迎え入れ 、 〔中国の文化を身につけた 〕りっぱな人物はほめたたえ 、だめな人物には思いやってやさしくすると 、それが遠い異国の人びとをやわらげることになる 。世継ぎの絶えた国は後継ぎを立ててやり 、滅びた国はまた興してやり 、乱れた国は治まるように 、傾いた国はたち直るようにして 、諸侯が自分で朝廷に出向く朝の礼と 、重臣を派遣する聘の礼とを 〔混乱のないように 〕一定の時に行なわせ 、こちらからの 〔賜わり物や宴会 〕の施しは手厚くし 、向こうからの貢ぎ物は軽くさせるということにすると 、それが諸侯たちをなつけ従えることになる 。すべて天下や国や家をうまく治めてゆくのには 、 〔このように 〕九経つまり九つの原則というものがある 。しかし 、それらを実践するための根本はといえば 、ただ一つ*である 。)
*一なり-朱子は 「誠 」 、玄は次の 「予 」をさすとみるが 、九経の実践も根本は一つだということ 。後文の 「誠 」に連なるが 、ここで特定する必要は必ずしもない 。
Lessons from the States The Odes of Zhou and the South | ||
95. 溱洧 Qín Wěi 溱與洧、方渙渙兮。 士與女、方秉間兮。 女曰觀乎。 士曰既且。 且往觀乎。 洧之外、洵訏且樂。 維士與女、伊其相謔、贈之以勺藥。 | The Qin and Wei, Now present their broad sheets of water. Ladies and gentlemen, Are carrying flowers of valerian. A lady says, ' Have you been to see ? ' A gentleman replies, ' I have been . ' ' But let us go again to see. Beyond the Wei, The ground is large and fit for pleasure . ' So the gentlemen and ladies. Make sport together, Presenting one another with small peonies. | 間 jiān, Eupatorium chinensis has flowers somewhat resembling valerian; but 間 may be a character exchange for 蘭, 勺 appears to be a character change for 芍; |
The Odes Of Wei | 魏風 | |
107. 葛屨 Gé Jù 糾糾葛屨、可以履霜。 摻摻女手、可以縫裳。 要之襋之、好人服之。 | Hemp Sandals Shoes thinly woven of the dolichos fibre, May be used to walk on the hoarfrost. The delicate fingers of a bride, May be used in making clothes. [His bride] puts the waistband to his lower garment and the collar to his upper, And he, a wealthy man, wears them. | |
好人提提、宛然左辟、佩其象揥。 維是褊心、是以為刺。 | Wealthy, he moves about quite at ease, And politely he stands aside to the left. From his girdle hangs his ivory comb-pin. It is the narrowness of his disposition, Which makes him a subject for satire. |
糾糾葛屨 可以履霜 糾糾たる葛屨 以て霜を履む可し
■(扌參・さん)さん女手 可以縫裳 さんさんたる女手 以て裳を縫ふ可し
要之■(衤棘・きょく)之 好人服之 之を要し之をきょくす 好人之を服す
葛の履でも 霜が履める
細い少女の手でも 裳が縫える
腰をつくろい 襟をつくろって働く
尊貴の人が それを着ている
好人提提 宛然左辟 好人堤堤たり 宛然として左に辟く
佩其象揥 其の象揥を佩ぶ
維是褊心 是以爲刺 維れ是の褊心 是を以て刺りを爲す
行儀のよい尊貴の人が しとやかに左に身をさける
象牙の揥(かんざし)をして りっぱだけれども
吝嗇で困る この詩を作って刺(そし)るわけ
Cheng Chung
鄭衆 (大司農) - Wikipedia
https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%84%AD%E8%A1%86_(%E5%A4%A7%E5%8F%B8%E8%BE%B2)鄭衆 (大司農)
- ただし、『経典釈文』序録の『周礼』に引く鄭玄『三礼目録』には「二鄭(鄭興・鄭衆)信同宗之大儒、今賛而弁之。」とある
- ^ a b 賈公彦『周礼注疏』伝周礼廃興「是以馬融伝云(中略)河南緱氏杜子春、尚在永平之初(中略)鄭衆・賈逵往受業焉。衆・逵洪雅博聞、又以経書記転(伝の誤)、相証明為解。逵解行於世、衆解不行。兼攬二家、為備多所遺闕。然衆時所解説、近得其実。」
- 『後漢書』南匈奴列伝
- 呉樹平『東観漢記校注』(1928)による
- 『後漢書』儒林列伝
- 韋昭『国語解』叙「至於章帝、鄭大司農為之訓注、解疑釈滞、昭晰可観。至於細砕、有所闕略。」
- 石橋尚宝『十訓抄詳解』中巻、明治書院、1923年、52-55頁。
- 『後漢書』馬融伝上「嘗欲訓『左氏春秋』、及見賈逵・鄭衆注。乃曰「賈君精而不博、鄭君博而不精。既精既博、吾何加焉?」但著三伝異同説。」
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: Volume 11
未第11巻 経済論文と書簡 I
https://academic.oup.com/ej/article-abstract/22/88/584/5291949?redirectedFrom=fulltextChen Huan-Chang. The Economic Principles of Confucius and his School
The Economic Principles of Confucius and his School
. By Chen Huan-ChangColumbia University Studies. (New York : Longmans. 1911. 2 Vols. Pp. xv + 756.)
The Economic Journal, Volume 22, Issue 88, 1 December 1912, Pages 584–588, https://doi.org/10.2307/2222270
01 December 1912
From The Economic Journal, December 1912
CHEN, HUAN-CHANG. The Economic Principles of Confucius and
his School. 2 vols. Columbia Uniersity Studies. (New York,
Longmans), 1911.
Confucius once observed: 'How numerous are the people!' Jan
said, *Since they are thus numerous, what more shall be done
for them?''Enrich them,' was the reply. 'And when they have
been enriched,what more shall be done?'Confucius said,
Instruct them.'His theory of wages was expressed when he
said:By daily examinations and monthly trials,and by making
their rations in accordance with their labours-this is the way to
encourage all the classes of artisans.He did not allow land to
be subject to private ownership.He did not think it wrong to
take interest;for capital is the mother,and interest is her child.*
In the matter of tarifts he was an extreme free-trader.
This is the character of the economic principles of Confucius.
They supply the pretext rather than the substance of Dr Chen
Huan-Chang's most interesting volumes.The substance is
composed in part of contributons to the economic history of
China,and in part of the poems and aphorisms of many
generations on all topics that can be considered in the widest
sense economic.His chapters are headed'Factors of Production',
Distribution",'Public Finance,and so forth;but into this
artificial scheme he has fitted a great deal that is charming and
instructive.To prove that the separation of the two sexes was
not the original plan in China,he is able to quote this(which
Confucius gave as a bad example of a lewd custom)from the
Canon of Poetry:
The Tsin and the Wei
Now present their broad sheets of water.
Ladies and gentlemen
Are carrying flowers of valerian.
A lady says,'Shall we go to see?
A gentleman replies,'I have already been.'
But let us go again to sce.
Beyond the Wei
The ground is large and fit for pleasure.
So the gentlemen and ladies
Make sport together,
Presenting one another with small peonies.
Canon of Poetry:-
The Tsin and the Wei
Now present their broad sheets of water.
Ladies and gentlemen
Are carrying flowers of valerian.
A lady says,'Shall we go to see?'
A gentleman replies,'I have already been.'
But let us go again to see,
Beyond the Wei
The ground is large and fit for pleasure.'
So the gentlemen and ladies
Make sport together,
Presenting one another with small peonies.
In the chapter on 'Economic Organisation’ we read another
*The Chinese word(si)for interest means'child”That interest is justifiable has never been
doubted in China.
poem from the Canon,directed against an official who makes
his wife sew within the period of three months from marriage:-
Shoes thinly woven of the dolichos fibre
May be used to walk on the hoarfrost.
The delicate fingers of a bride
May be used in making clothes.
Putting the waistband to his lower garment and the collar to his upper,
The beautiful woman fixes them.
The beautiful woman moved gracefully,
And politely stood aside to the left;
From her girdle hung her ivory comb-pin.
But it is the narrowmindedness of her husband,
Which makes the subject for satire.
In the matter of the treatment of the old,Confucius laid it down
that if women have no children at the age of fifty,they are to
be given clothing and food by the government,and are to be
appointed commissioners for the collection of poetry.This
shows,according to Dr Huan-Chang,that Confucius thought
women qualified to hold government office.Nourishing the
old'was a special principle of Confucius.'According to the
Royal Regulations,for those of fifty the grain is fine and different
from that used by the younger people.For those of sixty,flesh
is kept in store waiting for their order at any time.For those
of seventy there is a second service of savoury meat.For those
of eighty there is a constant supply of delicacies.For those of
ninety,food and drink are never out of their chamber;whenever
they wander to another lace,it is required that savoury meat
and drink should accompany them.'
When Dr Huan-Chang is dealing with later philosophers and
with economic history we find a method more like that of
modern economists.His account of the tsing tien system of land
tenure,which is supposed to have existed in some form or other
from about 2500 B.C.to 350 B.C.,is very full and interesting,and
is worth the attention of all students of land tenure in village
communities.The section on money,a matter in which China
During the first seventeen centuries of the Christian era(or from
the fifth to the twenty-second of the Confucian)the opulation
appears to have fluctuated in the neighbourhood of 50,000,000;
it is not likely that it ever reached roo,ooo,ooo before the
beginning of the eighteenth century A.D.It is since that time that
the numbers have increased by leaps and bounds.According to
the comparatively accurate censuses of recent times,the
population was 177,000,000 in 1749,284,000,000 in 1783,and
413,000,000 in 1842.During the Tai-p'ing rebellion
(1850-1856)the loss of life is said to have been from 10,000,000
to 20,000,000(Dr Huan-Chang places the loss from this cause
at I50,000,ooo,but this must be due to a misprint or a rhetorical
exaggeration);and there has been more loss,perhaps,in quite
recent times than formerly from floods and famine,Between
I868 and 1885 the official estimates of population varied from
378,000,000 to 405,000,000.For I910(according to The China
Year Book)two independent estimates are available(Tibet and
Manchuria being excluded)-the Customs estimate of
421,000,000 and the Minchengpu(Ministry of the Interior)
Census Return,based on the number of households,of
316,000,000.The doubt attaching to these figures is shown by
the fact that the population of Szechuan is put,on the basis of
the Minchengpu Census,at 23,000,000,by the Customs at
79,000,000,and by Sir A.Hosie,who estimated it in 1904,at
45,000,ooo.It is probably true,however,that,whereas before
the year I700 the population of China proper did not exceed
100,000,000,it has been for the last century,and is now,
somewhere between 300,000,000 and 400,000,000.It is not
correct,therefore,to think,as perhaps one is apt to,that the
pressure of population in China on the means of subsistence is
many centuries old.The position is comparatively new,and
there has been no obvious change,as there has been in the
Western World,in economic or natural conditions of such a kind
as to justify this enormous increase of population.The Golden
Age of China,the age of her philosophers and poets and of
discoveries in the arts of government and of life,was not an age
of teeming and overcrowded population.Moralists are fond of
regarding periods of declining population as periods of national
decay,In China,as elsewhere,the forces of religion have been
powerfully on the side of numerous offspring.But it is difficult
to believe that the Golden Age can be recovered while those to
enjoy it are so many.
Dr Huan-Chang,however,seeks for the chief cause of the
weakness of China elsewhere.He sees it in the requirement of
the'modern essay'in civil service examinations(Class I).The
modern essay was of no practical use,and its mastery required
long practice.Instituted in 1370,in 1902 it was abolished.
孔子#8,e:95,c:60 教育
中庸#18,e:316,c:195 工
詩経#6,e:66,c:42 愛
詩経#10,e:154,c:96 woven
井田tsing tien#26,e:497,c:305
周礼、里布li pu#23,e:432,c:263
鋳貨#23,e:442?,c:267~270 グレシャムの法則
人口#18,e:332?,c:205 統計

From The Economic Journal, December 1912
CHEN, HUAN-CHANG. The Economic Principles of Confucius and
his School. 2 vols. Columbia Uniersity Studies. (New York,
Longmans), 1911.
Confucius once observed: 'How numerous are the people!' Jan
said, *Since they are thus numerous, what more shall be done
for them?''Enrich them,' was the reply. 'And when they have
been enriched,what more shall be done?'Confucius said,
Instruct them.'His theory of wages was expressed when he
said:By daily examinations and monthly trials,and by making
their rations in accordance with their labours-this is the way to
encourage all the classes of artisans.He did not allow land to
be subject to private ownership.He did not think it wrong to
take interest;for capital is the mother,and interest is her child.*
In the matter of tarifts he was an extreme free-trader.
This is the character of the economic principles of Confucius.
They supply the pretext rather than the substance of Dr Chen
Huan-Chang's most interesting volumes.The substance is
composed in part of contributons to the economic history of
China,and in part of the poems and aphorisms of many
generations on all topics that can be considered in the widest
sense economic.His chapters are headed'Factors of Production',
Distribution",'Public Finance,and so forth;but into this
artificial scheme he has fitted a great deal that is charming and
instructive.To prove that the separation of the two sexes was
not the original plan in China,he is able to quote this(which
Confucius gave as a bad example of a lewd custom)from the
Canon of Poetry:ー
The Tsin and the Wei
Now present their broad sheets of water.
Ladies and gentlemen
Are carrying flowers of valerian.
A lady says,'Shall we go to see?'
A gentleman replies,'I have already been.'
But let us go again to see,
Beyond the Wei
The ground is large and fit for pleasure.'
So the gentlemen and ladies
Make sport together,
Presenting one another with small peonies.
In the chapter on “Economic Organisation” we read another
poem from the Canon,directed against an official who makes
his wife sew within the period of three months from marriage:-
*The Chinese word(hsi) for interest means “child” That interest is justifiable has never been
doubted in China.

Shoos thinly woven of the dollohos fibre
May bo usod to walk on tho hoarfrost.
The delionto fiugora of a brido
May be usod in making olothos.
Putting the walstband to his lowor garmont and the collar to his uppor,
The benutiful woman fixes thom.
The benutiful woman movod gracofully,
And politoly stood nside to tho loft;
From her girdle hung her ivory comb-pin.
But it is the narrowmindodness of her husband,
Which makos the subjeot for satire.
In the matter of the treatment of the old,Confucius laid it down
that if women have no children at the age of fifty,they are to
be given clothing and food by the government,and are to be
appointed commissioners for the collection of poetry.This shows,
according to Dr.Huan-Chang,that Confucius thought women
qualified to hold government office."Nourishing the old"was
aspecial principle of Confucius."According to the Royal
Regulations,for those of fifty the grain is fine and different
from that used by the younger people.For those of sixty,flesh
is kept in store waiting for their order at any time.For those
of seventy there is a second service of savoury meat.For those
of eighty there is a constant supply of delicacies.For those of
ninety,food and drink are never out of their chamber;whenever
they wander to another place,it is required that savoury meat
and drink should accompany them.”
When Dr.Huan-Chang is dealing with later philosopbers and
with economic history we find a method more like that of modern
economists.His account of the tsing tien system of land tenure,
which is supposed to have existed in some form or other from
about 2600 B.O.to 350 B.c.,is very full and interesting,and is
worth the attention of all students of land tenure in village com-
munities.The section on money,a matter in which China is
now the least developed of all nations,shows that there are
many practices,in the use of which she certainly preceded them.
It is said that money has been used in China since 2900 B.C.,
and the trimetallic system of the present day has persisted(with
a diminishing use of gold)from the remotest times,the copper
coin being formerly,as now,the basis of the system. In the
use of paper money they long anticipated other peoples.
Cheng Chung,who died in 83 A.D.,says of the li pu that"it
was a piece of cloth stamped with seals and written with words,
two inches wide and two feet long.It was used as money
for the exchange of things."The origin of something between
notes and bills of exchange in the ninth century A.D.is worth
Instruct them.'His theory of wages was expressed when he
said:By daily examinations and monthly trials,and by making
their rations in accordance with their labours-this is the way to
encourage all the classes of artisans.He did not allow land to
be subject to private ownership.He did not think it wrong to
take interest;for capital is the mother,and interest is her child.*
In the matter of tarifts he was an extreme free-trader.
This is the character of the economic principles of Confucius.
They supply the pretext rather than the substance of Dr Chen
Huan-Chang's most interesting volumes.The substance is
composed in part of contributons to the economic history of
China,and in part of the poems and aphorisms of many
generations on all topics that can be considered in the widest
sense economic.His chapters are headed'Factors of Production',
Distribution",'Public Finance,and so forth;but into this
artificial scheme he has fitted a great deal that is charming and
instructive.To prove that the separation of the two sexes was
not the original plan in China,he is able to quote this(which
Confucius gave as a bad example of a lewd custom)from the
Canon of Poetry:ー
The Tsin and the Wei
Now present their broad sheets of water.
Ladies and gentlemen
Are carrying flowers of valerian.
A lady says,'Shall we go to see?'
A gentleman replies,'I have already been.'
But let us go again to see,
Beyond the Wei
The ground is large and fit for pleasure.'
So the gentlemen and ladies
Make sport together,
Presenting one another with small peonies.
In the chapter on “Economic Organisation” we read another
poem from the Canon,directed against an official who makes
his wife sew within the period of three months from marriage:-
*The Chinese word(hsi) for interest means “child” That interest is justifiable has never been
doubted in China.
quoting:"During the middle part of the Tang dynasty there was
a scarcity of money;hence,money was not allowed to be taken
out of certain localities.Therefore,when merchants came to the
capital they deposited their money in the offices which represented
the different provinces at the capital,and received bonds from
them.In this way,wherever they went they drew money with
their bonds very easily.This was called'flying money.'Such
a practice,however,was prohibited by the central government,
because it was thought that the offices would keep the money
out of circulation,and the prices of commodities would be lowered.
But the result was still worse than before.Therefore,in 812 A.D.,
the government opened its own offices at the capital for carrying
on the business of flying money-that is,the government issued
bonds to depositors,and they exchanged bonds for money at
the great cities of different provinces.A true government bank
was established in 970 A.D.for the operation of the flying-money
system.It was called The Bank of Convenient Money."
Tradition says that the system of"money associations,or
co-operative banks of China,was invented by a hermit named
Mang Kung,who lived about 220 A.D.
Gresham's Law and the Quantity Theory have been long
understood by Chinese scholars.In 175 B.c.Chia Yi said:"The
government accumulates copper for the control of the value
of money.When the value is low,it lessens the quantity by
some policy;and when it is high,it distributes the money by
some policy.Hence,the price of commodities must be equalised."
In 1378 A.D.Yeh Tzu-ch'i laid it down that"if we want to estab-
lish paper money,it is necessary to reserve cash as a fund.It
should be like the certificate of tea or salt;when the certificate
is presented the tea'or salt can be obtained immediately....
When the certificate comes,the cash goes out;and when the
certificate goes out,the cash comes in.Take the cash as the
mother,and take the certificate as the son.The mother and
son supplement each other,and control the price of all com-
modities.When the price is low,paper should be issued;and
when the price is high it should be withdrawn."In 1223 A.D.
Yian Hsieh explained that an insufficiency of copper money
could not be remedied by issuing inferior iron money in addition-
"if we now add the iron money to it,should not the copper money
but become still less?Formerly,because the paper money was
too much,the price of commodities was dear.If we now add
the iron money to the market,would the price not become still
There is a great deal in Dr.Huan-Chang's learned and
delightful book from which one would like to quote-Confucius's
principles of Eugenics,for example,the provisions for the mobility
of labour,or the author's admirable history of Chinese taxation.
We must be content with one more topic only-the question of
population in China.Statistics of population exist from the
very earliest times.To anyone bearing the tables of population
Confucius bowed forward to the crossbar of his carriage."But
they are very inaccurate,mainly because there have been at
various times a'door-tax'and a'mouth-tax,'which have made
it to the interest of the people to conceal their numbers.Allow-
ance for this,however,being made and account being taken of
the conditions presumied by the systems of land tenure,it seems
fairly clear that the present huge population of China is of quite
modern growth,and that great density of population is as recent
a thing in China as it is in England.During the first seventeen
centuries of the Christian era(or from the fifth to the twenty-
second of the Confucian)the population appears to have fluctuated
in the neighbourhood of 50,000,000;it is not likely that it ever
reached 100,000,000 before the beginning of the eighteenth
century A.D.It is since that time that the numbers have increased
by leaps and bounds.According to the comparatively accurate
consuses of recent times,the population was 177,000,000 in 1749,
284,000,000 in 1783,and 413,000,000 in 1842.During the
T'ai-p'ing rebellion(1850-1856)the loss of life is said to have
been from 10,000,000 to 20,000,000(Dr.Huan-Chang places the
loss from this cause at 150,000,000,but this must be due to a
misprint or a rhetorical exaggeration);and there has been more
lo8s,perhaps,in quite recent times than formerly from floods and
famine.Between 1868 and 1885 the official estimates of popula-
tion varied from 378,000,000 to 405,000,000.For 1910(according
to The China Year Book)two independent estimates are available
(Tibet and Manchuria being excluded)-the Custom's Estimate of
421,000,000 and the Minchengpu(Ministry of the Interior)Census
Return,based on the number of households,of 316,000,000.
The doubt attaching to these figures is shown by the fact that the
population of Szechuan is put,on the basis of the Minchengpu
Census,at 23,000,000,by the Customs at 79,000,000,and by
Sir A.Hosie,who estimated it in 1904,at 45,000,000.It is
probably true,however,that,whereas before the year 1700.the
population of China proper did not exceed 100,000,000,it has been
for the last century,and is now,somewhere between 300,000,000
and 400,000,000.It is not correct,therefore,to think,as perhaps
one is apt to,that the pressure of population in China on the
means of subsistence is many centuries old. The position is
comparatively new,and there has been no obvious change,as
there has been in the Western World,in economic or natural
conditions of such a kind as to justify this enormous increase of
population.The Golden Age of China,the age of her philosophers
and poets and of discoveries in the arts of government and of life,
was not an age of teeming and overcrowded population.Moralists
are fond of regarding periods of declining population as periods
of national decay.In China,as elsewhere,the forces of religion
have been powerfully on the side of numerous offspring. But
it is difficult to believe that the Golden Age can be recovered while
those to enjoy it are so many.
Dr.Huan-Chang,however,seeks for the chief cause of the
weakness of China elsewhere.He sees it in the requirement of
the"modern essay"in civil-service examinations(Class I).The
modern essay was of no practical use,and its mastery required
long practice.Instituted in 1370,in 1902 it was abolished.
未第11巻 経済論文と書簡 I
孔子#8,e:95,c:60 教育
中庸#18,e:316,c:195 工
詩経#6,e:66,c:42 愛
詩経#10,e:154,c:96 woven
井田tsing tien#26,e:497,c:305
鋳貨#23,e:442?,c:267~270 グレシャムの法則
人口#18,e:332?,c:205 統計
said:By daily examinations and monthly trials,and by making
返信削除their rations in accordance with their labours-this is the way to
encourage all the classes of artisans.He did not allow land to
"Self-adjustment and purification, with careful regulation of his dress, and the not making a movement contrary to the rules of propriety this is the way for a ruler to cultivate his person. Discarding slanderers, and keeping himself from the seductions of beauty; making light of riches, and giving honor to virtue-this is the way for him to encourage men of worth and talents. Giving them places of honor and large emolument. and sharing with them in their likes and dislikes-this is the way for him to encourage his relatives to love him. Giving them numerous officers to discharge their orders and commissions:-this is the way for him to encourage the great ministers. According to them a generous confidence, and making their emoluments large:-this is the way to encourage the body of officers. Employing them only at the proper times, and making the imposts light:-this is the way to encourage the people. By daily examinations and monthly trials, and by making their rations in accordance with their labors:-this is the way to encourage the classes of artisans. To escort them on their departure and meet them on their coming; to commend the good among them, and show compassion to the incompetent:-this is the way to treat indulgently men from a distance. To restore families whose line of succession has been broken, and to revive states that have been extinguished; to reduce to order states that are in confusion, and support those which are in peril; to have fixed times for their own reception at court, and the reception of their envoys; to send them away after liberal treatment, and welcome their coming with small contributions:-this is the way to cherish the princes of the states.
返信削除"All who have the government of the kingdom with its states and families have the above nine standard rules. And the means by which they are carried into practice is singleness.
返信削除大學 The Great Learning 中庸 The Doctrine of the Mean ... - Amazon
大學 The Great Learning 中庸 The Doctrine of the Mean : (Chinese-English Edition) [Kindle edition] by 孔子 Confucius,
(THE ODES OF WEI) (Shi Jing, Book of Odes)
Shoes thinly woven of the dolichos fibre, May be used to walk on the hoarfrost.
The delicate fingers of a bride, May be used in making clothes.
She puts the waistband to her lower garment and the collar to her upper, And she, a wealthy woman, wears them.
Wealthy, she moves about quite at ease, And politely she stands aside to the left. From her girdle hangs her ivory comb-pin.
It is the narrowness of her disposition, Which makes her a subject for satire.
(江湖侠客吴仲湛 编辑 )
禮記/王制 - 维基文库,自由的图书馆
返信削除林 譲治
2022/11/09 6:25
哀公、有若(ゆうじゃく)に問いて曰わく、年饑(う)えて用足らず、これを如何。有若対たえて曰わく、盍(な)んぞ徹(てつ)せざるや。曰わく、二にして 吾れ猶(な)お足らず、これを如何ぞ其れ徹せんや。対たえて曰わく、百姓(ひゃくせい)足らば、君孰(たれ)と与(とも)にか足らざらん。百姓足らずん ば、君孰と与にか足らん。
哀公が有若にお訊ねになった、「凶作で費用が足りないが、どうしたものだろう。」有若がお答えして言うには、「いっそ徹(てつ)[一割の税]になさって は。」「二割でも私は足らないのに、どうしてまた徹にするのか。」お答えして言った、「万民が十分だと言うのに、殿様は誰と一緒で足りないのでしょうか。 万民が足りないと言うのに、殿様は誰と一緒で十分なのでしょうか。」