
kelton 2013:'NO' on $1 Trillion for Main Street



'NO' on $1 Trillion for Main Street




do that of course we can if we establish
that the Treasury secretary has the
capacity in a trillion dollar coin and
deposited in this account at the Fed
then they could put a 10 or a 100 or any
other number it is at the discretion of
the Treasury secretary so of course they
could do that
the question is
should they do that what would be the
ramifications of doing that former mid
director filled the accounting treatment 
here's how the coin would work republicans are once again threatening to hold the debt ceiling hostage as they did in the summer of 2011 that is they will not vote to raise the limit of the amount the US government can borrow unless the White House and Democrats agree to some draconian spending cuts enter the coin it turns out there is a subsection of the u.s. code called denominations specifications and design of coins that includes the following provision the secretary may meet and issue platinum bullion coins and proof platinum coins in accordance with such specifications designs varieties quantities denominations and inscriptions as a secretary in the Secretary's discretion may prescribe from time to time the idea of trillion-dollar coin advocates is the president would direct the Treasury to make a trillion dollar platinum coin and then deposit it in the Treasury bank account at the Federal Reserve and voila just as a $100 bill isn't made of $100 worth of cotton a new trillion-dollar coin wouldn't be made of a trillion dollars of platinum just a single small bit of platinum will do that's all economist John Kenneth Galbraith once said the process by which banks create money is so simple but the mind is repelled and the same can be said of how our government creates money the simple truth is it creates money simply out of thin air someone that the Federal Reserve punches in a number in spreadsheet and voila more money Abraham Lincoln printed greenbacks to fund the Union and his opponents mocked and mercilessly for doing so with this cartoon from the time depicting a machine spewing Bills shows an FDR ditched the gold standard to get us out of the Great Depression both those ideas were at the time probably about as ridiculous as a trillion dollar coin if that can work well then let's just make a 10 trillion dollar coin and zero out the deficit or the national debt and then just like forget all this fiscal cliff stuff but all these grand bargains let's just throw it in there and 10y stop pretending 20 trillion hundred trillion dollars that we draw on for the next hundred years why is that why can't we do that ?

off course we can if we establish that the Treasury secretary has the capacity in a trillion dollar coin and deposited in this account at the Fed then they could put a 10 or a 100 or any other number it is at the discretion of the Treasury secretary so of course they could do that the question is should they do that what would be the ramifications of doing that.

 former mid director filled the accounting treatment the coin is identical to treatment of all other coins and in strikes the coin ships at the bed books a trillion dollars and transfers a trillion dollars of Treasury's general fund where it is available to finance government operations just like with proceeds of bond sales or additional tax revenues this works just like an additional tax revenue borrowing under a higher debt limit oh.)

Kelton :
 all it is our digital entries locked up on a spreadsheet that's what that is when the Federal Reserve credits the Treasury's bank account it's just digital entries locked okay can't run away they can't escape they can't go anywhere they can't chase any Goods they can't hyper-inflated they can't do all of these things that people.
here's my question to think what are the limits ?(then you can just be like centrist all the time there are no limits on the behavior we can spend as much as we want as little as you want.)

of course I didn't say that at all no there are limits of course there are limits on how much you can spend the limits are on the real side of the economy though not on the financial side and what we're so accustomed to hearing is we can't afford it we can't afford it it's always the financial side there aren't enough numbers on the balance sheet we don't we can't spend because we don't have the money so let's take the hypothetical I know how he's going to fall out of her chair and I'll say a hundred trillion dollars okay take that hypothetical okay we make $120 going 100 trillion dollar coin and the Fed credits the treasurer's account what happens nothing absolutely nothing in the first instance the question is what then would happen to those dollars if Congress appropriated some spending because the the the government can't spend unless Congress operates right so if Congress said well look we have 2.2 trillion dollar infrastructure disaster in this country we're gonna appropriate some funding to start repairing and rebuilding our nation's infrastructure then those funds can begin to flow and then they move into the real resources are there we've got 23 million Americans who want full-time work in this country and can't find it many of them unemployment put them to work why on earth would we allow 23 million Americans who want to contribute that we have useful things for them to do we have unemployed construction workers unemployed manufacturing workers they have exactly the skill set that we need 20 the only thing they need is for Congress to give them permission to do it sure well the only way we're not getting from 109 is if we started the museum exhibit it'll started charge wait don't the constraint that no I want you to go right 次の動画 自動再生

5 件のコメント:

  1. もちろんそれを行うことができます

    コインがどのように機能するか共和党は2011年の夏のように債務上限を人質にすることを再び脅かしています。つまり、ホワイトハウスと民主党が合意しない限り、米国政府が借りることができる金額の上限を引き上げることに投票しないということです。いくつかの過激な支出削減がコインに入ると、金種の仕様とコインのデザインと呼ばれる米国コードのサブセクションがあり、秘書がそのような仕様のデザインに従ってプラチナ地金コインとプルーフプラチナコインを満たし、発行することができる次の規定が含まれています秘書の秘書としての種類の数量の金種と碑文 '時折、1兆ドルのコイン支持者の考えは、大統領が財務省に1兆ドルのプラチナコインを作成し、それを連邦準備制度の財務省の銀行口座に預けて、100ドル札と同じように預けるという考えを規定する場合があります。 100ドル相当の綿でできていないので、新しい1兆ドルのコインは、1兆ドルのプラチナでできているわけではなく、ほんの少しのプラチナでそれができます。すべての経済学者ジョン・ケネス・ガルブレイスはかつて、銀行がお金を生み出すプロセスはとても単純であると言いましたが、心は反発し、私たちの政府がお金を生み出す方法についても同じことが言えます。単純な真実は、誰かが連邦準備制度理事会はスプレッドシートに数字を打ち込み、より多くのお金を稼ぎますアブラハム・リンカーンは、連邦準備制度に資金を提供するためにドル紙幣を印刷しました。大恐慌から、それらの両方のアイデアは、それがうまくいくことができれば、おそらく1兆ドルのコインと同じくらいばかげていたでしょう」sは10兆ドルのコインを作り、赤字や国の借金をゼロにし、財政の崖をすべて忘れるのと同じように、これらすべての大バーゲンはそれをそこに投げ入れて、私たちが引く20兆百兆ドルのふりをやめましょう次の百年の間、なぜそれができるのか?もちろん、財務省の秘書が1兆ドルの硬貨の容量を持ち、FRBのこの口座に預け入れられた場合、10、100、またはその他の任意の数を入力することができます。財務省の秘書はもちろん、元の中間取締役が会計処理を行った場合の影響は他のすべてのコインの処理と同じであり、ストライキでコインがベッドは1兆ドルを予約し、1兆ドルの財務省を送金します。債券の売り上げや追加の税収と同じように政府の運営に資金を提供できる一般基金これは、より高い債務限度の下での追加の税収の借り入れと同じように機能します。つまり、連邦準備制度が財務省の銀行口座にクレジットを付与するとき、それはデジタルエントリがロックされているだけです。逃げることはできません。逃げることはできません。どこにも行けません。追跡できない商品です。過膨張できない商品です。」ここにいる人々が限界とは何かを考えるためにこれらすべてのことをするなら、あなたはいつもセントリストのようになることができます私たちが好きなだけ使うことができる行動に制限はありませんもちろん私はしませんでしたもちろん、制限はありません。経済の実際の側では制限がありますが、経済の実際の側では制限があります。私たちがよく耳にするのは、私たちができないことです。余裕がない私たちがそれを買う余裕がないそれは常に財政面であるバランスシートに十分な数がない私たちがお金を持っていないので使うことができないので私は彼がどうなっているのか知っているという仮説を立てましょう彼女の椅子から落ちて、100兆ドルは大丈夫だと私は言います。私たちは120ドルを100兆ドルのコインにし、FRBは財務担当者にクレジットします。sアカウント何も起こらない最初の例では、問題は、議会が正しく運営されない限り政府は支出できないため、議会がいくらかの支出を充当した場合、それらのドルはどうなるかということです。この国のインフラストラクチャー災害私たちは国のインフラストラクチャーの修復と再構築を開始するためにいくらかの資金を充当するつもりですそしてそれらの資金は流れ始めそして彼らは実際の資源に移動しますそこにはフルタイムの仕事を望んでいる2300万人のアメリカ人がいますこの国でできます」彼らの多くが失業していることがわかったので、なぜ私たちが貢献したい2300万人のアメリカ人に、私たちに役立つものがあることを許可するのでしょうか? 20彼らが必要とする唯一のことは、議会が彼らにそれを確実にうまくやる許可を与えることです。私たちが109から得られない唯一の方法は、私たちが美術館の展示を始めた場合、それが充電を開始することです。あなたは右に行くt the constraint that no I want you to go right 次の動画 自動再生t the constraint that no I want you to go right 次の動画 自動再生

  2. ケルトン




    ケルトン:もちろん、私は全くそんなことは言っていません......限度はあります......もちろん限度はあります......限度は経済の実質的な側面にあります.......しかし、金融面ではありません........私たちが聞き慣れているのは、私たちには余裕がありません.......余裕がありません.......それはいつも金融面です.......バランスシート上の数字が十分ではありません......私たちにはお金がありません....... 100兆ドルと言ってみましょう 100兆ドルのコインを120ドル作り、100兆ドルのコインを作り、FRBが財務長官の口座に入金すると、何が起こるのでしょうか?最初の例では何も起こりません。 2兆ドルのインフラ災害が発生しています。この国のインフラの修理と再建を開始するために、資金を充当するつもりです。 この国で働いていても見つけられない多くの人が失業しているのになぜ彼らを働かせるのでしょうか? 彼らに貢献したいと思っている2300万人のアメリカ人には役に立つものがあります 失業者の建設労働者 失業者の製造労働者がいます 彼らはまさに私たちが必要としているスキルを持っています 20 彼らが必要としているのは議会が彼らに許可を与えることだけです 109から得られない唯一の方法は博物館の展示を開始した場合には充電が開始されます 待っていてはいけないという制約はありません 次の動画 自動再生



  3. Kelton:
    off course we can if we establish that the Treasury secretary has the capacity in a trillion dollar coin.
    and deposited in this account at the Fed.
    then they could put a 10 or a 100 or any other number it is at the discretion of the Treasury secretary general.
    so off course they could do that the question is should they do that what would be the ramifications of doing that.

    former mid director filled the accounting treatment the coin is identical to treatment of all other coins and in strikes the coin ships at the bed books a trillion dollars and transfers a trillion dollars of Treasury's general fund where it is available to finance government operations just like with proceeds of bond sales or additional tax revenues this works just like an additional tax revenue borrowing under a higher debt limit oh.)

    Kelton :
    all it is our digital entries locked up on a spreadsheet.
    that's what that is when the Federal Reserve credits the Treasury's bank account it's just digital entries locked okay can't run away.
    they can't escape they can't go anywhere.
    they can't chase any Goods they can't hyper-inflated they can't do all of these things that people.
    here's my question to think what are the limits ?(then you can just be like centrist all the time there are no limits on the behavior we can spend as much as we want as little as you want.)

    of course I didn't say that at all no there are limits off course.
    there are limits on how much you can spend the limits are on the real side of the economy.
    though not on the financial side and what we're so accustomed to hearing is we can't afford it we can't afford it it's always the financial side.
    there aren't enough numbers on the balance sheet we don't we can't spend because we don't have the money so let's take the hypothetical I know how he's going to fall out of her chair and I'll say a hundred trillion dollars okay take that hypothetical okay we make $120 going 100 trillion dollar coin and the Fed credits the treasurer's account what happens nothing absolutely nothing in the first instance the question is what then would happen to those dollars if Congress appropriated some spending because the the the government can't spend unless Congress operates right so if Congress said well look we have 2.2 trillion dollar infrastructure disaster in this country we're gonna appropriate some funding to start repairing and rebuilding our nation's infrastructure then those funds can begin to flow and then they move into the real resources are there we've got 23 million Americans who want full-time work in this country and can't find it many of them unemployment put them to work why on earth would we allow 23 million Americans who want to contribute that we have useful things for them to do we have unemployed construction workers unemployed manufacturing workers they have exactly the skill set that we need 20 the only thing they need is for Congress to give them permission to do it sure well the only way we're not getting from 109 is if we started the museum exhibit it'll started charge wait don't the constraint that no I want you to go right 次の動画 自動再生


  4. Kelton:
    off course we can if we establish that the Treasury secretary has the capacity in a trillion dollar coin.
    and deposited in this account at the Fed.
    then they could put a 10 or a 100 or any other number it is at the discretion of the Treasury secretary general.
    so off course they could do that the question is should they do that what would be the ramifications of doing that.

    former mid director filled the accounting treatment the coin is identical to treatment of all other coins and in strikes the coin ships at the bed books a trillion dollars and transfers a trillion dollars of Treasury's general fund where it is available to finance government operations just like with proceeds of bond sales or additional tax revenues this works just like an additional tax revenue borrowing under a higher debt limit oh.)

    Kelton :
    all it is our digital entries locked up on a spreadsheet.
    that's what that is when the Federal Reserve credits the Treasury's bank account it's just digital entries locked okay can't run away.
    they can't escape they can't go anywhere.
    they can't chase any Goods they can't hyper-inflated they can't do all of these things that people.
    here's my question to think what are the limits ?(then you can just be like centrist all the time there are no limits on the behavior we can spend as much as we want as little as you want.)

    of course I didn't say that at all no there are limits off course.
    there are limits on how much you can spend the limits are on the real side of the economy.
    though not on the financial side and what we're so accustomed to hearing is we can't afford it we can't afford it it's always the financial side.
    there aren't enough numbers on the balance sheet we don't we can't spend because we don't have the money so let's take the hypothetical I know how he's going to fall out of her chair and I'll say a hundred trillion dollars okay take that hypothetical okay we make $120 going 100 trillion dollar coin and the Fed credits the treasurer's account what happens nothing absolutely nothing in the first instance the question is what then would happen to those dollars if Congress appropriated some spending because the the the government can't spend unless Congress operates right.
    so if Congress said well look we have 2.2 trillion dollar infrastructure disaster in this country we're gonna appropriate some funding to start repairing and rebuilding our nation's infrastructure then those funds can begin to flow.
    and then they move into the real resources are there we've got 23 million Americans who want full-time work in this country and can't find it.
    many of them unemployment put them to work why on earth would we allow 23 million Americans who want to contribute that we have useful things for them to do.
    we have unemployed construction workers unemployed manufacturing workers they have exactly the skill set that we need 20 the only thing they need is for Congress to give them permission to do it.

    (well the only way we're not getting from 109 is if we started the museum exhibit it'll started charge wait don't the constraint that no I want you to go right .)

  5. ケルトン
    もちろんできますよ 財務長官が1兆ドル硬貨の容量を 持っていることを立証すればね



    バランスシートの数字が十分ではありません お金がないので 支出ができません 仮定の話をしてみましょう 100兆ドルと言ってみましょう 仮定の話をしてみましょう 100兆ドルのコインを120ドル作ったとします 100兆ドルのコインを120ドル作ったとします FRBは財務長官の口座に入金します
    我々は失業した建設労働者を持っています 失業した製造労働者 彼らはまさに我々が必要とするスキルセットを持っています 彼らが必要とする唯一のものは、議会が彼らにそれを行うための許可を与えることです。


