
ラーナー 1971 Abba P. Lerner on austerity, jobs, debt and inequality.

Abba P. Lerner on austerity, jobs, debt and inequality.


Abba P. Lerner on austerity, jobs, debt and inequality.


Lyndon LaRouche Debates Abba Lerner.

Dec 1971

»»» Abba P. Lerner:


»»» Functional finance:


Source: https://youtu.be/8m93hJOTG8Y

Moderator: I think Mr. Lerner wants to answer a question. 

I'm not sure l can understand [his decision]. However I have a minor explanațion. First of all, I {insist} that I am not supporting austerity, 
unless you're going to change the meaning of the word, and call it austerity, whatever I'm proposing. I'm proposing(not) really to make the workers poorer, but to do what the study under he wishes to make the bedrock, by having more jobs., 
Secondly, I'm not proposing to increase the value or the budgetting power of the dollar l'm only proposing to stop the rather wrong recovering were underway.
 and I'm suggesting that it be something like a certain proposal which will have wages increasing by [local] productivity,

 I would propose that this is about three percent, Instead of the 5 1/2 percent being proposed now, which is a minor difference. 

 As to Mr. Marcus's saying, that he would do something in a socialist society, what he is proposing he would do, is really very similar to what I am proposing. I do not know why you have to […] society in order to do it. You can do it now, can be done, it has been done. was every time there was an improvement in the economic conditions ofi the country. More money was created And, great fun is made by Mr. Marcus about the accumulation of debt. One should remember that the national debt, which I donit think-is a serious matter anyway, but f you are writing about it, you should notice, that it has increased from being about 115% of, the gröss national product, to something ike 40 to 45 percent of the gross natilonal product now. But, of course, you can never note that the real content is only in the money, and rather this is more than it ever has been, I think it is more important to look at the real thing Why aren't we there already.

 Um, there's one thing which I agree with In Mr. Marcus it is not like me in a capitalist society, to make alarge reduction. in the share of a product relative to capitalism. 

I, myself, would like to reduce the share golng to capitalists and increase the share going to workers; more accurately, I would rather increase the income of the poor, whatever their… whether they're workers or not. I am against poverty. But,if people are less against poverty than they are against the rich, you get a different proposal Now, I think that the way to improve the condition of the poor, is not to be found in taking it away from the rich. . The rich have been about a quota on the social product, and capitalist society will probably continue to do so. . 

 It is conceivable that we might take away from this 25%, maybe 10% at the most, and still have this particular system work, and this, think, is a very minor matter […], that over 50 years, we have increased the income of the worker by several hundred percent . not by taking it away from the shareholding capitalist, but by increasing productivity, which in other words to say there was a hundred divided before, and these capftalists got twenty-five, the workers got 75, leaving the workers a rather larger stake, it's four hundred, and the capitalists have gotten much more, they got a hundred, four times as much, and the workers have three hundred, also four times as much. This, to me, is much more important. It is more important, because I am much more concerned with dealing with the poor than with the impoverishing [of] the rich.






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8 件のコメント:

  1. This article appears in the March 12, 2004 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

    LaRouche's Fateful Debate
    With Abba Lerner

    On Dec. 2, 1971 an encounter took place at Queens College, in New York City, which shook the international financial community. Economist and political leader Lyndon LaRouche faced off in debate against the leading Keynesian economist Abba Lerner.
    The "issues" of the debate had been put forward in a leaflet by LaRouche's National Caucus of Labor Committees, specifically on the questions of the wage-price controls and fascist austerity policy being put into place at that time by the Nixon Administration, and by the government of Brazil. LaRouche and his associates had branded these policies as in the tradition of Hjalmar Schacht, Adolf Hitler's Economics Minister up to 1936, and condemned them as such.

    'Schachtian' Austerity

    In his opening statement, Professor Lerner made it clear that he agreed with the economic idea behind the wage-price controls announced by Nixon, and with "anti-inflationary" measures which had been taken in Brazil, where ordinary workers were being "recycled" into slave labor jobs at lower and lower wages, although he did not think that enough jobs had been created in the wake of these measures. Crucial to his argument was what he said on Brazil: "Because I agree with what was done in Brazil, to check the inflation, it doesn't mean that I'm in favor of the fascist dictatorship which they have there."

    LaRouche directly responded to that point, as follows:

    "A professor, who says innocently, "The economy, from my point of view, would be better organized if certain administrative arrangements were made," does not necessarily think out, the kind of administrative arrangements which in practice realize that very innocent proposal. Professor Lerner may attempt to divorce his economic policies from the policies of the government of Brazil, and see them in abstraction and detachment from that; however, you can not carry out the economic policies, which are recommended for Brazil, without having the kind of government which makes those economic policies work. You could not have the kind of policies which are recommended, which he has recommended as a classic austerity policy for increased unemployment.

  2. この記事は、エグゼクティブインテリジェンスレビューの3月12日、2004年問題に表示されます。







  3. "Now, this is classic, in the sense that this is precisely the policy of Schacht from 1933, on, in Germany, in which wages were frozen to prevent the inflation, and in order to increase employment. He may personally detach himself from that, but it's not possible for the politicians to accept his advice, to detach themselves from the kind of government, and the kind of procedures, which enable those abstractions to become reality. And, that has to be grasped; because, now, no longer is economics merely a plaything of an obscure corner of the academic priesthood. Now economic policy is that which determines the lives, and daily lives and conditions of people. The form of economic policy, determines the kind of government, which is necessary to carry it out. And, the only kind of government which can carry out the kind of policy which Professor Lerner recommends ... would have to be a Bonapartist or fascist government.

    "He may be opposed to fascism with every fiber of his being; this was also true in Germany, where many economists, liberal economists, proposed austerity, who also opposed the Nazi regime. But, nonetheless, there are men who will take up these policies and carry them out, and they will be Bonapartists or fascists; but not Professor Lerner. So, he must understand, that sometimes his good intentions do not ensure, that his policies, carried into practice, will work out as he sees them, in human terms."

    And, in fact, LaRouche said, "the kind of solution he's [Lerner's] proposing is precisely the kind of solution that was discovered by the German financiers of 1933, was implemented by Schacht—to reduce wages. That is, to fix them at the level of 1933—depresion levels in Germany—as a means for expanding employment; and this is precisely the pattern, I suggest, throughout the world today."

    Hitler and Schacht

    Professor Lerner did not take LaRouche's point kindly. "It's a complete misunderstanding to take the holding-down of money-wages as meaning austerity," he claimed. The question is more jobs. Hitler even created more jobs and prosperity for some, although he was bad politically.

    LaRouche upped the pressure, in response: "The only way that the kind of policies that Professor Lerner is talking about can be carried out, is by a Brüning and von Papen regime, succeeded by a Hitler regime, or its equivalent in the U.S."

    Professor Lerner got more and more agitated, until he blurted out his clearest statement, to the amazement of those in attendance: "But if Germany had accepted Schacht's policies, Hitler would not have been necessary."

    The debate then limped to an end, with the professor insisting again and again that fascist economics had nothing to do with fascist politics. He kept a brave face on, but his friends and allies knew better. They determined that they would never let another one of theirs face off against LaRouche again.

    Back to top

  4. "これは古典的なことだが、1933年以降のドイツでは、インフレを防ぎ、雇用を増やすために、賃金を凍結していた。彼は個人的にはこの政策から離れているかもしれないが、政治家は彼の助言を受け入れることはできないし、そのような抽象化された政策を現実のものにするための政府や手続きから離れることもできない。なぜなら、経済学はもはや、学術的な神職の中の曖昧な隅っこの遊び道具に過ぎないからです。今や経済政策とは、人々の生活、日常生活、条件を決定するものである。経済政策の形態は、それを実行するために必要な政府の種類を決定します。ラーナー教授が推奨する政策を実行できる唯一の政府は、ボナパルト主義かファシスト政府でなければなりません。










  5. https://larouchepub.com/other/2004/3110abba_lerner.html

    LaRouche's Fateful Debate With Abba Lerner

    This article appears in the of Executive Intelligence Review.

  6. Cult / The "Financial Crash/Economic ... - LAROUCHE PLANET
    2019/10/17 -But in 1961 "Lynn Marcus" (aka Lyndon LaRouche) ... LaRouche's Fateful Debate With Abba Lerner ...
    Debatten mellan Lyndon LaRouche och Abba Lerner - video ...

  7. 実体経済に興味がないからマネタリストになるのか?



    Professor Lerner got more and more agitated,
    until he blurted out his clearest statement,
    to the amazement of those in attendance:
    "But if Germany had accepted Schacht's policies,
    Hitler would not have been necessary."



  8. 実体経済に興味がないからマネタリストになるのか?




    Professor Lerner got more and more agitated,
    until he blurted out his clearest statement,
    to the amazement of those in attendance:
    "But if Germany had accepted Schacht's policies,
    Hitler would not have been necessary."


