
bill on jg

bill on jg 2016

https://freeassociations2020.blogspot.com/2020/09/bill-on-jg.html @

MMT: What Is A Job Guarantee (or "Labor Standard")?




when you mentioned the buffer stock um you have a very interesting idea that you've advocated for a number of years now the so-called job guarantee program other people have called it to government as employer of last resort but it turns the idea of a gold stock buffer into something different you use employment effectively or employed people as a or unemployed people as a buffer stock do you want to explain that a little bit further ?

 sure um it goes back for me to 1978. i was sitting in an agricultural economics class in my fourth year at melbourne university and australia at that time had a wool price stabilization scheme.
and this was a sop to the very powerful rural lobby and rural libraries lobbies are powerful everywhere.
 and no place more than in europe for example which is a lot of the problem but and the the scheme worked by uh to provide a guaranteed income to to wall providers.
 so that the the fluctuations of the wall cycle would wouldn't damage their annual incomes.

so the government would step in and buy and support the price of wall at a certain point.

they'd agree they'd agree at what price they would uh they would support.
 and if the harvest was uh was very good in one year uh if you know the crop the the the the what did they call them the clip was very good one year.
and the market was flooded with wool or then the government would buy all that wool.
and uh because that would stabilize the price and.

stabilize the incomes of the farmers.

    yeah the income farmers would be stabilized and around australian cities there were these big red brick buildings everywhere uh with big warehouses and they were the wool stores and uh you know we used to go by in the car and say but then our parents would say that's the wool store and uh and and of course.
when the clip was poor and uh the mark the government would sell the surplus the stuff out of their wool.

 to prevent the inflationary inflation.

 and also to stabilize the price and at that time i wasn't very interested in wool.
but unemployment was starting to rise in the late s in australia the australian government like most of the western governments handled the first oil price shock very poorly and unemployment rose from its full employment level for the first time it's never got back there .
but at that time i was more concerned that was the reason i was studying economics because i was concerned about unemployment.
and i thought well this is a full employment of full employment of wall scheme this price stabilization scheme it made sure that all wool would always be demanded.
and of course you know a bit of lateral thinking then says that well the government can do that with employment so that if there's uh idle too much labor without a job.
that is unemployment the government can buy all that stock up and uh at a fixed price.

in effect maintaining a a stockpile of quote-unquote shovel-ready labor that can be drawn back into the private sector as a private sector transitions well they've probably gone.

beyond shovels now year in 2014.
but uh yeah a stock of a pool of labor the government can buy it and and uh when the private sector resumes its strength after a downturn then because it's been at a fixed price.
and you would set the price at the bottom of the private sector wage structure so you don't interfere with that the the private sector can then buy that labor back any time it wants.
if if if it offers the right terms and conditions.
and you know that overcomes a whole series of problems unemployment is the worst worst evil or cost to whatever word you want to use that we can think of.
    the the modern economist has obsessed what we call microeconomic inefficiencies .
you know structural reforms is all about minuscule little improvements in transport systems.
and what have you.
but the the cost daily cost of unemployment dwarfs all of those things and i remember there was a quote by from james tobin if i recall correctly.
he said how many harburger triangles which for non-economists is this little measure in a graph of the microeconomic inefficiency.
how many of them can you fit into an open gap which was named after afrocon and that was the sort of loss of output per percentage rise in unemployment.
and the answer of course is helps.
and uh so so it addresses that problem that uh there's product workers are never in a non-productive situation.
there and and one of the problems of unemployment of course is that workers uh lose their their slowly but surely they become dislocated and they start losing their their general skills and also their specific skills.
and so these sort of job guarantee scheme stops all of that happening provides steady income support and most importantly it fixes the minimum amount.
that the that the deficit has to rise by when there's a downturn to stimulate employment.
it's it sets a boundary because because when do you know that the government's been spent enough.
when the last workers walked into the job guarantee office to pick up a job.

yeah and and and the point is we knew the argument is well we don't want to give people free lunches and of course i've always had about the job guarantees.
um no we want people to be able to pay for their lunches and that's what the job guarantee actually does well look you know.

 if you think about what we tolerate now so let's go to greece we've got of the to year olds unemployed that's your future generation of workers.
they've now been unemployed for some of them probably for six or seven years already.
 we've got unemployment rates all around the world of you know into double digits are at in europe it's you know . or something at the moment that's a that's a drastic waste of human potential even if you take a hard line and just worry about sort of economic things the income losses that's a dramatic daily loss of income that could be could be produced and then if you add add the things that psychologists and health professionals and sociologists worry about and that is mental health and family breakdown and rely alcohol and substance abuse and all of the other pathologies that are the personal and family and community pathologies they're outside just the loss of income.
 it's a dramatic loss so any system that was different to that.
would you know it doesn't take a genius to invent a system that would be better than that.
and you know for people who want to hang on to that system as if it's the you know the tina the there's no alternative that's just untrue.
even if all of these job guaranteed workers just turned up in the morning dug a hole through the day and and uh that you know an engineer could calibrate how long it would dig and then how long would it take to fill in again even if they just did that.
it would be better than the system we've got now but you know our research has shown that there's there's a multitude of productive activities that can be done by that workforce.
that that are that would be oriented to meeting unmet community and environmental care needs.
and so it's not just a matter of digging holes and filling them in again the old sort of boondocker.

    it's a matter of political will actually one hopes that eventually that the governments will see the wisdom of that approach i mean

 one of the things that modern monetary theory emphasizes at least the way i talk about it which reflects my background.
and where i came into economics is that the government always chooses the unemployment rate you know i do work in in less developed countries as a development economist.
 and i'm always being met by bureaucrats and imf type officials who who start off the meeting saying that unemployment this is a highly complex multi-layered you know deep problem.
and i say no it's not the government chooses the unemployment you could employ those people within about a week.















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