
(Modern) Marx and MMT – Part 2 – Bill Mitchell – Modern Monetary Theory

(Modern) Marx and MMT – Part 2 – Bill Mitchell – Modern Monetary Theory

(Modern) Marx and MMT – Part 2

This is Part 2 of my analysis of the way that fundamental ideas in Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) are totally consistent with a reasonable interpretation of Marx's work. The motivation to clarify these issues came after I spoke at an event last weekend in the UK and shared a panel with a critic who claimed that Marx's work established that MMT is wrong to assume that unemployment is a monetary phenomenon (insufficient spending) and that government spending can do anything about it. The claim was based on a view that Marx thought that capitalist firms have some unique logic that if they decide not to produce no amount of sales orders will induce them to expand production even if they have massive excess capacity ('machines lying idle') and a huge pool of idle labour to draw upon. No reasonable reading of Marx's work would lead to that conclusion. In this part, we will consider what Marx thought about crisis and some later developments of his reproduction schemes, which make it clear that effective demand drives capitalist output, which conditions their employment decisions.

Crisis theory

Marx considered that the capitalists are driven by a desire to accumulate capital which raises the inevitability of crisis (recession in the modern parlance).

While many people might have some sketchy idea of what Marx wrote in this context, and Marx himself, certainly wrote a lot about the topic, the fact remains that he did not present a fully developed theory of capitalist crisis.

Marx's main aim was in showing that the claims by Jean-Baptiste Say and David Ricardo that general overproduction was impossible because there were unlimited wants and that production (supply) would always generate the capacity (demand) to absorb it.

At the time, there were theorists who conjectured that a lack of spending (effective demand) would create crisis because production would not be sold and capitalists would respond by reducing output and employment.

I am thinking of people like – James Maitland, 8th Earl of Lauderdale – whose major work in 1819 – Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Public Wealth – argued that the state of the fiscal position (deficit or surplus) had a direct impact on economic activity (in the way we now understand this relationship).

He was rather prescient in that regard.

Others like Thomas Malthus and – Jean Charles Léonard de Sismondi – emphasised demand as the source of crisis.

Sismondi emphasised what became known as – underconsumption theory – which conjectured that competition between capitalists maintained wages at low levels, that, in turn, undermined the purchasing power of workers in an environment where capital expanded production in order to expand profits and increase their capital.

Others (such as the work of the idealist Robert Owen) also focused on the way low wages predisposed the system to demand deficiency and crises.

Marx sought to separate himself from these 'bourgeois' writers although he did write in – Capital Volume III (p.347) – that:

The ultimate reason for all real crises always remains the poverty and restricted consumption of the masses as opposed to the drive of capitalist production to develop the productive forces as though only the absolute consuming power of society constituted their limit.

But I can equally find tracts in Marx which downplay the impact of low purchasing power among workers for the potential for crisis.

He considered it a "sheer tautology to say that crises are caused by the scarcity of effective consumption" (p.250) (Capital Volume II).

By which he meant that even if workers were given a wage boost to enjoy higher consumption, the dynamics that drove the mismatch previously would reassert themselves such was the inner logic of Capitalism.

What Marx wanted to focus on was the contradictions in the process of capital accumulation, which he considered was the primary motivation (and logic) of the system.

Producing to satisfy consumption needs of the masses was not the driving force although one can obviously see it as a necessary aspect of the accumulation process.

Marx considered the accumulation process would lead to an excessive build up of capital which would suppress the rate of profit and it was this dynamic that generated the crisis.

But, we need to be careful in unpicking the logic here.

Yes, the struggle to maintain rates of surplus value production (which is the basis of monetary profits) was paramount and led to all sorts of innovations – moving cottage industry under one roof (the rise of the factory system); the introduction of shop floor supervision; time and motion analysis (Taylorism) etc.

Yes, the owners of capital control production and employment and their expectations of future returns dictate the rate at which the capital stock accumulates over time.

In this context, I am reminded of the work of Robert Rowthorn, who in his essay – Inflation and Crisis (1980: 133) – wrote that:

Capitalists control production and they will not invest unless they receive a certain 'normal' rate of profit. If wages rise too rapidly, either because of extreme labour shortage or because of militant trade unionism, the rate of profit falls below its 'normal' level, capitalists refuse to invest, expansion grinds to a standstill and there is a crisis.

So when assessing the role of trade unions in any historical period we have to be cognisant of the logic of the union as an institution and the limits on its effectiveness within the conflictual relationships that define capitalism.

Rowthorn (1980: 134) summed up:

A strong and militant trade union movement may force up wages and resist wage cuts even in the face of high unemployment. In a boom situation this may squeeze profits and bring expansion to a premature end, whilst there is still a large surplus of labour; and in a depression it may delay recovery by reducing profitability. This may sound like a condemnation of the trade union movement, but it is not. It is simply stating the obvious fact that, so long as capitalists control production, they hold the whip hand, and workers cannot afford to be too successful in the wages struggle. If they are, capitalists respond by refusing to invest, and the result is a premature or longer crisis. To escape from this dilemma workers must go beyond purely economic struggle and must fight at the political level to exert control over production itself.

(Reference: Rowthorn, R. (1980) Capitalism, Conflict and Inflation: Essays in Political Economy, Lawrence and Wishart, London.)

But equally, when considering the causes of crises, we cannot avoid focusing on the realisation issue because it was through market exchange that capitalists were able to realise the surplus value they had expropriated in the production process by exploiting their workers into the monetary form of profit.

In this context, the capitalists, in pursuit of more sales, run the risk of overproducing relative to the purchasing power of consumers, which then means the surplus value they have produced cannot be realised back into a monetary form.

A lack of sales driven by a deficiency in effective demand (desires to consume backed by cash) then damages the rate of profit as capitalists are forced to discount their production and/or go broke.

Either way, a crisis occurs and the reproduction process (of capital) is disturbed.

So at this stage we can accept the view that for Marx, crises were endemic to the logic of capitalism – its inner contradictions.

Which means that they would repeat even if policy changes could restore the equilibrium (temporarily).

But we can move on from that.

While Post Keynesians typically begin with Keynes' General Theory (1936) in explicating the principle of effective demand, the essential elements underpinning the critique of Say and the modern understanding of involuntary unemployment in a monetary capitalist economy can be found in Marx, particularly in his 1863 work – Theories of Surplus Value.

This complements the argument above.

Focusing on – Chapter 17 – we find various discussions about the Classical (Ricardian) denial of the possibility of generalised overproduction and how that erroneous view is based on the idea that products exchange against products.

This is at the heart of Classical neutrality which ultimately is the modern version of the claim that fiscal and monetary policy cannot favourably alter real conditions (output and employment) in the economy.

In Chapter 17, Marx's critique of both Say and Ricardo highlights why the use of "barter economy" examples is deeply flawed. A monetary economy has dynamics that are not captured in a barter world where products exchange against products directly.

If we mapped the current conservative (neo-liberal) position (and most of mainstream economics) back into the classical propositions that Marx was attacking we would find the correspondence to be close to 100 per cent in terms of concepts and implications.

The existence of a circuit breaker in the form of idle money stocks (recognising that money is more than a means of exchange but also an independent form of commodity) led Marx to conclude that there was the possibility of stagnation (defined as a conflict between purchase and sale) – (see Theories of Surplus Value Vol 2, Chapter 17, paras 710-711).

Interestingly, in TSV (Vol II, Ch XVII, para 712) Marx also anticipated the modern distinction between nominal and effective demand which lies in the understanding of the real contribution of Keynes.

Marx noted that in denying the possibility of a general glut, Ricardo appeals to unlimited needs of consumers for commodities and any particular saturation would be quickly overcome by increased demands for other commodities.

He then (TSV, Vol II, Ch XVII, para 712) rhetorically asked for an explanation of the connection between 'over-production' and 'absolute needs' and indicated that capitalist production and quotes Ricardo's denial of the "possibility of a general glut in the market":

Too much of a particular commodity may he produced, of which there may he such a glut in the market, as not to repay the capital expended on it; but this cannot be the case with respect to all commodities; the demand for corn is limited by the mouths which are to eat it, for shoes and coats by the persons who are to wear them; but though a community, or a part of a community, may have as much corn, and as many hats and shoes, as it is able or may wish to consume, the same cannot be said of every commodity produced by nature or by art. Some would consume more wine, if they had the ability to procure it. Others having enough of wine, would wish to increase the quantity or improve the quality of their furniture. Others might wish to ornament their grounds, or to enlarge their houses. The wish to do all or some of these is implanted in every man's breast; nothing is required but the means, and nothing can afford the means, but an increase of production …

Marx retorted:

Could there be a more childish argument? It runs like this: more of a particular commodity may be produced than can be consumed of it; but this cannot apply to all commodities at the same time. Because the needs, which the commodities satisfy, have no limits and all these needs are not satisfied at the same time. On the contrary. The fulfilment of one need makes another, so to speak, latent. Thus nothing is required, but the means to satisfy these wants, and these means can only be provided through an increase in production. Hence no general overproduction is possible.

What is the purpose of all this? In periods of over-production, a large part of the nation (especially the working class) is less well provided than ever with corn, shoes etc., not to speak of wine and furniture. If over-production could only occur when all the members of a nation had satisfied even their most urgent needs, there could never, in the history of bourgeois society up to now, have been a state of general over-production or even of partial over-production. When, for instance, the market is glutted by shoes or calicoes or wines or colonial products, does this perhaps mean that four-sixths of the nation have more than satisfied their needs in shoes, calicoes etc.? What after all has over-production to do with absolute needs? It is only concerned with demand that is backed by ability to pay. It is not a question of absolute over-production—over-production as such in relation to the absolute need or the desire to possess commodities. In this sense there is neither partial nor general over-production; and the one is not opposed to the other.

Note the reference to the capitalist market being "only concerned with demand that is backed by ability to pay. It is not a question of absolute over-production-over-production as such in relation to the absolute need or the desire to possess commodities."

I urge you to read the whole section in Theories of Surplus Value because its wisdom lies at the heart of the modern problem of high unemployment and stagnant growth. Keynes didn't offer much more than you can find in this work by Marx.

In 1953, Joan Robinson published – An Open Letter from a Keynesian to a Marxist – which was a note to New Zealand Marxist economist Ronald Meek, where she writes that:

I was a student at a time when vulgar economics was in a particularly vulgar state. There was Great Britain with never less than a million workers unemployed, and there was I with my supervisor teaching me that it is logically impossible to have unemployment because of Say's Law.

Now comes Keynes and proves that Say's Law is nonsense (so did Marx, of course, but my supervisor never drew my attention to Marx's views on the subject).

Which shows that the essential characteristics of effective demand were in Marx, well before Keynes.

As we move through history, the scholars that followed Marx clearly understood that effective demand was a causal factor in determing unemployment and recession.

Rosa Luxembourg

The Russian economist – Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky – argued that the Marxian reproduction process could be rendered 'harmonious' if the distribution of income could be rendered compatible with an expanding social production.

In his 1901 book on business cycles – Studien zur Theorie und Geschichte der Handelskrisen in England – he wrote (page 25):

Die angeführten Schemata mussten zur Evidenz den an sich sehr einfachen Grundsatz beweisen, welcher aber bei ungenügendem Verständnis des Prozesses der Reproduktion des gesellschaftlichen Kapitals leicht Einwände hervorruft, nämlich den Grundsatz, dass die kapitalistische Produktion für sich selbst einen Markt schafft. Ist es nur möglich, die gesellschaftliche Produktion zu erweitern, reichen die Produktivkräfte dazu aus, so muss bei der proportionellen Einteilung der gesellschaftlichen Produktion auch die Nachfrage eine entsprechende Erweiterung erfahren, denn unter diesen Bedingungen repräsentiert jede neuproduzierte Ware eine neuerschienene Kaufkraft für die Erwerbung anderer Waren.

His views were, of course, avowedly non-Marxist despite his claim to be working within that tradition

A contemporary, who was very much operating within the Marxian tradition was the Polish economist – Rosa Luxemburg – who George Feiwal described in his classic work (1975) – The Intellectual Capital of Michal Kalecki – as "one of Marx's most brilliant, original, and unorthodox followers" (p.56).

American Marxian economist – Paul Sweezy – called her the "queen of the underconsumptionists" in his 1942 classic – The Theory of Capitalist Development – a book I read over and over when I was a young student in the 1970s.

Feiwal considers that Marxists had really "neglected the underconsumption element in Marx's theory" and "treated Luxemburg as a heretic".

Luxemburg clearly brings together the two points – that capital seeks to accumulate more by producing more surplus value and it requires mass consumption to be sufficient to ensure that surplus value is realised as monetary profit.

In her only work on economics (1913) – The Accumulation of Capital – she extended Marx's discusion on reproduction by suggesting that Marx's focus on a closed system was an error.

Here is the 1951 – English Translation – in PDF.

She wrote (p.155):

The flaw in Marx's analysis is, in our opinion, the misguided formulation of the problem as a mere question of 'the sources of money', whereas the real issue is the effective demand …

She quotes Marx (Capital, Vol II, page 202):

But the commodity-capital must be turned into money before its reconversion into productive capital and before the surplus-value contained in it is spent. Where does the money for this purpose come from?

Which indicates that Marx realised that the accumulation of capital could only proceed if there was adequate spending.

Rosa Luxemburg's contribution was to identify that capital would seek and find new markets to absorb surplus production, which might be underdeveloped nations or sectors within the advanced nations that were not structured as capitalist production processes, such as "peasant agriculture".

A most important sector in that latter regard was the government sector.

She wrote (page 466):

Further the multitude of individual and insignificant demands for a whole range of commodities, which will become effective at different times and which might often be met just as well by simple commodity production, is now replaced by a comprehensive and homogeneous demand of the state. And the satisfaction of this demand presupposes a big industry of the highest order. It requires the most favourable conditions for the production of surplus value and for accumulation.

She uses the example of what we now refer to as the military-industrial state to demonstrate how "government contracts … [are] … free of the vagaries and subjective fluctuations of personal consumption" and provides "the most favourable conditions for the production of surplus value and for accumulation."

Now, I know a lot of the hard-core Capital Vol II lot dismiss Rosa Luxemburg as a failure and for trying to usurp the Master.

But one person saw what she was doing and that person was Polish economist – Michał Kalecki.

Michał Kalecki

One could hardly dismiss him as a heretic or an irrelevance.

While Keynes denied Marx was useful at all, Michał Kalecki came up with a much richer account of the dynamics of effective demand by starting with Marx's reproduction schema.

He praised Rosa Luxemburg's observations about government spending in his 1966 book – Studies in the Theory of Business Cycles: 1933-1939.

He added analysis of the 'income effect' that would accompany the capitalist response to increased government contracts.

He argued that fiscal deficits would result in expanded production if there was excess capacity, whereas taxing workers would undermine effective demand in times of crisis.

In his 1945 article in the Oxford Economic Papers (No. 7, pp.83-92) – Full Employment by Stimulating Private Investment? (JSTOR link via library) – Michał Kalecki was very explicit about the role of government spending in stimulating the economy.

He wrote that (page 83):

In current discussions the view is frequently advanced that full employment may be maintained by stimulating private investment. The stimuli in question may be 'cheap money'; the reduction of income tax; or subsidies to firms undertaking investment (which may be given, for instance, by deducting from taxable profits the full amount of new investment, or a percentage of it, etc.). The purpose of this paper is to show that to maintain full employment these measures must be applied not once only – as the authors of the proposals in question seem to assume – but cumulatively.

Pedantic Marxists believe that capitalist investment has its own logic and will not respond to government stimulus.

Kalecki, a modern Marxist, thought otherwise.

The fundamental problem being addressed is the deficiency of effective demand.

He considered two scenarios:

1. Promoting a return to full employment by stimulating private investment.

2. "solving the problem of full employment … [by] … the direct creation of effective demand by the Government through public investment or through subsidizing mass consumption."

I would add a third – direct job creation in the public sector.

In the first case, he demonstrated that the government had a range of policy options available to stimulate private investment – tax cuts, subsidies, interest rate cuts etc.

To offset any tendency for the rate of profit on the expanded capital stock to fall and thus offset the possibility of a crises (so very Marxian), Kalecki wrote (page 87):

… if effective demand adequate to secure full employment is created by stimulating private investment the devices which we use for it must cumulatively increase to offset the influence of the falling rate of profit

So the policy design becomes important.

To motivate the second case, and this is important in terms of the allegations from last Sunday's panel, Kalecki noted that if the private firms were not in a position to generate the growth in productive capacity in order to move the economy back to full employment, then the simple solution was for the government to step in, using state-owned enterprises, and extend the reach of public provision into areas that the non-government sector deemed to be unprofitable.

Kalecki wrote (p.88):

In this case the Government would undertake construction of objects which do not fall into the sphere of private enterprise, and thus do not compete with private capital equipment …

He said "full employment is achieved because the budget deficit makes good the amount by which" private investment "fall short" of the desired level.

In an earlier paper – Three Ways to Full Employment (1944) – Kalecki talked about slum clearances and the expansion of state housing as good examples of the activities that the state might pursue in this context.

Kalecki went further (1945: 92):

If private enterprise – even after the Government intervention has guaranteed to it markets sufficient to cause full utilization of its resources – is unable to fulfil the task of supplying new equipment at the rate required by the increase in population and productivity of labour, then State-owned factories should be built to fill the deficiency in private investment

So the basis of a very progressive and modern policy agenda.

And that would obviously include direct job creation which would bring unemployment down to its irreducible minimum (frictional).

As an alternative, Kalecki wrote (1945, p.88):

… the Government would increase mass consumption by granting family allowances, old-age pensions, etc., by reducing indirect taxation, and by subsidizing the prices of necessities. In either case the additional expenditure (or the fall in revenue) would be financed without increasing the existing taxes so that the rise in public investment and subsidized consumption would not be offset by the fall in private investment and unsubsidized consumption; the resulting budget deficit will have the same repercussions upon employment as a rise in private investment with a balanced budget.

What we learn from these works is that Kalecki was building his notion of effective demand on previous insights that Marx had provided.

There was never any question for Kalecki that governments could increase fiscal deficits and stimulate economic activity – either directly or through the stimulus of private production.

He was somewhat uncertain about the politics but not the economics.


The criticism that MMT is wrong because it disregards the Marxian view that increased government spending will really not stimulate employment and output really relies on a pretty skewed reading of Marx and those that followed.

I consider it to be incomprehensible for one to draw that sort of conclusion.

I have read as much Marx as anyone over my career.

And it is clear that capitalist firms will respond to increased sales demand by producing goods and services.

If they think the demand is stable they will invest and build productive capacity if they are currently at full capacity.

And if they decide for any reason not to respond, then the government can always employ and produce itself.

That is enough for today!

(c) Copyright 2021 William Mitchell. All Rights Reserved.

Breton ブルトン『詩の貧困』 Misère de la Poésie 1932とアラゴン事件

 ブルトン 詩の貧困 1932 英訳、部分

シュールレアリズムとは何か? 1971






な芸術(ロマン的)が陥る二つの大きな危険として、 いわば偶然な諸形態における自然の無能な模倣とユ
死後相ついで起こった芸術の諸運動 (自然主義、印象派、キュビスム、未来派、ダダイスム、シュルレア

い外観 (印象派)、量と質との観点から直面した対象(キュビスム)、運動する対象(未来派)の、それぞ
ムは一八七〇年の戦争と同時に起こり、前期(プレ)ダダイスム (レーモン・ルッセル、デュシャンら)とダダイ
いった意味での「客観的ユーモア」の立場をとるものだとされる。(Breton : Misére de la Poésie, 1932)》



André Breton 
What is Surrealism? 
Selected Writings 
Edited and introduced by Franklin Rosemont

Also by Franklin Rosemont 
The Morning of a Machine Gun 
Twenty Poems & Drawings 
Surrealist Editions 
Chicago 1968 
Manifesto on the Position & Direction 
of the Surrealist Movement in the United States 
Chicago 1970 
The Apple of the Automatic Zebra's Eye 
Seventeen Poems 
illustrated with positive & negative 
drawings by Schlechter Duvall 
Surrealist Research & Development Monograph Series 
Cambridge, Massachusetts 1971 

The Poverty of Poetry: 
The Aragon Affair and Public Opinion 
The 'Aragon affair' is briefly recounted in the introduction to the present volume.* Beginning with Aragon's sensational and violent 'poem of circumstance' entitled Red Front', for which he was indicted, the affair reached its climax with Aragon's defection to Stalinism. In The Poverty of Poetry published in 1932 by the Editions surréalistes, Breton reviewed the contem- porary situation of poetry and the particular questions raised by Aragon's inculpation, drawing the necessary conclusions. It should be noted that The Poverty of Poetry appeared before Aragon's defection and that he had in fact declared his 'objective accord' with its contents, though for tactical reasons he opposed its immediate publication. 

   The special feature of the problem raised by the inculpation of 'Red Front' is that the problem, as I see it, offers two faces: a social face and a poetic face, which from the surrealist viewpoint are equally deserving of consideration. 
  If bourgeois 'justice', in the pro-fascist period through which we are now passing, becomes daily more savage and expeditive, if in France it appears hard-pressed enough for the poets in their turn to seem worthy of its attack, this cannot be a reason for us to abandon all critical spirit to the point of mistaking the profound meaning of the poetic act, to the point of permitting poetry and art to get caught in a rut. 
  I do not expect to be followed in these considerations, and I am the first to deplore that on the occasion of a socially rather eloquent act, the arraignment of Aragon, I have not been spared the purely technical considera- tions which follow. But it is inadmissible that surrealism, at grips with the most serious accusations as regards its tendency, should appear suddenly without arms. We have said that the 'poem' was such that with regard to its interpretation the consideration of its literal meaning was not sufficient to exhaust it; we have maintained that it could not be identified before the law with any kind of text corresponding to the desire for exact expression – in other words an expression of thought measured and weighed. First of all, I might remind anyone who suggests that this constitutes a new attitude on our part, all too obviously dictated by events, that eight years ago, in the Surrealist Manifesto, I insisted, in the name of the poetic conception my friends and I maintained, on disengaging the author's responsibility entirely in cases when certain texts of incontestably 'automatic' character were incriminated. 

• In the English edition, published as André Breton and the First Principles of Surrealism by Franklin Rosemont. 

 I was careful at that time to emphasise the extreme fragility of the accusation, for example, of provocation to murder under which, perhaps, one of these texts might have fallen. Certainly, I affirmed, the man owed no more accounting to justice for this than for his dreams. Hence it is an instance of bad faith to declare that surrealism is here caught in a flagrant contradiction. 
 Of course, I am not asserting that the poem 'Red Front corresponds to the definition of an 'automatic' text (I shall even try to show, later on, how it differs from such a text), but I do believe that the poetic position which is determined today for Aragon by the twelve or fifteen books he has written can in no way be sacrificed to the agitation that some find opportune to provoke around one of his poems which they by exception turn into a model of conscious thought. I say that this poem, by its situation in Aragon's work on the one hand and in the history of poetry on the other, corresponds to a certain number of formal determinations which do not permit the isola- tion of any one group of words ('Comrades, kill the cops') in order to exploit its literal meaning, whereas for some other group ('The stars descend fami- liarly on earth') the question of this literal meaning does not come up. Who would dare assert that in prose, in the course of an article, Aragon would have permitted himself to write, 'Comrades, kill the cops', when such an injunc- tion, without real bearing moreover, is contrary to the very watchwords of the Communist Party? Hence it is a question, in the mind of French justice, of identifying today the common language with a particular language which offers no relation of common measure with the former. As poets, it is up to the surrealists to show the new iniquity which this enterprise constitutes, the noticeable progress it marks, in 1932, in the deliberate application of villain- ous laws. 

機関銃の朝(原題:The Morning of a Machine Gun 
シカゴ 1970 
ケンブリッジ、マサチューセッツ州 1971 

 この事件は、アラゴンが起訴された『赤色戦線』と題するセンセーショナルで暴力的な「状況の詩」に始まり、アラゴンがスターリン主義に亡命することでクライマックスを迎えたのである。ブルトンは、1932年にEdition surréalistesから出版された『The Poverty of Poetry』の中で、現代の詩の状況とアラゴンの起訴によって提起された特定の問題を検討し、必要な結論を導き出している。なお、『詩の貧困』はアラゴンが離反する前に出版されており、彼はその内容に「客観的な合意」を表明していたが、戦術的な理由からすぐに出版することには反対していた。 


- 英語版では、André Breton and the First Principles of Surrealism by Franklin Rosemontとして出版されている。



 To my mind, it is playing on words to suggest that the poem 'exceeds' in meaning and in significance its immediate content. By its nature, it evades the very reality of that content. The poem is to be judged not on the successive representations it makes, but on its power to incarnate an idea, to which these representations, freed of any need for rational connection, serve only as a starting point. The meaning and significance of the poem are different from the sum of all that the analysis of the specific elements it involves permit to be discovered in it, and these specific elements cannot, to any degree, determine its value or process in and of themselves. If this were not the case, poetic language would have long since been abolished in the prosaic: Its survival until now is the best proof of its necessity. 'If', Hegel declares, 'prose has penetrated with its particular mode of conception into all the objects of human intelligence and has everywhere left its imprint, poetry must undertake to recast all these elements and to imprint them with its original seal. And since it must also vanquish the scorn of the prosaic spirit, it finds itself surrounded on all sides by difficulties. It must wrench itself from the habits of ordinary thought, which prefers the indifferent and the accidental; must in all relations transform the mode of expression of prosaic thought into a poetic expression; and, despite all the reflection necessarily demanded by such a struggle, must preserve the perfect ap- pearance of inspiration and the freedom which art requires.'
   I think such an opinion, which has nothing specifically idealist about it, has no need to be revised. It is just to regard poetry and prose as two distinct spheres of thought, just to assert that the reprisals usually employed against poetry constitute, on the part of the bourgeois powers, an intrusion still more intolerable than the others (a matter of rationally judging matters irrational by definition); an incomparably more arbitrary and profound offence to the freedom of thought (in a realm where the way of thinking is inseparable from the way of feeling). To refuse to acknowledge this is not to evince a moral purity or a revolutionary severity, but merely to manifest towards poetry the disdain of the prosaic spirit of which Hegel speaks, merely to class oneself among the scorners of poetry or, more generally, among the philistines.



 The fact is that 'Red Front has been brought, by events quite external to poetry, to the foreground of poetic actuality and has benefitted by a curiosity on which no other poem for some time has been able to pride itself- that is, in relation to what surrounds it in its own sphere and no longer in its accidental extensions. Does 'Red Front mark a distinct change of orientation in the course we believe we may assign to poetry in our time -is this course to be disturbed, modified by the poem? Supposing, as a matter of fact, that its formula were new, exploitable, sufficiently general and contain- ing in itself, objectively, the greatest number of previous poetic possibilities and Impulses, such a poem would go far in making us realise the imminent point of resolution of the conflict which sets in opposition man's thought and his lyrical expression, an opposition which impassions to the highest degree the poetic drama to which I previously referred. It would invite us to break immediately with the indirect language which, in poetry, has been our own to this day; it would establish for us a programme of immediate agitation which, in verse as in prose, we could not evade without being cowardly. 
   My friends and I would be only too happy to accept this augury if certain historical considerations did not oblige us to abandon such high hopes very quickly. I shall recall here, merely for the sake of memory, how Hegel, in his Aesthetics, was led to characterise the various cycles art has passed through: symbolic, classic, romantic. This last manner of being, Hegel observes, has as its consequence the absolute negation of all that is finite and particular. It is the simple unity which, concentrated within itself, destroys every external relation, cancels out the movement which involves all the beings of nature in their successive phases of birth, growth, death, and renewal; in a word, repulses all that imposes limits on this spirit. All the particular divinities dissolve in this infinite unity. In this pantheon all the gods are dethroned. The flame of subjectivity has devoured them *1. When Hegel indicates, further, the two great reefs on which such an art cannot help but founder namely, the servile imitation of nature in its accidental forms, the very consequence for man of his profound disaffection, and humour, the consequence of the personality's need to achieve its highest degree of independence - when he finally gives, as the only place of resolution possible for these two tendencies, what he calls objective humour, one cannot, considering the various artistic movements which have followed each other since his death (naturalism, impressionism, symbolism, cubism, futurism, dadaism, surrealism), contest the tremendous prophetic value*² of his assertion. The truth is that romantic art in its broadest sense as Hegel understood it is far from having reached the end of its days and that, the general forms of art's development not permitting a given individual any appreciable licence, we are probably, in art, whether we choose to be or not, in the phase of objective humour. To what degree is this situation compatible with what the revolution demands of us? 

1. A correction is necessary here with regard to Hegel's idealist error of conceiving of real things only as the degree of realisation of the absolute idea. One might say that in art, as elsewhere, this conception has given way to one according to which 'the ideal' is nothing but the material, transposed and translated in the minds of men. But this cannot contradict the dialectical movement assigned to art by Hegel. 

2. I regret being unable to insist further here on the very remarkable oscillation between these two poles:(1) imitation of the accidental external aspect; (2) humour, which characterises all artistic action for over a century. On the one hand the imitation of the most deliberately 'earthy' aspects of life (naturalism), the most fugitive aspects of nature (impressionism), of the object considered as volume and substance (cubism), of the object in movement (futurism); on the other, humour, particularly striking in disturbed periods and testifying in the artist to the imperious need to dominate the accidental when the latter tends to prevail objectively. First, symbolism with Lautréamont, Rimbaud, corresponding to the Franco-Prussian War;pre-dadaism (Roussel, Duchamp, Cravan) and dadaism (Vaché, Tzara) corresponding to that of 1914.    


  もし、ある歴史的考察が、そのような高望みをすぐに放棄することを余儀なくさせなければ、私と私の友人はこの予言を喜んで受け入れたことでしょう。ここでは、単に記憶のために、ヘーゲルが『美学』の中で、芸術が通過してきた様々なサ イクル(象徴的、古典的、ロマン的)をどのように特徴づけることになったかを思い出して みよう。ヘーゲルは、この最後の存在様式は、その帰結として、有限で特殊なものすべてを絶対的に否定するものであると観察している。それは、自分自身の中に凝縮された単純な統一体であり、あらゆる外部関係を破壊し、自然界のすべての存在が誕生、成長、死、再生という連続した段階に関与する動きを打ち消すものであり、言い換えれば、この精神に限界を課すものすべてを打ち消すものである。すべての特定の神々は、この無限の統一性の中で溶解する。このパンテオンでは、すべての神々が廃位されます。主観性の炎が彼らを食い尽くしたのだ」*1。ヘーゲルがさらに、このような芸術が創始せざるを得ない二つの大きな岩礁を示しているとき、その岩礁とは、偶発的な形態における自然の隷属的な模倣であり、人間の深い不満のまさにその結果であり、ユーモアであり、人格が最高度の独立性を達成する必要性の結果である。彼の死後、様々な芸術運動(自然主義、印象主義、象徴主義、キュビスム、未来主義、ダダイズム、シュルレアリスム)が続いていることを考えても、彼の主張には大きな予言的価値があると言えるでしょう*²。真実は、ヘーゲルが理解していた広義のロマンティック・アートは、その時代の終わりに到達したとは言いがたく、また、芸術の発展の一般的な形態は、特定の個人に評価できるような自由を許さないため、我々は、好むと好まざるとにかかわらず、芸術において、おそらく客観的ユーモアの段階にいるということである。この状況は、革命が我々に求めるものとどの程度両立するのだろうか?

1. ここでは、現実のものを絶対的な観念の実現度としてしか考えないというヘーゲルの観念論的な誤りについて、訂正が必要です。他の場所と同様、芸術においても、この概念は、「理想」が人間の心の中で転置され、翻訳された物質に他ならないというものに変わったと言えるかもしれません。しかしこれは、ヘーゲルが芸術に課した弁証法的な動きと矛盾するものではない。

2. 私はここで、1世紀以上にわたってすべての芸術活動を特徴づけている、(1)偶発的な外面の模倣、(2)ユーモア、という2つの極の間の非常に顕著な振動について、これ以上主張できないことを残念に思う。一方では、人生の最も意図的な「土俗的」な側面(自然主義)、自然の最も逃避的な側面(印象主義)、体積と物質としての物体(キュビスム)、動きのある物体(未来主義)の模倣、他方では、ユーモア、特に混乱した時代に顕著であり、事故的なものが客観的に優勢になる傾向があるときに、事故的なものを支配する必要性の強さを芸術家に証明している。まず、ロートレアモンやランボーなどの象徴主義は普仏戦争に対応し、プレ・ダダイズム(ルーセル、デュシャン、クラヴァン)やダダイズム(ヴァッシュ、ツァラ)は1914年に対応しています。   

 To return to 'Red Front' and to the artificial opposition in which one might try to put it with the milieu from which it has come, I must declare that it does not blaze a new trail for poetry and that it would be futile to propose it to today's poets as an example to follow, for the excellent reason that in such a realm an objective point of departure can only be an objective point of arrival, and that, in this poem, the return to the external subject and especially to the emotional subject is in disagreement with the entire historical lesson that we may learn today from the most highly developed poetic forms. In these forms as early as a century ago (cf. Hegel) the subject could be described only as indifferent, and it has ceased, since then, to be able to be posited a priori. Hence, considering the poem as a whole, its continual reference to particular accidents and to public affairs, recalling finally that it wos written during Aragon's stay in the USSR, I must consider it not an accen table solution to the poetic problem, as presented in our day, but rather an exercise apart, captivating as one could wish but without future because poetically regressive - in other words, a poem of circumstance. Having worked the matter through, we find ourselves at the same point we were at when our researches began.  82:
  If we have thus lost the opportunity that Aragon, by writing 'Red Front', might be supposed to have given us for continuous revolutionary action by means of poetry, if we have been unable to concede that a goal of education or of revolutionary propaganda could be substituted for a goal of poetry and art, which from the beginning of time has been, 'while soaring above the real, to make it conform, even externally, with the inner truth that constitutes the substance...', we need not maintain that we are therefore the last adherents of 'art for art's sake', a conception whose pejorative sense deters its devotees from any other activity than creating the beautiful. We never have ceased attacking such a conception and demanding that the writer and the artist take active part in the social struggle ... 

Charles VI jouant aux cartes pendant sa folie. 
Collage by André Breton 



  このようにして、アラゴンが『赤い戦線』を書くことによって、詩による継続的な革命的行動の機会を与えてくれたと思われる機会を失ってしまったのなら、教育や革命的プロパガンダの目標が、詩や芸術の目標に取って代わられることを認めることができなかったのなら、それは太古の昔から、「現実の上に舞い上がりながら、それを外見的にでも、実体を構成する内なる真実に適合させること。 だから、私たちは「芸術のための芸術」の最後の信奉者であると主張する必要はありません。私たちは、このような概念を攻撃し、作家や芸術家が社会的闘争に積極的に参加することを求め続けてきました…




次の書籍のコンテンツと一致: – 185 ページ

ブルトン側は『詩の貧困 Misère de la Poésie と題するパンフレットを出して、むしろアラゴンの詩『赤色戦線』は、今日の詩が取らなくて、ならぬと信ぜられる針路 ...


Mexique, miroir magnétique - 47 ページ

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Henri Béhar · 1999

次の書籍のコンテンツと一致: – 47 ページ

... notion d'humour objectif , empruntée à Hegel qui la formule dans son Esthétique ; elle apparaît chez Breton en 1932 , dans « Misère de la poésie » 16 .

nzen senchū hen II, 1937-1938


みすず書房, 1993




検索結果1-2 / 2

463 ページ

ヘーゲルはこのような芸術(ロマン的)が陥る二つの大きな危険として、いわば偶然な諸形態における自然の無能な模倣とユーモかとに注目した。そしてこの両者の融合点 ...

464 ページ

そしてシュルレアリストはヘーゲルのいった意味での「客観的ユーモア」の立場をとるものだとされる。( Breton : Misére de la Poésie , 1932 )


「無節操者!」アラゴン事件の顛末 (1932310 ...


(Fin de “l'Affaire Aragon”) シュルレアリスム出版1932310日小冊子: 11 ... () cm 内容紹介アラゴン弁護のブルトンの詩論「詩の貧困」は共産党の反発を誘い、党 ...



アラゴン事件  シュルレアリスムのビラ - 日本アート ...


アラゴン事件  シュルレアリスムのビラ (19321) ... のビラ「アラゴン事件」を発行し、さらにブルトンは単独で「詩の貧困」を執筆し、アラゴン弁護に立ちあがる。

アラゴン事件 -〈赤色戦線〉[編集]

19304月、マヤコフスキーが自殺。アラゴンとエルザは姉リーリャ・ブリークに会うためにソ連を訪れた。ジョルジュ・サドゥールが合流し、アラゴンとサドゥールはハルキウ(ハリコフ)で開催された国際革命作家同盟 (UIER) の大会にシュルレアリストを代表して参加した。この経験が大きな転機となった。シュルレアリスムの共産党からの独立性を主張するブルトンに対して、アラゴンは共産党と共同戦線を張る必要があると考えるようになり、サドゥールとともに作成したハリコフ会議の報告書には、共産党との合意に基づいて国際革命作家同盟のフランス支部「革命作家芸術家協会 (AEAR)」を設立することなどが盛り込まれていた。ハリコフ報告はシュルレアリストにとって到底受け入れられるものではなく、この後3か月にわたって激論が交わされた[29]。


シュルレアリストらはさっそく「裁判を目的とした詩作品解釈の試みに抗議し、訴訟の中止を要求する」という声明を発表し、アラゴン告発に抗議する署名運動を開始した。たちまち、フランスだけでなく、ベルギードイツチェコスロバキアユーゴスラビアなどの知識人から300人以上の署名が集まった。一方、ブルトンにとってこの運動は、詩作品「赤色戦線」の評価とは別であり、彼は同年3月に発表した小冊子『詩の貧困  世論に裁かれる「アラゴン事件」』[30] において、この詩は「新しい道を切り拓くものではなく」、「状況の詩」であり、「詩における後退」であると断言した。これに対して、19323月に設立された革命作家芸術家協会はアラゴンを支持し、アラゴンは『リュマニテ』紙に『詩の貧困』の内容を否認するとする囲み記事を掲載した。こうして、ハリコフ会議を機に共産主義への一歩を踏み出し、ブルトンの「シュルレアリスム第二宣言」を否認したアラゴンの「赤色戦線」、そして「アラゴン事件」は、シュルレアリスムという文学芸術革命に留まるか、これを社会革命に発展させるかという問題をシュルレアリストらに突きつけることになり[1][29]、アラゴン自身は後に『社会主義レアリスムのために』に「ソビエトから帰ってきたわたしはもはや同じ人間ではなかった。もはや『パリの農夫』の作者ではなく、『赤色戦線』の作者だった」と書くことになる[31]。


  1. ^ “Misère de la poésie « L'affaire Aragon » devant l'opinion publique”. andrebreton.fr. 201996日閲覧。[30]
  2. ^ 大島博光『アラゴン』新日本新書、1990 - 抜粋「『赤色戦線』・アラゴン事件(上)」(大島博光記念館公式ウェブサイト))






  一九三一年 おれたちはマキシムにいる


  パリよ おまえの石畳はいつでも空(くう)を飛び
  おまえの街路樹は 兵隊どもの進撃をくい止める用意ができている
  大きな図体をしたパリよ 振り向いて
  おーい ベルヴィルよ
  イヴリよ ジャベルよ マラコフ**よ
  街燈なんか 藁たばのようにひん曲げろ
  新聞売場(キオスク)も椅子も街の泉水も 放り投げろ

* ベルヴィルは労働者街で革命的伝統をもつ。
** パリ郊外の民主勢力の強い町で、赤いベルトとも呼ばれている。


  だがすでにパンの八○パーセントは 今年(ことし) コルホーズのマルクス主義的な夢から作られた
  ヒナゲシたちは 赤旗になった




  赤い列車は動き出し だれも止められはしない
  SSSR 人間による人間の搾取をやめさせよう




  • 『赤色戦線』・アラゴン事件(下) (2016/06/20)




  赤い列車は動き出し だれも止められはしない
  SSSR 人間による人間の搾取をやめさせよう





Breton : Oeuvres complètes, tome 2 Relié – 9 octobre 1992

33Misère de la poésie montre ainsi les contradictions surréalistes, et plus largement des avant-gardes héritières du romantisme allemand. Ce texte est un précipité de toutes les querelles fondamentales autour des liens entre poésieet politique dans le premier xxe siècle.2016/01/05


André Breton face à Aragon dans Misère de la Poésie (1932)

Œuvres complètes d'André Breton, tome 2, Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 1992, p. 4-27 

Misère de la poésie (André Breton)


La Collection


Libelle écrit par André Breton à la suite de l'affaire Aragon, publié aux éditions surréalistes en 1932.

Édition originale. Un des rares exemplaires sur papier orangé. [catalogue de la vente, 2003]


Misère de la poésie « L'affaire Aragon » devant l'opinion publique. Œuvres complètes d'André Breton, tome 2, Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 1992, p. 4-27

Œuvres en relation :

  • Le poème Front Rouge de Louis Aragon, Œuvres complètes d'André Breton, tome 2, Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade,1992, p. 29-39
  • André Gide nous parle de « L'affaire Aragon », Œuvres complètes d'André Breton, tome 2, Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade,1992, p. 39-41
  • Lettre de Romain Rolland aux surréalistes, Œuvres complètes d'André Breton, tome 2, Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade,1992, p. 41-42
  • Lettre d'adhésion. Œuvres complètes d'André Breton, tome 2, Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade,1992, p. 41
  • Essai de littérature prolétarienne, 
    La mort de Barlois
    , Œuvres complètes d'André Breton, tome 2, Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade,1992, p. 43-45

Le texte Misère de la poésie et les annexes, in Tracts surréalistes et déclarations collectives, tome 1, 1922-1939 présenté et commenté par José Pierre, Éric Losfeld, collection Le terrain Vague, 1980, p. 208-222, p.459-470

Lire le tract sur Mélusine

Notice Sudoc

Notes bibliographiques

Paris, Éditions Surréalistes, 1932. In-8°, agrafé.

Date d'édition



édition originale




22,00 cm

Nombre de pages



Éditions Surréalistes, Paris




Affaire AragonAssociation des Artistes et Écrivains Révolutionnairespolitiquepoésiesurréalisme


Pièces, poésies, romans, essaisTracts et déclarations collectives

Lien permanent


Notice reliée à :

1 Œuvre





Paul Éluard

Tract célèbre signé par Paul Éluard, une charge violente contre Louis Aragon. L'image représente le recto du tract.


Mexique, miroir magnétique - 47 ページ

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Henri Béhar · 1999

次の書籍のコンテンツと一致: – 47 ページ

... notion d'humour objectif , empruntée à Hegel qui la formule dans son Esthétique ; elle apparaît chez Breton en 1932 , dans « Misère de la poésie » 16 .



inauthor:"André Breton"  The Poverty of Poetry 1932


Léro, Etienne (1996 [1932]), ‘Poverty of a Poetry’, in M. Richardson (ed.), Refusal of the Shadow, London: Verso, pp. 55–8. 

Committed Styles: Modernism, Politics, and Left-Wing ... - 104 ページ

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Benjamin Kohlmann · 2014

次の書籍のコンテンツと一致: – 104 ページ

36 André Breton, 'The Poverty of Poetry: The Aragon Affair and Public Opinion' [1932], trans. by Richard Howard, in What is Surrealism?




Surrealism and the Art of Crime - 166 ページ

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Jonathan Paul Eburne · 2008

次の書籍のコンテンツと一致: – 166 ページ

Andre Breton's defense of the poem , in his 1932 essay " Misère de la poésie " ( The Poverty of Poetry ) , begins by attacking the powers of bourgeois ...




What is Surrealism?: Selected Writings

英語版 | Andre Breton  Franklin Rosemont | 1978/2/1





 'If', Hegel declares, 'prose has penetrated with its particular mode of conception into all the objects of human intelligence and has everywhere left its imprint, poetry must undertake to recast all these elements and to imprint them with its original seal. And since it must also vanquish the scorn of the prosaic spirit, it finds itself surrounded on all sides by difficulties. It must wrench itself from the habits of ordinary thought, which prefers the indifferent and the accidental; must in all relations transform the mode of expression of prosaic thought into a poetic expression; and, despite all the reflection necessarily demanded by such a struggle, must preserve the perfect appearance of inspiration and the freedom which art requires.'


第三部 個々の芸術ジャンルの体系 (続き) 196
























 (ハ)  かくしてわれわれは詩と散文との二つの相異った意識領域をもつことになる。かつて一定の世界観がその





義を深め、いろいろな形態を明かにすることに限られる。 これに反して散文が精神の全内容をすでにその捉えかた












第二部 理想美の特殊な形態への発展 
第三篇 ロマン的芸術形式
第三章 形式的に自立した特殊な個人





第二部 芸術美の諸特殊形式への理想の展開
第三篇 浪漫的芸術芸術形式
第三章 個人的特殊相の形式的独立
三 浪漫的芸術形式の解消
3 浪漫的芸術形式の終焉

性を持しつつ心底から対象に同化する境地 に建し、いわば客観的なフモールが成立することになる。

次の書籍のコンテンツと一致: – 185 ページ
ブルトン側は『詩の貧困』 Misère de la Poésie と題するパンフレットを出して、むしろアラゴンの詩『赤色戦線』は、今日の詩が取らなくて、ならぬと信ぜられる針路 ...

Mexique, miroir magnétique - 47 ページ
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Henri Béhar · 1999
次の書籍のコンテンツと一致: – 47 ページ
... notion d'humour objectif , empruntée à Hegel qui la formule dans son Esthétique ; elle apparaît chez Breton en 1932 , dans « Misère de la poésie » 16 .

nzen senchū hen II, 1937-1938

みすず書房, 1993
0 レビュー


検索結果1-2 / 2
463 ページ
ヘーゲルはこのような芸術(ロマン的)が陥る二つの大きな危険として、いわば偶然な諸形態における自然の無能な模倣とユーモかとに注目した。そしてこの両者の融合点 ...
464 ページ
そしてシュルレアリストはヘーゲルのいった意味での「客観的ユーモア」の立場をとるものだとされる。( Breton : Misére de la Poésie , 1932 )

「無節操者!」アラゴン事件の顛末 (1932年3月10日 ...

(Fin de "l'Affaire Aragon") シュルレアリスム出版1932年3月10日小冊子: 11 ... (本) cm 内容紹介アラゴン弁護のブルトンの詩論「詩の貧困」は共産党の反発を誘い、党 ...
  • ルイ アラゴン 名言
  • ブルトン ワイン
  • シュルレアリスム詩
  • アラゴン ロード オブ ザ リング
  • アラゴン 色
  • シュルレアリスム第二宣言
  • エルザ トリオレ
  • アラゴン カスティーリャ
  • ブルトン お菓子
  • ブルトン シュルレアリスムを語る

アラゴン事件 ― シュルレアリスムのビラ - 日本アート ...

アラゴン事件 ― シュルレアリスムのビラ (1932年1月) ... のビラ「アラゴン事件」を発行し、さらにブルトンは単独で「詩の貧困」を執筆し、アラゴン弁護に立ちあがる。

アラゴン事件 -〈赤色戦線〉




1930年4月、マヤコフスキーが自殺。アラゴンとエルザは姉リーリャ・ブリークに会うためにソ連を訪れた。ジョルジュ・サドゥールが合流し、アラゴンとサドゥールはハルキウ(ハリコフ)で開催された国際革命作家同盟 (UIER) の大会にシュルレアリストを代表して参加した。この経験が大きな転機となった。シュルレアリスムの共産党からの独立性を主張するブルトンに対して、アラゴンは共産党と共同戦線を張る必要があると考えるようになり、サドゥールとともに作成したハリコフ会議の報告書には、共産党との合意に基づいて国際革命作家同盟のフランス支部「革命作家芸術家協会 (AEAR)」を設立することなどが盛り込まれていた。ハリコフ報告はシュルレアリストにとって到底受け入れられるものではなく、この後3か月にわたって激論が交わされた[29]。
シュルレアリストらはさっそく「裁判を目的とした詩作品解釈の試みに抗議し、訴訟の中止を要求する」という声明を発表し、アラゴン告発に抗議する署名運動を開始した。たちまち、フランスだけでなく、ベルギー、ドイツ、チェコスロバキア、ユーゴスラビアなどの知識人から300人以上の署名が集まった。一方、ブルトンにとってこの運動は、詩作品「赤色戦線」の評価とは別であり、彼は同年3月に発表した小冊子『詩の貧困 ― 世論に裁かれる「アラゴン事件」』[30] において、この詩は「新しい道を切り拓くものではなく」、「状況の詩」であり、「詩における後退」であると断言した。これに対して、1932年3月に設立された革命作家芸術家協会はアラゴンを支持し、アラゴンは『リュマニテ』紙に『詩の貧困』の内容を否認するとする囲み記事を掲載した。こうして、ハリコフ会議を機に共産主義への一歩を踏み出し、ブルトンの「シュルレアリスム第二宣言」を否認したアラゴンの「赤色戦線」、そして「アラゴン事件」は、シュルレアリスムという文学芸術革命に留まるか、これを社会革命に発展させるかという問題をシュルレアリストらに突きつけることになり[1][29]、アラゴン自身は後に『社会主義レアリスムのために』に「ソビエトから帰ってきたわたしはもはや同じ人間ではなかった。もはや『パリの農夫』の作者ではなく、『赤色戦線』の作者だった」と書くことになる[31]。


  1. ^ "Misère de la poésie « L'affaire Aragon » devant l'opinion publique". andrebreton.fr. 2019年9月6日閲覧。[30]
  2. ^ 大島博光『アラゴン』新日本新書、1990年 - 抜粋「『赤色戦線』・アラゴン事件(上)」(大島博光記念館公式ウェブサイト))

Breton : Oeuvres complètes, tome 2 Relié – 9 octobre 1992

33Misère de la poésie montre ainsi les contradictions surréalistes, et plus largement des avant-gardes héritières du romantisme allemand. Ce texte est un précipité de toutes les querelles fondamentales autour des liens entre poésie et politique dans le premier xxe siècle.2016/01/05


André Breton face à Aragon dans Misère de la Poésie (1932)

Œuvres complètes d'André Breton, tome 2, Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 1992, p. 4-27

Misère de la poésie (André Breton)

La Collection


Libelle écrit par André Breton à la suite de l'affaire Aragon, publié aux éditions surréalistes en 1932.
Édition originale. Un des rares exemplaires sur papier orangé. [catalogue de la vente, 2003]


Misère de la poésie « L'affaire Aragon » devant l'opinion publique. Œuvres complètes d'André Breton, tome 2, Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 1992, p. 4-27
Œuvres en relation :
  • Le poème Front Rouge de Louis Aragon, Œuvres complètes d'André Breton, tome 2, Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade,1992, p. 29-39
  • André Gide nous parle de « L'affaire Aragon », Œuvres complètes d'André Breton, tome 2, Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade,1992, p. 39-41
  • Lettre de Romain Rolland aux surréalistes, Œuvres complètes d'André Breton, tome 2, Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade,1992, p. 41-42
  • Lettre d'adhésion. Œuvres complètes d'André Breton, tome 2, Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade,1992, p. 41
  • Essai de littérature prolétarienne, 
La mort de Barlois, Œuvres complètes d'André Breton, tome 2, Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade,1992, p. 43-45
Le texte Misère de la poésie et les annexes, in Tracts surréalistes et déclarations collectives, tome 1, 1922-1939 présenté et commenté par José Pierre, Éric Losfeld, collection Le terrain Vague, 1980, p. 208-222, p.459-470

Lire le tract sur Mélusine

Notice Sudoc

Notes bibliographiques
Paris, Éditions Surréalistes, 1932. In-8°, agrafé.
Date d'édition
édition originale
22,00 cm
Nombre de pages
Éditions Surréalistes, Paris
Affaire Aragon, Association des Artistes et Écrivains Révolutionnaires, politique, poésie, surréalisme
Pièces, poésies, romans, essais, Tracts et déclarations collectives
Lien permanent

Notice reliée à :
1 Œuvre


Paul Éluard
Tract célèbre signé par Paul Éluard, une charge violente contre Louis Aragon. L'image représente le recto du tract.

Mexique, miroir magnétique - 47 ページ
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Henri Béhar · 1999
次の書籍のコンテンツと一致: – 47 ページ
... notion d'humour objectif , empruntée à Hegel qui la formule dans son Esthétique ; elle apparaît chez Breton en 1932 , dans « Misère de la poésie » 16 .



inauthor:"André Breton" The Poverty of Poetry 1932

Léro, Etienne (1996 [1932]), 'Poverty of a Poetry', in M. Richardson (ed.), Refusal of the Shadow, London: Verso, pp. 55–8. ?

Committed Styles: Modernism, Politics, and Left-Wing ... - 104 ページ
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Benjamin Kohlmann · 2014
次の書籍のコンテンツと一致: – 104 ページ
36 André Breton, 'The Poverty of Poetry: The Aragon Affair and Public Opinion' [1932], trans. by Richard Howard, in What is Surrealism?



Surrealism and the Art of Crime - 166 ページ
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Jonathan Paul Eburne · 2008
次の書籍のコンテンツと一致: – 166 ページ
Andre Breton's defense of the poem , in his 1932 essay " Misère de la poésie " ( The Poverty of Poetry ) , begins by attacking the powers of bourgeois ...


What is Surrealism?: Selected Writings
英語版 | Andre Breton 、 Franklin Rosemont | 1978/2/1
