
映画『JFK』で南部アメリカ英語マンツーマンレッスン(2) – マンツーマン英会話プライベートレッスン・英語個人レッスン・ETC英会話は初心者からビジネス英語まで

映画『JFK』で南部アメリカ英語マンツーマンレッスン(2) – マンツーマン英会話プライベートレッスン・英語個人レッスン・ETC英会話は初心者からビジネス英語まで

An American naturalist wrote: 

"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against its government." 



HPOL_JFK1.jpg ケネディ大統領の暗殺にかかわったとされるクレイ・ショーに対する裁判には、無罪判決が言い渡されます。この訴えを起こしたジム・ギャリソン(ニューオーリンズ地方検事)は、その25年後に当時を振り返った著書の最後を、次のように結んでいます。








But someday, somewhere, someone may find out the damn truth. 

We'd better. We'd better or we might just as well build ourselves another government like the Declaration of Independence says to, "when the old one ain't workin', just, just a little farther out West. "

An American naturalist wrote: 

"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against its government." 

I'd hate to be in your shoes today. 

You have a lot to think about. You've seen much hidden evidence the American public has never seen. 

You know, going back to when we were children,

I think that most of us in this courtroom thought justice came into being automatically, that virtue was its own reward, that, that good would triumphs over evil. 

But as we get older, we know this just isn't true. 

Individual human beings have to create justice, and this is not easy; because the truth often poses a threat to power, and one often has to fight power at great risk to themselves. 

People like S.M. Holland, Lee Bowers, Jean Hill, Willie O'Keefe have all taken that risk.

They've all come forward. 

I have here some $8,000 in these letters sent to my office from all over the country. 

Quarters, dimes, dollars bills from housewives plumbers, car salesmen, teachers, invalids. 

These are people who cannot afford to send money but do. 

These are the one who drive cabs, who nurse in the hospitals, who see their kids go to Vietnam. 


Because they care. 

Because they wanna know the truth. 

Because they want their country back. 

Because it still belongs to us as long as the people have the guts to fight for what they believe in. 

The truth is the most important value we have because if it doesn't endure if the government murders truth, if we cannot respect these people then this is not the country I was born in, and it is sertainly not the country I want to die in.

Tennyson wrote: "Authority forgets a dying king." 

This was never more true than for John F. Kennedy whose murder was probably one of the most terrible moments in the history of our country. 

And you the people, the jury system sitting in judgment on Clay Shaw represent the hope of humanity against government power. 

In discharging your duty, in bringing the first conviction in this house of cards against Clay Shaw "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." 

Do not forget your dying king. 

Show this world this is still "a government of the people, for the people and by the people." 

Nothing as long as you live will ever be more important. 

It's up to you. 

『JFK ケネディ暗殺犯を追え』 (ジム・ギャリソン 著 / 岩瀬孝雄 訳)

Edward Abbey "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against its government.


" A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government."



Edward Abbey

Edward Paul Abbey (January 29, 1927 - March 14, 1989) was an American author and essayist noted for his advocacy of environmental issues and criticism of public land policies. His best-known works include the novel The Monkey Wrench Gang, which has been cited as an inspiration by radical environmental groups, and the non-fiction work Desert Solitaire. Writer Larry McMurtry referred to Abbey as the "Thoreau of the American West"
All Edward Abbey quotes | Edward Abbey Books




A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.

Edward Abbeyの言葉のようです。


著書『A voice crying in the wilderness』の中の一文のようです。


A Voice Crying in the Wilderness: Vox Clamantis in Deserto: Notes from a Secret Journal (English Edition) Kindle Edition
English Edition by Edward Abbey (著) Format: Kindle Edition


CHAPTER 3 Government and Politics 
The distrust of wit is the beginning of tyranny. In history-as-politics, the "future" is that vacuum in time waiting to be filled with the antics of statesmen. No man is wise enough to be another man's master. Each man's as good as the next—if not a damn sight better. A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government. All forms of government are pernicious, including good government. Some of my ancestors fought in the American Revolution. A few wore red coats, a few wore blue coats, and the rest wore no coats at all. We never did figure out who won that war. Grown men do not need leaders. Democracy—rule by the people—sounds like a fine thing; we should try it sometime in America. The ideal society can be described, quite simply, as that in which no man has the power or means to coerce others. All power rests on hierarchy: An army is nothing but a well-organized lynch mob. The true, unacknowledged purpose of capital punishment is to inspire fear and awe—fear and awe of the State. All governments require enemy governments. The best cure for the ills of democracy is more democracy. The purpose and function of government is not to preside over change but to prevent change. By political methods when unavoidable, by violence when convenient. If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns. Society is like a stew. If you don't keep it stirred up, you get a lot of scum on top. The distrust of wit is the beginning of tyranny. No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets. Hierarchical institutions are like giant bulldozers—obedient to the whim of any fool who takes the controls. Civilization, like an airplane in flight, survives only as it keeps going forward. Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners. The Old Left: "I like New York," she said, "because there I feel close to the masses."

 第3章 政府と政治 

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