
Abba P. Lerner on austerity, jobs, debt and inequality.

Abba P. Lerner on austerity, jobs, debt and inequality.


Moderator: I think Mr. Lerner wants to answer a question. 

I'm not sure l can understand [his decision]. However I have a minor explanațion. First of all, I {insist} that I am not supporting austerity, 
unless you're going to change the meaning of the word, and call it austerity, whatever I'm proposing. I'm proposing(not) really to make the workers poorer, but to do what the study under he wishes to make the bedrock, by having more jobs., 
Secondly, I'm not proposing to increase the value or the budgetting power of the dollar l'm only proposing to stop the rather wrong recovering were underway. and I'm suggesting that it be something like a certain proposal which will have wages increasing by [local] productivity, I would propose that this is about three percent, Instead of the 5 1/2 percent being proposed now, which is a minor difference. 

 As to Mr. Marcus's saying, that he would do something in a socialist society, what he is proposing he would do, is really very similar to what I am proposing. I do not know why you have to […] society in order to do it. You can do it now, can be done, it has been done. was every time there was an improvement in the economic conditions ofi the country. More money was created And, great fun is made by Mr. Marcus about the accumulation of debt. One should remember that the national debt, which I donit think-is a serious matter anyway, but f you are writing about it, you should notice, that it has increased from being about 115% of, the gröss national product, to something ike 40 to 45 percent of the gross natilonal product now. But, of course, you can never note that the real content is only in the money, and rather this is more than it ever has been, I think it is more important to look at the real thing Why aren't we there already.

 Um, theres one thing which I agree with In Mr. Marcus it is not like me in a capitalist society, to make alarge reduction. in the share of a product relative to capitalism. 
I, myself, would like to reduce the share golng to capitalists and increase the share going to workers; more accurately, I would rather increase the income of the poor, whatever their… whether they re workers or not. I am against poverty. But,if people are less against poverty than they are against the rich, you get a different proposal Now, I think that the way to improve the condition of the poor, is not to be found in taking it away from the rich. . The rich have been about a quota on the social product, and capitalist society will probably continue to do so. . 

 It is conceivable that we might take away from this 25%, maybe 10% at the most, and still have this particular system work, and this, think, is a very minor matter […], that over 50 years, we have increased the income of the worker by several hundred percent . not by taking it away from the shareholding capitalist, but by increasing productivity, which in other words to say there was a hundred divided before, and these capftalists got twenty-five, the workers got 75, leaving the workers a rather larger stake, it's four hundred, and the capitalists have gotten much more, they got a hundred, four times as much, and the workers have three hundred, also four times as much. This, to me, is much more important. It is more important, because I am much more concerned with dealing with the poor than with the impoverishing [of] the rich.







私自身、資本家へのシェアを減らして 労働者へのシェアを増やしたいと思っています より正確には、貧しい人々の収入を増やしたいのです 彼らが労働者であろうとなかろうと 私は貧困に反対です。しかし、もし人々が金持ちに反対するよりも、貧困に反対する方が少ないのであれば、異なる提案を得ることになるでしょう。 貧困層の状態を改善する方法は、金持ちから奪うことでは見つけられないと思います。金持ちは、社会的生産物にノルマを課してきたし、資本主義社会は、おそらくこれからもそうしていくだろう。. 




私が理解できるかどうかはわかりませんが、[彼の決定]を理解しています。しかし、私にはちょっとした説明があります。まず第一に,私は緊縮財政を支持しているわけではありません。私が提案しているのは、労働者をより貧しくすることではなく、彼の下での研究が、より多くの仕事を持つことによって、岩盤を作ることを望んでいることをすることです。第二に、私は、価値やドルの予算編成力を高めることを提案していません。マーカス氏が社会主義社会で何かをすると言っていますが、彼が提案していることは、私が提案していることと非常によく似ています。なぜ社会主義社会でなければならないのか、私にはわかりません。より多くのお金が生み出された。そして、マーカス氏は、借金の蓄積について大いなる愉快なことを言っている。国の借金は深刻な問題だとは思いませんが、あなたがそれについて書いているならば、国の借金が、国民総生産の約115%から、今では40~45%にまで増加していることに気づくべきでしょう。しかし、もちろん、本当の内容はお金の中にあるということには決して気づくことはできませんし、むしろ、これは今まで以上に増えていると思います。Um, theres one thing which I agree with Mr.Mareus. 資本主義社会では、資本主義と比較して、製品のシェアを大幅に減らすことは、私のようにはいきません。1、私自身は、資本家へのシェアgolngを減らし、労働者へのシェアgöingを増やしたいと思っています;より正確には、私はむしろ貧しい人々の収入を増やしたいと思っています、彼らが労働者であろうとなかろうと。私は貧困には反対です。しかし、もし人々が金持ちに反対するよりも、貧困に反対する方が少ないのであれば、別の提案をすることになるでしょう。 貧困層の状態を改善する方法は、金持ちからそれを奪うことでは見つけられないと思います。金持ちは社会的生産物にノルマを課してきたし、資本主義社会はこれからもそうしていくだろう。. チスから25%、せいぜい10%を奪っても、この特定のシステムが機能することは考えられますが、これは非常に些細なことだと思います。生産性を向上させたのです。言い換えれば、以前は 100 分の 1 だったのが、資本家は 25 分の 1 で、労働者は 75 分の 1 で、労働者は 400 分の 1 となり、資本家は 100 分の 4 倍、労働者は 300 分の 4 倍の所得を得ました。これは、私にとっては、もっと重要なことです。なぜなら、私は、金持ちを困窮させることよりも、貧しい人たちを相手にすることの方がはるかに重要だからです。


1 件のコメント:

  1. Abba P. Lerner on austerity, jobs, debt and inequality.


    Moderator: I think Mr. Lerner wants to answer a question.

    I'm not sure l can understand [his decision]. However I have a minor explanațion. First of all, I {insist} that I am not supporting austerity,
    unless you're going to change the meaning of the word, and call it austerity, whatever I'm proposing. I'm proposing(not) really to make the workers poorer, but to do what the study under he wishes to make the bedrock, by having more jobs.,
    Secondly, I'm not proposing to increase the value or the budgetting power of the dollar l'm only proposing to stop the rather wrong recovering were underway. and I'm suggesting that it be something like a certain proposal which will have wages increasing by [local] productivity, I would propose that this is about three percent, Instead of the 5 1/2 percent being proposed now, which is a minor difference.

    As to Mr. Marcus's saying, that he would do something in a socialist society, what he is proposing he would do, is really very similar to what I am proposing. I do not know why you have to […] society in order to do it. You can do it now, can be done, it has been done. was every time there was an improvement in the economic conditions ofi the country. More money was created And, great fun is made by Mr. Marcus about the accumulation of debt. One should remember that the national debt, which I donit think-is a serious matter anyway, but f you are writing about it, you should notice, that it has increased from being about 115% of, the gröss national product, to something ike 40 to 45 percent of the gross natilonal product now. But, of course, you can never note that the real content is only in the money, and rather this is more than it ever has been, I think it is more important to look at the real thing Why aren't we there already.

    Um, theres one thing which I agree with In Mr. Mareus it is not like me in a capitalist society, to make alarge reduction. in the share of a product relative to capitalism.
    I, myself, would like to reduce the share golng to capitalists and increase the share going to workers; more accurately, I would rather increase the income of the poor, whatever their… whether they re workers or not. I am against poverty. But,if people are less against poverty than they are against the rich, you get a different proposal Now, I think that the way to improve the condition of the poor, is not to be found in taking it away from the rich. . The rich have been about a quota on the social product, and capitalist society will probably continue to do so. .

    It is conceivable that we might take away from this 25%, maybe 10% at the most, and still have this particular system work, and this, think, is a very minor matter […], that over 50 years, we have increased the income of the worker by several hundred percent . not by taking it away from the shareholding capitalist, but by increasing productivity, which in other words to say there was a hundred divided before, and these capftalists got twenty-five, the workers got 75, leaving the workers a rather larger stake, it's four hundred, and the capitalists have gotten much more, they got a hundred, four times as much, and the workers have three hundred, also four times as much. This, to me, is much more important. It is more important, because I am much more concerned with dealing with the poor than with the impoverishing [of] the rich.
