— luminous woman (@_luminous_woman) March 12, 2021
edX MOOC MMT Interview with Randal Wray. pic.twitter.com/kkefoeETCX
・Unemployment Buffer Stocks: Inflation is controlled using
monetary policy to increase interest rates and/or fiscal policy to
cut spending/hike taxes, which reduces spending in the economy
and creates a buffer stock of unemployment. The unemployment
disciplines workers' wage demands and stops firms from pushing
up prices. It is a very costly and unreliable approach to achieving
price stability.
• Employment Buffer Stocks: The government makes an
unconditional job offer to any person who desires to work at a
socially-inclusive minimum wage and other benefits, which
maintains full employment during periods of policy tightening.
This approach, termed the Job Guarantee in MMT, controls
inflation by reducing spending in the non-government sector and
shifting displaced workers from the inflating sector to the fixed
price Job Guarantee sector.
We now turn to policies that can be used to contain inflation. The MMT approach to inflation control compares two buffer stocks options available to government. In this context, a buffer stock is just a stock of people that goes up and down with the economic cycle.
The two buffer stocks we compare are:
- Unemployment Buffer Stocks: Inflation is controlled using monetary policy to increase interest rates and/or fiscal policy to cut spending/hike taxes, which reduces spending in the economy and creates a buffer stock of unemployment. The unemployment disciplines workers' wage demands and stops firms from pushing up prices. It is a very costly and unreliable approach to achieving price stability.
- Employment Buffer Stocks: The government makes an unconditional job offer to any person who desires to work at a socially-inclusive minimum wage and other benefits, which maintains full employment during periods of policy tightening. This approach, termed the Job Guarantee in MMT, controls inflation by reducing spending in the non-government sector and shifting displaced workers from the inflating sector to the fixed price Job Guarantee sector.
Both buffer stock approaches introduce so called inflation anchors - that is, the buffer stock provides the price control. The idea of using buffer stocks to stabilise prices has a long history in agricultural markets.
Unemployment buffer stocks
The video discussed the massive costs that mass unemployment inflicts on society. A policy strategy that uses unemployment to promote macro stability not only results in substantial, daily GDP (income) losses, but also forces those who are already disadvantaged to bear most of the personal costs, which include, physical and mental health issues, family breakdown, increased propensity for substance abuse, skill losses, social alienation, and intergenerational transmission of disadvantage.
Since the mid 1970s unemployment in many economies has remained at high levels. In addition, low quality, casualised work has emerged in the face of the persistently deficient demand for labour hours by employers. Underemployment acts in a similar way to unemployment by operating as a disciplining force on workers’ wage aspirations and demands. It weakens the capacity of workers to secure nominal wages growth. This labour wastage temporarily balances the conflicting demands of labour and capital by disciplining wage demands of labour. Similarly, the decline in spending (as unemployment rises) suppresses the ability of firms to increase prices to protect raise real margins.
Persistently high unemployment not only undermines the current welfare of those affected and slows down the growth rate in the economy below its potential, but also reduces the medium to longer term capacity of the economy. The erosion of skills and lack of investment in new capacity means that future productivity growth is likely to be lower than if the economy was maintained at higher rates of activity.
On any reasonable grounds, this approach is very costly and ultimately, unworkable in a modern economy. High and sustained levels of unemployment undermine the social and political stability of a nation.
Employment buffer stocks
Under a Job Guarantee (JG), the government provides an unconditional, open ended job offer at a socially-inclusive minimum wage to anyone who desires to work. Instead of a person becoming unemployed when aggregate demand falls below the level required to maintain full employment, the person is able to enter the JG workforce. Thus, the JG pool expands (declines) when private sector activity declines (expands). Hence the JG fulfils an absorption function, which minimises the costs associated with the flux of economic activity when aggregate spending fluctuates.
The JG would offer:
- Socially-inclusive minimum wage, which would thus redefine the lowest wage paid in the economy. It would allow workers to fully engage with society according to usual norms.
- Holiday and sickness pay.
- Superannuation plans
- Training opportunities
- Other universal benefits - education, health care, legal aid, subsidised public transport, child-care, etc.
- Choice of hours
The JG functions as an automatic stabiliser because it fluctuates up and down with the economic cycle. When the private spending is weak, the JG pool would rise and vice versa. The private sector can always recruit workers from the JG pool by offering higher pay and/or better conditions.
The JG is a superior price anchor. When inflationary pressures emerge, the government has to tighten policy settings. But, instead of creating unemployment, as they do now, they would see workers shifting from the inflating private sector to the fixed price JG, which ultimately curtails the inflationary pressure.
The JG is thus more than a public sector job creation strategy. It is actually intended to be a macroeconomic stability framework designed to deliver both full employment and price stability.
Why not just create well-paid jobs?
The JG does not replace the need for a strong commitment to well-paid public sector jobs. In the absence of inflationary pressures, the JG pool would be kept very small and it would always be preferable for the government to maintain high levels of economic activity and to create stable, well-paid jobs in the public sector.
But when inflationary pressures exist, the last thing the government should be doing is competing with the non-government sector for resources at market prices or creating unemployment.
If you want to read a very detailed report we produced in 2008 then download - Creating effective local labour markets: a new framework for regional employment policy
The MMT Difference
MMT provides a framework for analysing sovereign currencies and largely focuses on the macroeconomic policy space available to currency-issuing countries.
By sovereign currency, we mean that the government chooses a money of account, imposes obligations in that money of account, and issues a currency denominated in its money of account that can be used to pay the obligations.
The constraints on a currency issuer differ from those faced by a currency user. The currency issuer faces no financial constraints, unlike currency users like households, firms, and sub-national governments.
Nearly all of the elements of MMT can be found in the historical literature. What we did was to integrate them into a coherent analysis to create a comprehensive approach to macroeconomics.
Our textbook codifies that.
What we say would not be all that surprising to economists and policy makers in 1950 who had learned the lessons of financing WWII. It was widely recognised that while tax revenues serve some purposes, they are not needed for national government spending.
Keynesian economics also understood that injections logically come before leakages. For example, government spending creates the income that can be used to pay taxes.
Government spends first, then receives taxes.
This understanding was lost by 1970 as economists erroneously applied the observation that consumer spending is constrained by income plus borrowing to the national government, which they claimed faces a similar choice of using tax revenue, borrowing, or printing money.
In normal times, it should limit its spending to tax revenue. Tax first, then spend.
In a recession, or perhaps for war, some borrowing is OK. But perpetual fiscal deficits financed by borrowing would drive up interest rates, crowd-out private borrowing, cause inflation, slow growth, and eventually lead to default and insolvency.
And, just as a household has to pay back its debts, they claimed the grandkids would be burdened because they would have to pay the government debt back through higher taxes.
So-called ‘money printing’ was declared taboo because they claimed it would cause hyperinflation. Spurious historical analysis was used to buttress these assertions. Our politicians, apparently, cannot resist the temptation to print money to win votes.
The solution was to create independent central banks to take away the punch bowl.
It is a fundamentally anti-democratic view, based on the false analogy between government and household finances. The truth is that a currency issuer does not face a ‘budget’ constraint like households do.
MMT incorporates the State Money approach of Knapp (1905) and Mitchell-Innes (1914); the endogenous money views of the C19th Banking School; the origins and history of money from Keynes, Phillip Grierson, Michael Hudson; the sociology of money from Dudley Dillard and Geoff Ingham; and the functional finance approach of Abba Lerner from the 1940s.
We also incorporated the employer of last resort discussed in the 1930s, surrounding the creation of the New Deal jobs programs, and we related that to use of buffer stocks to stabilise prices in response to the Great Depression.
Accordingly, MMT adopted the ‘taxes drive money’ view and integrated it with the buffer stock proposal - something that had not been done before. Both Knapp and Innes had recognised that it is the tax that creates a demand for currency but their discussion of the value of money was lacking.
Adding the buffer stock idea to the taxes drive money view, allows MMT to explain what determines money’s value. As Warren Mosler says, you must choose a buffer stock - it can be gold or some other commodity, it can be a reserve army of the unemployed, but we choose an employment buffer stock.
Minsky’s writings from the 1960s has some notion like that, but it was Warren and Bill Mitchell that fleshed it all out for MMT.
When we started the MMT project, we realised that no academic economist seemed to have any idea how the government really spends. Stephanie Kelton, Scott Fullwiler, and Eric Tymoigne investigated that question and worked out the details. It was clear that government doesn’t spend tax revenue and doesn’t spend borrowed funds.
Government spends through keystrokes. Taxes and bond sales result in debits to balance sheets. They don’t create something government can spend.
Another original idea attributable to MMT is that bond sales by the Treasury are functionally part of monetary policy. Warren brought this to MMT in 1996 when he joined with Mitchell and Wray to begin the MMT project.
Bond sales are not a borrowing operation but help central banks drain reserves. That was obvious to me in the late 1970s studying Money and Banking with John Ranlett, but no-one had understood the implication. Government spending puts reserves into the banks. Bond sales take them out. Like the magician, you have to put the rabbit in the hat before you can pull it out. So, you have to put reserve rabbits into the banks before bond sales can pull them out,
The investigation of how the government really spends turned into an investigation of how government puts the rabbits into the hat, then, like the magician pulls them out when it taxes or sells bonds.
Once you understand this, the world looks entirely different. Government keystrokes rabbit reserves when it spends. It debits rabbit reserves when it taxes or sells bonds.
It all comes down to keystrokes. You cannot run out of keystrokes. Government sells bonds so that banks and other holders can earn interest. Government doesn’t have to sell them. And when it does sell them, it can choose the interest rate it pays. This is a policy choice.
The sovereign government cannot run out of money. Insolvency is impossible. Government can pay all bills as they come due. Bond vigilantes have no power. Finance is not an issue for the national government.
No change of current procedures is required to pay for a pandemic response, a green new deal, a Job Guarantee program, or to pay for adequate food, clothing, shelter, and medical care for all.
The only constraints are resources and know-how. The question is: Do you have the know-how, and do you have the real resources? Finance is not the constraint. We understood all that in WWII. It was just a matter of mobilising resources and creating new ones. Then spending to put them to work.
We face a much bigger challenge than WWII - multiple pandemics - COVID, climate catastrophe, mass extinctions, inequality, forever wars, racism. Human survival is at stake. We already have most of the know-how required to tackle these, and we have massive quantities of idle or under-used resources. Sovereign currency nations have the finance. What we are lacking is the political will.
Understanding MMT removes the “how do you pay for it” barrier that stops most progressive policy dead in its tracks.
In answer to the question, what does MMT offer that is different? I would say that only MMT can do that. It is the only approach that can stand up to the deficit warriors.
MMTは、Knapp (1905)とMitchell-Innes (1914)のState Moneyアプローチ、19世紀の銀行学派の内生的貨幣観、Keynes、Phillip Grierson、Michael Hudsonの貨幣の起源と歴史、Dudley DillardとGeoff Inghamの貨幣の社会学、そして1940年代のAbba Lernerの機能的金融アプローチを取り入れています。
また、1930年代には、ニューディールの雇用プログラムの策定に伴って議論された「最後の切り札」(Employer of last resort)を取り入れ、大恐慌に対応して価格を安定させるためのバッファストックの利用にも関連づけました。
2.3 MMTgame
Knowing what you're talking about1.5
以下第二回ミッチェルオンライン講座(2021/03)より app/edX
2.2 MMTを理解する
Into the Realms of Fantasy ファンタジーの世界へ
彼らが解決したい 問題や達成したい目標をいくつか挙げ、
ポリティ 惑星連邦共和国
政府の形態 恒星間連邦
支配者 連邦大統領ローレル
2. 資源の制約を減らすために、レプリケータを配備する。
3. 雇用機会を創出するために、探査プログラムを推進する(危険な地域を探査することで、
政府の形態 君主制
イデオロギー 帝国主義
統治者 サーセイ・ラニスター
1. 兵士、船、武器、火薬を十分に購入し、ホワイトウォーカーと一緒に他の王国を撃退して、
2. 異国の地、エッソスにあるブラヴォスの鉄の銀行から、さらに資金を借りることを避ける。
3. デネリスのドラゴンを捕らえ、命ある限り飼育し、餌を与えることができる。うまくいけば
1.イデオロギー 議題:過去の過ちを認めることなく、また歴史的な過ちに対処することなく、
Here is Warren Mosler's Pompei story for your enjoyment. He took an organised public tour of Pompeii in Italy with about 20 or 30 people, and the guide showed him some simple metal coins that had been used in the city during the period when Pompeii was great.
Here is a conversation that followed.
The tour guide said: “Pompei was a very nice place to live because they would collect these coins as taxes and then they would pay people to have sanitation and public safety and whatnot."
Warren ever curious said in reply: “Actually, the way it worked was, first they would pay the people and then they would collect the coins.”
The guide replied: “No, you collect taxes and then you pay the people.”
Warren then asked: “Well, where do coins come from?”
The guide said: “Well, the government made them."
Warren then said: “How did anybody get a coin to pay the tax?
The guide replied in confusion: "So they paid the people first and then they collect the taxes?"
Warren said: "How else can it work?”
The guide said: “No, no, no, no, no" and he grabbed his head in angst and walked away and he wouldn’t talk to Warren for the rest of the tour.
If we went back to those times before it was abandoned in AD79, it is certain that everybody in Pompeii knew how the system worked.
The city authority (government) placed a tax on everyone's house which meant that the people now had a problem - they needed to get the government's metal coins in order to not forfeit their houses to the government.
Some people would then go to work doing public service and earn the metal coins. Most of the people didn’t do that though, maybe 25 per cent of the people would build the aqueducts and clean the streets and be police officers.
But there were other people who were farmers making flour and bakers selling pizzas, and they would get the money from the people who were working who didn’t want to be a farmer and didn’t want to make pizzas.
The city state was monetised and so those people would sell things to the people who work for the government to get their coins to pay the tax. It was pretty obvious how the system worked. Archaeologists have found some 20 coins 'in the street' - what would have been people's pockets, in business establishments, in homes.
It was the money supply for Pompeii.
How did they get there? Clearly the government spent more than it taxed in a city that where people wanted to work to earn more than enough coins to just pay the tax. We call that deficit spending, and the public debt- the coins in the street- represent the savings desires of the citizens.
How would the city know if they hadn't spent enough for citizens to pay their taxes and save as desired? Simple! There would be people looking for paid work who couldn't find it. We would call that unemployment.
Here you have a state that wants to provision itself with people to keep it clean and people to keep it safe and so they put a tax on everybody’s house. That caused unemployment, that’s what they were trying to do, people looking for paid work in the currency of Pompei. They then paid those people, which then allowed the tax to be paid and savings desires to be met.
ガイドは言った。"No, no, no, no, no" と言って、彼は怒って頭をつかんで立ち去り、その後のツアーではウォーレンとは話をしなかったという。
2.2 MMTを理解する
Into the Realms of Fantasy
Given that MMT is just a way of interpreting the mechanics of modern economics and not a set of policies or a blueprint for a particular kind of governance, let’s have a go at applying MMT to some scenarios to see how it might assist a government with it’s agendas.
For a little twist, we’re going to try applying an MMT lens to some fictional situations. If you’re a fan of a particular series or fictional universe, this is your time to let out your inner nerd. Choose a fictional ruler or government power from a book or movie you’re familiar with and identify their political ideology and form of government. List a few problems they want to solve or goals they want to achieve and how they might get there using an MMT point of view. May the most entertaining description get the most likes!
Here’s an example to get your creative juices flowing:
![]() | Aragorn King of GondorForm of Government: Absolute Monarchy Ideology: Benevolent Dictatorship Agenda: A great deal of the currency in circulation was robbed by invaders who were subsequently destroyed or have no intention to do business with the Kingdom of Men again, therefore that currency needs to be replaced and put back into circulation by the government. The government can do this by employing the surviving soldiers to rebuild the destroyed infrastructure and giving grants to eligible displaced farmers to rebuild farms and employ workers. Taxes and wages can remain basically the same as they were before the war. |
You might like to have a go at doing one for Emperor Palpatine of the Galactic Empire (Star Wars) or Daenerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragons (Game of Thrones). Perhaps T'Challa of Wakanda (Black Panther) or Jeanine Matthews, Leader of the Erudite Faction (Divergent).
アラゴルン ゴンドールの王
思想 思想:善良なる独裁者
- オークの侵攻を受けた後、重要なインフラを再構築する。
- 飢饉や不況に見舞われる前に農業生産を再構築する。
Lady Galadriel of Lothlórien
- Reduce industrial dependency on the neighbouring Mines of Moria
- Increase border protection of the surrounding woodlands to prevent another Fangorn Forrest disaster.
ロスロリアンのガラドリエル様 奥方 ホビットより
政府の形態 立憲君主制
イデオロギー 環境主義/地球中心主義
Star Trek
Form of Government: Interstellar Federation
Ruler: Federation President Lorel
Agenda: 1. Make sense of the conflicting statements in the Star Trek canon as to whether or not money exists in the Federation or is needed.
2. Deploy replicators so as to reduce resource constraints.
3. Pursue a program of exploration so as to create employment opportunities (explore dangerous areas so that, ahem, new employment opportunities may be, er, created).
Game of Thrones
Form of Government: Monarchy
Ideology: Imperialism
Ruler: Cersei Lannister
1. Pay for enough soldiers, ships, weapons and gun powder so that she can fight off all the other kingdoms along with the White Walkers and be able to keep Kings Landing and the Iron Throne.
2. Avoid having to borrow more funds from the Iron Bank of Braavos, in the foreign land of Essos.
3. Capture Daenerys' dragons and be able to house them and feed them for as long as they shall live. Hopefully be able to breed them too.
Emperor Palpatine, Supereme chancellor of the Galactice Empire Form of government: Dictatorship Ideology: Fascism - Agenda: address the increasing level of subconscious distress in population stemming from ethically indefensible politics, without admitting any previous mistakes or addressing historical wrongdoings. - Oppression and genocide by the ruling government and the majority population has resulted in widespread hysteria. The psychological repression of the collective subconscious has reduced one part of the population to random bursts of violence, while another part demands “reform”. In order to maintain power, control and peace, the Galactice Empire needs to harness the collective intellectual power of the public in order create ever more intricate explanations and intellectualizations. In order to do this, the Galactic Empire will create a sport called “intellectual gymnastics” that will be the newest Olympic sport event. Categories include “why, in fact, are people happy even though they claim otherwise”, and “who wants to be free anyway?”. Tax breaks are introduced to facilities that hold events on “intellectual gymnastics”. National sport centers will be built as part of a galactic employment act. Science will be devoted to figure out what exactly makes a great “intellectual gymnastic”. Cognitive Dissonance- liqour is produced in government fasicilities distilled in an ideologically pure way. Because the natural rate of unemployment is at 65%, all this, unfortunately, has to be paid by raising the general tax-rate.
The Government-Non-Government Sector Game
Welcome to the Government
Non-government Sector Game.
Tonight, my guest is Louisa, who's
representing the non-government
sector and as usual,
I'm the government.
Thank you.
So, l've got a problem
because l've just received a message
from the government telling me that
I need to pay $100 in taxes
every month and the problem for
me is that I don't have any dollar
Well, I've got plenty of work to be
done in the public sector and there
are plenty of unemployed workers
wanting to work.
What sort of work would the public
sector do?
There's your pay for the month -
Thanks very much for doing all that
productive work in the public
Well, I can now pay you $100
in tax, I guess.
Thank you.
There's the accounting for the tax
So do you want more work?
There's plenty of extra work that
can be done in the public sector and
plenty of workers who want it.
For sure.
Here's $120 so we can
expand employment and expand public
And so if you're paying me $120
and I only have to pay $100 in
taxes, then my bank balance
increases by $20.
So, I'm feeling pretty rich.
It's a win-win and
we're at full employment now.
So the economy is now at full
employment and I want to maintain
that position, so l'm going to
keep spending $120
this month.
There's your income.
Thank you.
So, I saved $20
last month.
You've spent $120 into
the economy and I only have to spend
$100 dollars in tax.
So now my bank balance is $40
and things are looking up.
Well, to reward the savers who
have saved $40,
the government is now going to issue
some bonds which will provide
an interest-earning opportunity
to replace the cash that's sitting
there earning nothing.
OK, so l'll take my $40
in savings and I'll purchase $40
worth of bonds and
I'll have an income-earning
asset because it will be accruing
How good is that?
What's the problem?
The IMF has just sent me a message
telling me that government debt and
deficit are excessive
and I know l'm going to have to run
a surplus by cutting
back spending in public sector
And I have to reduce the national
debt. So this month, I'm
only going to spend $80
and cut employment.
So that means, I've only got $80 of
income and
there's more of us unemployed.
And I still want $100 in taxes.
Well, how's that going to work?
Well, I'll buy back some of your
I'll buy back $20 worth of your
bonds, and then you'll be able to
pay the taxes and
I'll reduce national debt that way -
IMF is going to be very happy with
the progress.
my savings are going down and
there's more of us unemployed.
Тax Liability
Ability to pay taxes
Тaxの責任 納税義務 税負担
tax liabilityの意味や使い方 税法上の債務 - 約1173万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。 発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。 ... 所得から源泉徴収税がその年の税負担を満たさない納税者に要求される所得申告 - 日本語WordNet. >>例文の一覧を見る.
tax liabilitiesの意味や使い方 租税債務 - 約1173万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。 発音・イディオム ... 聞く 例文帳に追加. (1) 流動資産に属する資産又は流動負債に属する負債に関連する繰延税金負債 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム.
deferred tax liability. 繰延税金負債{くりのべ ぜいきん ふさい}. 単語帳.
2019/9/19 -繰延税金資産及び繰延税金負債は、税効果会計の適用により計上される貸借対照表上の資産・負債勘定である。 ... 繰延税金資産及び繰延税金負債(Deferred Tax Assets & Liabilities). 2019-09-19. 繰延税金資産及び繰延税金負債は、税効果 ...
繰延税金負債とは 【Deferred tax liabilities】. 将来加算一時差異に関連して将来の期に課される税額; The Amounts of income taxes payable in future periods in respect of taxable temporary differences. あ行:: あ · い: う: え: お. か行:: か · き ...
Many translated example sentences containing "tax liability" – Japanese-English dictionary and search engine for Japanese ... 株式の 時価下落や売却は、繰延税金負債お よ びそ の他 有価証券評価差額金の減少要因にもなりました。 nri.co. jp.
tax liability: 納税義務 経証; tax liability: 税負担 経; tax liability: 租税債務 経; tax liability: 納税額 経; tax liability: 納税債務 経 ... $XX tax liability: 総額XXドルの納税義務 経; adjustment to opening deferred tax liability: 期首繰延税金負債の修正 証; any ...
The tax components are liability accounts.The tax liability accounts are where you accumulate the taxes withheld for all of your employees. 租税債務は負債勘定科目になります。租税債務勘定科目は、すべての従業員が預けている税金を累積 ...